InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Relish in Your Life ❯ Silhouette ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 24- Silhouette

They all sat around the table once again, smiles on their faces. Rai and Kareena held hands, making eyes at each other. Felis and Daren were fighting.

Just like old times. Kagome laughed. "You people are crazy…"

"Aren't you glad you left before we infected you?" Darren asked rolling his eyes at something Felis had said.

"Yeah, but what ever you all are on I want some cause nothings better than stooping to stupidity." Kagome said laughing.

The whole table cracked up. Suddenly the lights went dim. "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have something very special for you- a special show if you will."

The announcer stopped for a moment and a spot light flicked onto the table Vapor and Kagome were sitting at. "In our house tonight we have Vapor. We are asking that they give one performance for us, with all of the band one last time."

They all looked at each other. Darren shrugged. "I have no problem."

"Me either." Felis piped in. Rai quirked an eyebrow.

"Come on." Kareena stood pulling him up. Kagome stayed seated.

The announcer came back on. "Kagome Higurashi you get up on that stage."

"No thank you. My career ended a while ago."

"Kagome please?" Rai asked, whining a bit and put on his puppy dog eyes. Kagome sighed and rubbed her nose with her fingers.

"Damn you all." She whispered and stood, moving to take her place on the stage. Looking over the crowd, then back at the band she felt a pang in her heart. This was what she wanted was to belt out music when and where she wanted.

"Relish in your life…

No one really wants to live like this…

No one knows how love is…"

The band started up behind her. Kareena took her place at the microphone by the drums.

"How could you leave me?

How could you tell me that you didn't care?"

She paused moving forward to stand by Kagome. They both started in.

"Relish in your life because once it's gone it can't be replaced.

Once it's gone you'll realize it was just a waste."

Kareena voice dropped off slowly.

"Relish in your life…

No one really wants to die…"

The lights went out at the last word, drenching the room in darkness. But the band knew where each other were. They smiled at one another in the darkness, knowing this wasn't the end. Rai started back up on the drums and the rest followed as the lights came back up slowly. This was just the beginning.

An: Okay. Well, it's done.

Sequel with Shippou is to be started soon, give me until the next story is done. I'll have another story going up soon too. I will work on Bartenders and Brunettes next, then finish up Cold Heart for a Dead Soul. (Hopefully- maybe not in that order) Anyway, see you guys -and gals- there.