InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Requiem ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Higurashi Kagome stared into the dusty shrine.
“What is it?” she asked her brother, who stood in front of the short steps leading down to the well. There was such dim lighting, and she coughed as she stepped inside.
“I think Buyo's stuck in there,” he answered, referring to the fat, lazy cat they owned.
Sure enough she could hear his cries. The insistent meow of a cat too lazy to pick himself up. She stepped forward, peering across the strange artifacts before turning back around.
“I'm gonna be late for school,” she said. “He'll find a way out himself.”
Five hundred years in the past, sleeps a boy trapped to a tree by an arrow. He stays, trapped in time, never growing old, and never waking.
This boy is the hanyou Inuyasha.
He shall never wake from his slumber.