InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yay! I got 3 reviews this time! Well, one was a flame, but still, and two were by the same person, which I don't mind at all. If someone likes this fic enough, FEEL FREE TO REVIEW MORE THEN ONCE!!! (written in large type to draw the eye to it and hopefully get more reviews! phox is in England for the time being, so I'm not certain of getting any reviews for a chappie, but oh well........)
^ Posted so everyone understands my math.
^ This too.
And so on........
This chappie is posted in honor of haunter mooneyes, for haunter's defense of me in the reviews! (I actually know a secret about the reviewer and might tell everyone about it one day, but only if you ask! In your REVIEWS) :hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink, beg beg, plead plead, grovel grovel::
"Hhhhhhh." Kagome moaned, opening her eyes. It was morning. She blinked, washing away the afterimage of nightmares. She could feel Inuyasha next to her, and suddenly she was overcome by a wave of doubt.
"Good morning." Shippo said, passing by their open door, not seeming remotely happy at all. "Breakfast is ready."
"We'll be down in a minute." Kagome gently shook her husband awake.
"Time to get up." she informed him, uncertain why she was being so distant. As he got up, she turned and left, hearing him grumble behind her.
Across the castle, more little scences like this played out. Sango was angry with Miroku, though she wouldn't reveal why, and got angry whenever he mentioned another woman. A prime example of this is:
"I'll ask the cook- Millie I think her name is- to make some more bacon." Miroku voulenteered at breakfast. Sango stood up when he did.
"I'll go too." Her voice was clipped, and filled with ice. Miroku looked annoyed, but didn't complain.
Breakfast was an otherwise silent affair, each with their own thoughts.
'Inuyasha only sees me as another chance with Kikyo.' Kagome thought, feeling sadder by the moment.
'Kagome's the reason my real mom and dad died. She broke the Jewel. Without her having to go and break it, Mom and dad would still be alive.' Shippo mentally shot daggers at Kagome.
'Miroku's still womanizing I betcha.' Sango thought, glaring at her husband. 'He probably has other lovers.'
'Sango doesn't like me. She'd run off with the first richer man she met- she nearly married that lord's son.... she's probably planning to kill me, like the Kazanna hadn't been enough to worry about. Figures, I lose one worry to gain another.' Miroku reflected.
'It's her fault my family line is all but dead. If her village had managed to hold onto the Jewel, Naraku would never have been created.' Miroku thought bitterly, than shook himself mentally. Why was he blaming that all on Sango? It had happened before either of them were born.... and anyways, what had brought on this mood? What gives?
'But still.....' he thought. 'It was one of her ancestor's fault.......'
Inuyasha was deep in thought- odd as that sounds......
'Kagome settled for me- she probably felt sorry for me, knowing how Kikyo betrayed me. She'd be happier with Koga or that 'Hodo' kid.... she's pitying me....' Inuyasha's face hardened. 'That bitch! I don't need her pity!'
'Nari's brother killed me. Her dad tried to kill everyone. Plus, her brother tried to make me kill Sango. Why am I still hanging around her? She'd probably help one of our enemies into the castle!' Kohaku contemplated. He glanced at Nari out of the corner of his eye. She just sat there, like she owned the place. 'She's probably been using me to get in with us.....'
'Kohaku's been looking at me strange since this morning. He's probably planning on how to get rid of me......... mom did always say to watch out for the silent ones.....' Nari stared at Kohaku, uncomfortabley aware of his eyes on her.
Lastly, Koga was also deep in thought.
'Kagura.... the wind witch. Witch. Of course. That explains how she managed to make me marry her. I'm ten times more powerful then she is. She probably made me marry her against my will.' Koga growled. 'She made me forget about my pack! The chief's first duty is to his pack, and she made me forget that....'
'Why did I marry him/her?' they thought simoutaniously. 'He/she is using me!'
Outside, on a tree branch, someone laughed.
"It seems that it makes them break apart." As he had done the day before, Naraku disappeared. None took any notice.
Seconds later, he was in his compound, facing a woman in an elegant but badly torn kimono. She was bleeding... badly. Unconscious. Naraku walked over to her and slapped her. The woman's eyes fluttered open.
"Kagura, I have your first job. You can even have your fan back for it." he held out her weapon. Kagura stared at it, making no move to grab it. He slapped her again, making her collapse.
"I.. am.... not your..... servent..." Kagura gasped, glaring defiantly at her former master.
"On the contrary, Kagura..." he said slowly. "I am your owner. You will take your fan and find your kids, killing them slowly, one by one. Or else....." He lifted his palm, and it started to glow red, a mass forming in his palm. It formed into a heart and began to beat. He squeezed it and kagura dropped again, gasping loudly and choking.
"D-damn you....." she breathed. He stopped, the glow and heart melting into his body. She glared up at him with loathing. He stared cooly down at her.
"Do not fail me Kagura, or I will do more then just squeeze your heart." Naraku disappeared in a choking wave of miasma. Kagura stared at the place he had been seconds before. Oh, how badly she wanted to live, if just to see Koga again!
But, her daughter? Her friends sons and daughter? Sacrifice them?
'I won't.'
*Not too far away*
"Khh......" Kotan awoke to the sound of ragged breathing. She mumbled in her sleep and rolled over. It continued. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, staring sleepily into the corner of the cave. She shook her head and stared again.
It was Mahkoto, but she was obviously in some kind of pain. Her breathing was off, and she just seemed exhausted. Kotan walked over and shook her. She was still asleep. Eventually, the others awoke- the sound of the breathing and the shaking were hard things for demon ears to ignore.......
"What's wrong with her?" Nakago asked, concerned.
"I don't know..... Santu, know any herbs for fever? This doesn't feel normal......."
"I can look." Santu turned to walk out of the cave, but was stopped by an invisible barrier.
"Na... nan da?" he asked, shocked. He extended his hand, palm first.
"What is it?" Kagosha asked, curious. She tried to walk in front of Santu, but was repelled.
"This..... isn't this a barrier?"
"A barrier?" Kotan asked. Kagosha nodded slowly.
"I think.." Nakago said softly. "..that our new friend has a few secrets of her own."
Once again, thank you haunter mooneyes!