InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remembering ❯ Found ( One-Shot )

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“Sit boy!” Kagome shouted at the end of the argument between her and Inuyasha. The others had lost all knowledge of what the fight was about it had changed so often. Inuyasha ate dirt but instead of starting the argument again or yelling, he just stormed off.
Kagome blinked. He's never done that before she thought. Inuyasha leapt from tree to tree until he smelt a familiar scent.
Sesshoumaru he raced off, following Sesshoumaru's scent. He landed on the ground silently enough that Sesshoumaru didn't hear him. He crept up closely so see Sesshoumaru sitting beneath a tree to beat the heat of that day. On his lap was the sleeping child Rin. In his one hand was a comb he just held a purple comb with a lily on the top. His look was distant.
Wow. He hasn't even noticed me yet. This would be the perfect time to attack Inuyasha thought. Sesshoumaru wasn't even paying attention but something stopped Inuyasha from attacking. It was the tune Sesshoumaru was humming under his breath. That tune, where have I heard it before? He then remembered. After his mother died and Sesshoumaru had taken Inuyasha and fled from the Western Lands because Inuyasha's life was in danger, Sesshoumaru would sing the words to that tune on stormy nights and Inuyasha was awake and scared. We were brothers then. What happened? He knew full well what had happened. Sesshoumaru one day just left him in a half demon village. No reason why either. He just gave him to them while he slept. No note, no anything. He hated him for it, that's his reason for attacking. Sesshoumaru you had hurt me so bad then, why?
Sesshoumaru kept humming the tune until Rin started to stir. A nightmare. She woke with a start.
Crying out “Lord Sesshoumaru!” Sesshoumaru jumped a little at the sudden sound he wasn't expecting. Rin was gripping him, crying. He set the comb down, that had obviously belong to someone of high importance and now belonged to Rin, and held her. She didn't say anything but kept crying.
“It's alright Rin, it was only a dream,” he comforted her. After a while she stopped crying and looked at Sesshoumaru.
“The wolves had attacked again! They attacked and the wolf demon was there laughing!” she sobbed.
“Such a thing will not ever happen again Rin,” he looked at her. His expression was not emotionless but full of sincerity.
“You sure Lord Sesshoumaru?” she asked. It was almost pitiful.
“Yes. I am,” he answered. Rin gave one last smile before curling up on his lap again and falling back asleep.
Inuyasha was amazed is this the same Sesshoumaru that hates humans? He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. This can't be the Sesshoumaru I know. He continued to watch and Sesshoumaru's eyes once more became distant. It then made sense to Inuyasha. He had to let me go, I was in danger after all. Maybe, just maybe, he never did hate me. Maybe because I hated him, he just went along with it. I won't attack him then. I'll leave him be. I know now, he's going to leave me be. Inuyasha stood up and turned to walk away. Before he left, he looked over his shoulder one last time at Sesshoumaru. Nissan. He smiled and left.