InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Requiem ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

She sat in the dirt, holding in the tears.
It was alright, she reminded herself. He'd prepared her for this, hadn't he? He'd told her everything, and she sat and stared as he laid it out so calmly, as if it were a fact.
It had not been a fact.
It had been a possibility.
It had turned into a probability.
It had grown to the inevitable.
And just as he'd watched his father…
…She had watched him.
She had watched his pain. She had been helpless against it, just as he had. She had heard his cries, and she could only watch from a safe distance as he'd disappeared, leaving nothing but a crater in the earth.
He was gone.
The tears could not be held any longer.