InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remembering Me ❯ Healing Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

.Edited By venusfire 06/012/08
So now any mistakes you find Blame her
Remembering Me Chapter Two: Healing Me
Tenmai had been working for hours trying to heal the girl that the Inu-demon had given to her. So far things were not looking good for the girl. The burns on her arms and torso indicated that she had been hit almost head on and it was a miracle that she survived this long. Judging by the burns on her head and the way it was affected, the girl most likely wouldn't have all her memory back any time soon.
`This will be bad for that pup; it is clear he has no patience and probably doesn't know a single thing about humans, none the less FEMALE humans. For one thing, he'll have no idea how to take care of her' Tenmai thought to her self while mixing a potion to heal the burns on her arms, seeing that the ones on her torso would need a special herb. If she didn't get that fixed the girl was surely history.
Getting up Tenmai went over to a self that had a single container. The container held a herb known as the Ogawa. The Ogawa was a plant found on the highest pick of Mt. Ichio
(a/n: Made it up). Only people who went looking for it were going to use it to make sake. Little to no people knew of its gift to heal. This girl was extremely lucky that she had some. Tenmai open the container to find it contents gone.
“Oh my,” She said. What was she going to do now? `That pup is going to be furious when he finds that the girl may die. Those dogs take their honor very seriously . . . It's the only reason he's here now. Well, there nothing to do now but tell him that he either gets the Ogawa, or lets the girl die.”
With Sesshomaru:
Sesshomaru had been waiting hours for the old hag to fix the wench. And his patience was about to reach it's limit. Before Sesshomaru could anything, the door opened up and out came Tenmai. Sesshomaru almost thanked Kami that she was finally done with the wench.
`Now I can go back to me life,' was what Sesshomaru thought, until he'd seen her face.
Two things could have happened. 1.) The girl had die or 2.) The girl was in need of something that, if gone without, could cause her to die. Being that he did not smell death he was going with the latter. That made him a very angry pup. But before he took his anger out on the old hag, he was going to see what exactly she had come to say. Because maybe on the chance (a million to 1 that he is wrong) he was wrong.
“Is the girl alright?” He asked. Beneath his blank face he was praying that he was wrong.
“Yes and no,” Was Tenmai's reply. Sesshomaru's left eyebrow shot up at the unexpected answer.
“ How can it be yes and no? What is wrong with the wench? ” Sesshomaru demanded with a growl in his voice.
“Well it seems as if the girl will need a special potion for her torso, and to make that potion I need a special herb, but you see milord I'm out of that, you can either get it or let the girl die,” Tenmai told him in the sweetest voice she could muster. She wasn't stupid, and she knew who the Inu-pup was. She had heard of him killing things that even dared look at him in a way that he deemed wrong.
“Where do I find it at?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Well it's located on Mt. Souji, at the peak of the mountain's highest tip,” Tenmai paused to judge his reaction. When nothing besides an emotionless face, as usual, she continued “But you have to go through the Dark Forest to get there, as you may know it is very dangerous.”
Tenmai said.
“Nothing can defeat this Sesshomaru. How long do I have to get the herb back to the girl to make sure she lives?” He inquired. This socked Tenmai, she didn't think he would actually do it. Maybe the boy isn't as ruthless as everyone says. Maybe he does have a heart in there some where.
“Well wench?!” Sesshomaru asked.
`Or not this pup has any manners at all!'
“She will not live through the night without it but I can use a small piece of your soul to bind her to this world, it will bind her to this world for exactly 1 day, you should be able to get there and back with time to spare. That is, if you don't run into any trouble . . .” She told him. If anyone could read Sesshomaru's emotions, they would know that he was pissed.
Not only did he have to find this herb, but now he had to bind the girl to himself. What next, he was going to have to keep her?
`Oh Kami, if that happens then I'm going to kill them for making me leave the estate, I could have been doing important things now I'm stuck with this wench.' Sesshomaru sighed.
“What do I have to do to bind her?” He asked in a bored tone as if he was asking about the Kendo fight. This surprised Tenmai even more she was sure that he would say let the girl die.
Well that just proves what I know about the demon-prince.
“All I need is a drop of blood from you I already have the potion made, then you should get going less the girl die and all this will be for nothing,” She said. She pulled out a small bottle that had been in her kimono. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at that.
“Why do you carry around a binding potion?” He questioned her.
“You never know when your going to need a quick binding.” She told him as if it where the most obvious thing in the world. Tenmai open the bottle and held it out for the young prince to take.
Sesshomaru took the bottle and made a slight cut on his finger a few drops of blood came out.
“That's enough,” She said as she took the bottle. “Yes this will do perfectly,” Tenmai walked over to the room Kagome was in and Sesshomaru became curious about what was to happen.
Tenmai raised Kagome's head little, then she proceeded to pour the potion down her throat. After all the potion was gone, she gently sat her head back down.
Kagome's body began to take on a light simmer that grow brighter and brighter by the second. The aura around her began to crack with power as she started glowing a pinkish color. Turning her head Tenmai noticed that Sesshomaru had also begin to glow blue. When it was over Sesshomaru turned a glare on Tenmai that could freeze over hell. Tenmai, who's eyes were wide and a look of complete horror cut across her face, looked at Sesshomaru.
“What happened wench?” He all but growled out to her.
“Why the hell didn't you tell me she was a Miko?! That could have killed both of you, you know!” Tenmai told him.
“I did not know she was a Miko.” Sesshomaru said.
“Well now you do.” She replied. “ But there is a good thing to this! She should start to recover soon when you get me the herb, it should take no more then 2 days for her to wake and 4-5 for her to be healed enough to go back to her village.” Tenmai said. Sesshomaru thought that this was a good thing the girl would be out of his hair in a week at the most. (Boy is Sesshy going to get the hell shocked out of him later )
“Oh and one more thing you should watch out for the Fluff,” Tenmai said.
“The what??” He asked with a look that said she must be kidding.
“The Fluffs are little creatures they look like little balls of Fluff they live near the herb. They may be harmless but they are also annoying as hell. They'll stick to you for the rest of your life if it gets on you there is no way to get it off, unless it finds someone else it wants to be friends with,” Tenmai said. Sesshomaru left eye had a slight twitching to it as he listened to what she said. There was no way in hell this was happening to him.
“Fine is there anything else I should know “ He asked in a bored tone.
“Not that I can think of, now off you go your wasting time being here the girl needs help and I need that herb,” She said as she practically throw him out.
“What did I ever do to get mixed up with a half dead Miko and a crazy old hag,” Sesshomaru muttered to him self. As he formed the Yuki Could at his feet and took off towards Mt. Souji.