InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaced ❯ replaced ( Chapter 1 )

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I feel used and upset
like a short winter
melting away
leaving nothing but a chill
not thought of ever
and ignored
and I ignored
i knew that maybe if i waited
you would find me
even though im hardly here
a twisted shell
a tragic flower
blooming only at night
exsposing true beauty
but not discovered
because everyone fears the darkness
and those born of it
I feel deep sympathy
only for myself
because its obvious
that you have moved on
though you loved me first
i cant understand
that if you had cared so much
why dident you come back to me
when the chance had come
you took the alternative route
and i was the one left forgotten
though holding so many undiscovered beautys
and i feel so foolish
for not knowing sooner
that i had been replaced