InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return of the miko ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return of the miko
Another past
It was a dark day at the palace when Naraku stood with Kagura and Kanna thinking what person should he hire to try to kill Inuyasha and take the last parts of the Shikon no Tama. Inuyasha was strong even for him but he didn't want to admit it.
“Kagura, do you have any ideas?” said Narku with his eyes closed.
“No, Naraku. Why do you need to hire somebody after all? Why don't you make another reincarnation?” replied Kagura standing up.
“Another one? Do you think what you say? I made so many, and all except you and Kanna are alive! Now shut up!”
“But you are a great demon…”said Kanna slowly as usual.
Naraku was mad. Kanna and Kagura were the only reincarnations left. Kagura was sitting on the floor thinking. Naraku's mind was empty. He couldn't find any ideas and Kagura didn't want to shut up.
“Hmmm…why don't you try to hire again Kikyou?”
“Kikyou…she tried. Her power is not like her…That's it! I found a plan!” said Naraku opening his eyes and making an evil face.”
“What is it?” asked Kagura proudly.
“Come with me you two! We're going to have a new partner.”
“Really? Oh…great. But Kanna should stay here. Somebody has to remain at the palace.”
“Okay, Kagura. Only you will come with me. I see that you are very happy to see our new partner.”
In the woods Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Kagome, Shippou and Kirara were eating. They were kind of sad. Almost all the parts of the Shikon no Tama were in the hands of Naraku. Kagome was looking at Inuyasha. She knew that he wasn't thinking at the sacred jewel like everybody else. He was thinking at Kikyou and at the strange things she had done, like giving some shards to Naraku again. She wasn't anymore like in the past. Maybe something else changed her besides her death.
“Inuyasha…are you thinking at Kikyou? At what she did?” Kagome asked
“Kagome…it's not important.” said Inuyasha sad.
“Oh yes it is! Inuyasha how could you still think at Kikyou after all she did? And you! Don't stare at me! I'm saying the truth. And I know you agree.” said Sango mad standing up and looking at the rest of the guys.
“Maybe I was thinking! But it's not your problem. You don't really know what happened in the past.”
Shortly they will see that only Naraku knew the real past, a different past. A past more complicated than they could imagine.
In the meantime Naraku arrived in a cave. But not an ordinary cave…in the cave was a woman with an arrow in the back… she looked as if she was dead…
“Who is this? She looks like Kikyou but she couldn't be!” asked Kagura
“Really? This is the real Kikyou, the one that was fooled years ago by her sister and almost killed by her. The real Kikyo that I loved.”
Kagura was surprised. How can Kikyou have a twin sister? It was almost impossible. No one knew this. It was one of the secrets of the past. And that's why this Kikyo did everything that Naraku wanted.
“And what's the name of her sister? The one who died for real…”
“That? Her name is Kikye. Now help me cure her. After a while you will know the past.”
Then Naraku took the arrow and left. Kagura stood almost 2 days with Kikyo trying to cure her. At last Naraku came. He looked at Kikyou with gentle eyes. If you wouldn't have seen him before you could say that he was the gentlest person ever. With him came Kanna. She was carrying a bow and arrows, a fan almost like Kagura's and a chain. Naraku waited a moment after that he putted a shard in her wound that was now almost cured.
“I did the best but I'm not a miko so I don't know to cure very well.” Kagura said
“It's all right Kagura. She'll be better in a few minutes. Kanna has her weapons.”
“A fan? For what is that?”
“Oh…I forgot to tell you. You and Kanna have her powers.”
“What? We are kind of a copy of her?” asked Kanna quite surprised.
“No one has all her powers! She can take souls with her snakes, control dead and the wind with the fan, purify with the bow and arrows and make fire. The chain uses to…”
Naraku stopped. Kikyo was awakening. She opened her beautiful eyes and raised her head. She looked at Naraku and then she tried to say.
“Oni…gumo, Nara…ku.”
“Kikyo…you are again alive. Thanks to me! I hope you'll don't forget what Kikye did to you neither my feelings! “
“Huh…your feelings? What feelings? You can't feel anything for nobody!”
“Kikyo…doesn't matter. Now I don't have Onigumo's heart so, it doesn't matter. I want you to do something for me. I want you to kill your sister and Inuyasha. The two that betrayed you!”
“Inuyasha? Huh…of course he betrayed me! He loved my sister! But my name.”
With this Kikyo asked to be alone for a while so she can prepare herself for the ultimate battle. She dressed in her miko clothes and took all her weapons. She wanted to take revenge without the help of Naraku. So she went to search Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was calm. He was standing in a tree besides Kagome. Miroku and Sango were down, standing on some rocks. Kirara and Shippou were playing. The weather was sunny and nobody could ever thought that there will be a battle. A great battle.
“Inuyasha? I think Sango said the truth. You aren't mad at her, aren't you?”
“No Kagome. I'm not. But I'm sure you don't want to know that I still love Kikyou. I like you too but Kikyo sacrificed her life and…”
Suddenly the sky went black and a fire came from it. It was Kikyou. She found Inuyasha. She was very pleased to find him so quick but Inuyasha and the others were asking if this is Kikyou and what happened to her.
“Kikyou? Is that you?”
“Inuyasha!!! You and my twin sister betrayed me! She almost killed me because she was jealous and she wanted my name and my powers!”
“So you aren't Kikyou?” said Kagome looking very well at the girl.
“Oh yes I am the real Kikyou! Not the fake one, my twin sister Kikye!”
Then Kikyo jumped with the chain to try and catch Inuyasha but he unsheathed Tetsusaiga so she stopped. Then she took the fan using the Wind Blades attack. One of the blades hurt Kagome and Inuyasha went mad. Sango, Miroku and Kirara were fighting with the snakes of Kikyou. Then Kikyou took again the chain and threw Tessaiga out of Inuyasha's hands. Inuyasha was scared. He couldn't hurt her because she looked like Kikyou. Then Kikyou used a powerful attack knew only by her… The Tornado Flame. This attack used the wind from the fan making a tornado and the fire made by Kikyou's hands making a fire tornado. But when she almost killed Inuyasha, Naraku came and saved Inuyasha with a bundle of light saying:
“Inuyasha's mine, Kikyou! I want to kill him.”
“Oh go to hell! Inuyasha's in my hands!”
Naraku used the miasma to try to hurt Miroku and Sango and he succeeded. They feel on the ground besides Kagome who was already hurt by the Wind Blades. Kirara wasn't okay neither and she feel into a lake. Then Naraku took out Kikyou's shard and she fell on the ground. The pain from her wound came. She tried to escape flying and she did. When he wasn't looking Kagome with her last powers send a purify arrow towards Naraku and hurt him badly. He left too after that.
In the middle of the woods was Rin with Jaken and Ah-Un. The dragon was eating and the other two were talking.
“Jaken-sama where is Lord Sesshomaru?”
“I don't know. He went maybe to look around. He'll come.”
“But is already late and he said he'll take us to a waterfall!”
“I said and I will take you” said Sesshomaru coming from some big trees.
“Sesshomaru-sama!” said Jaken and Rin very happy.
Sesshomaru took Jaken on his furry tail and flew. Rin took Ah-Un and flew after them. They were going to a secret waterfall were Rin wanted very much to go. They arrived there and Sesshomaru sited under a tree besides Ah-Un. Rin and Jaken were playing. After a while Sesshomaru got up. A dark shadow was coming from the woods. It was a hurt woman. It was…Kikyou. When she arrived she looked around and after all her efforts she fell on the ground. Blood was coming out of her wound were the shard was. The arrow stood there 50 years and the wound was big but this miko had incredible curing powers. Sesshomaru looked at her with deep eyes. He knew her. She looked exactly like 50 years ago. No changes. He went to her and took her besides Ah-Un on some soft leafs.
“Sesshomaru-sama, who is this?” asked Rin.
“I think I know her from somewhere. Wait…isn't she…”Jaken knew who it was but he was stopped by Sesshomaru:
“It's Kikyou. I'll have to use Tenseiga to cure her. Although she will die.”
Sesshomaru used Tenseiga even if he didn't liked to do this. Another secret around Kikyou… The wound healed and Kikyou opened her eyes recognizing Sesshomaru. Then she got up and said that she wants to talk to Lord Sesshomaru. The two went in a quiet place and started to talk.
“Were have you been, Kikyou?”
“Sesshomaru I've…it's a long story. It started 50 years ago and it will end somehow.”
“Tell it!”
“Okay. You see…I have a twin sister, Kikye. I was the first-born and I have almost all my father's powers. He was a demon and mom a was a human. Kikye got only the power to purify and she was jealous. One day I found a man named Onigumo and I cared for him cause he was very injured. He fell in love with me and he tried to become a hanyou and that's Naraku. The only bad thing for him is because I…like you. One day Kikye almost killed me and Naraku put me in a cave and took revenge. She already took my name and she was trying to make Inuyasha a human, like her. Naraku made a plan to put pain between them. And he did. Kikye died and Inuyasha stood in the tree 50 years”
This is the secret of the past.
“This is another past that nobody knows” said Sesshomaru very surprised.
The revenge
It was another day in the forest. Miroku and Sango were staying under a tree; Kagome and Inuyasha were on a walk. They were talking about the past. Kagome was a little nervous. Maybe Inuyasha was ready to say good bye to Kikyou for ever. But maybe the love can't be forgotten so easily.
“Inuyasha? What do you think about Kikyo and Kikye?”
“What do you mean?”
“All right, I'll say it directly. Do you still…” Kagome stopped with tears in her eyes.
“Why are you crying?
“I want to ask if you still love Kikyo or Kikye!”
“You still love her. Okay Inuyasha. Doesn't matter” said Kagome trying to go away.
“Wait Kagome! It's true. I have a bond with the 2 twins.
“But which one do you love?”
“Well…Kikye's body and Kikyou's prestige and power.”
“That's not an answer!” said Miroku coming with Sango out of some trees.
“Yes Inuyasha. You have to decide who you love. Kikyou, Kikye or Kagome.” replied Sango.
Inuyasha was confused so he left leaving his friends for a while. He stood hours in a tree thinking at Sango's question. It was hard. Maybe it was the best to choose Kagome. Or not?
In the Western Lands, Sesshomaru was with Kikyou standing on a cliff looking at a lake. Kikyo was thinking. Sesshomaru the same.
`Sesshomaru…How much I loved him! And I still love him! But… he doesn't want to accept or he hides his sentiments? I wonder why his heart is so cold?'
`Kikyou is the first woman that I loved. Still I don't want her to know. I'll loose my power if I'll love and I'll be loved. I will not be cold and arrogant with Inuyasha or anybody.'
It was strange. Sesshomaru loved Kikyou and Kikyou loved Sesshomaru. Two powerful demons with love in their hearts? But still Kikyou wanted to take revenge. Most she wanted to kill Kikye. But Naraku? He was too strong for her.
At Naraku's palace it was silence. Kagura was looking at the mountains from a balcony; Kanna was looking at her mirror. Only Naraku was thinking at a plan.
`Huh…Kikyou run away. I shouldn't take the shard. But I thought that she'll die! She's strong. I wonder were she is now? With Inuyasha? No, she hates Inuyasha……with Sesshomaru! She always liked Sesshomaru. Maybe she found him!!! I got to go to him. What's this?”
The door of the palace open, Kagura and Kanna rushed to Naraku. A white and red shadow came. It was…Kikye! She was mad.
“Naraku!!!” yelled Kikye.
“Yes, Kikye? Do you want something? You are sooooo mad!” said Naraku almost laughing.
“Naraku why did you awaken Kikyo? I gave you some many shards of the sacred jewel and you betray me!”
“I will not give you explications because you're not my boss.”
“We had a deal! What happens if I'll die?”
“I'll burry you…maybe”
“Bitch!” replied very mad Kikye leaving the palace.
Back at Inuyasha. He was still thinking…and eating. It was supper. Kagome couldn't look at Inuyasha. She imagined that he'll choose Kikyou. Sango was thinking at Miroku!! And of course Miroku was thinking at … a pervert thing. Suddenly the sky went black and from it came down … a cow! It was Totosai's cow with Myoga.
“Myoga! What are you doing here?” asked very surprised Inuyasha.
“Hi Lord Inuyasha! You don't know?”
“What?” replied the rest of the gang.
“Kikye is up to no good. She killed almost 2 villages and now she's awaiting on a river ban.”
“For what or who?” asked Inuyasha.
“I don't know! Maybe for you…or Kikyou. I think you must go anyway”
“Be sure we'll do!”
After that they all went to the river. Kikye was really up to no good. She had a plan. But what plan?
Sesshomaru, Kikyou, Rin and Jaken were walking. After a while they saw one of the villages and went there even if Sesshomaru doesn't like to be seen by humans. When they got there it was a horrible picture! Many of the villagers were dead in a pool of blood.
“This is Kikye's mischief! I'm sure that my sister was here.”
“Really? I think she went to that river, on the mountain. Jaken, Rin and Ah-Un should stay here. We'll go after your sister!”
Kikye was awaiting for several hours in a tree thinking at revenge. Inuyasha and Kikyou were those who destroyed her life. And Kagome who `stole' her soul. Her barrier diapered in a second. She called her demons and she saw Inuyasha…
“Inuyasha! I'm here! Kikye!”
“Kikye!!! I came to kill you! For all you did! How could you kill your sister?”
“I'll kill her again if it's necessary! She has power, a name and she was the proud of her parents! I wasn't. I was the stupid little sister. When she studied to be a miko and a warrior I was staying at home!”
“You are gelous?” asked Miroku.
“Shut up! I'll kill you all! Demons attack!!!”
All the demons went to Sango and Miroku. There were so many demons! Miroku used Kazaana, Sango used Hiraikotsu. They were occupied. Next step was to kill Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha? Do you know my power besides the arrows?”
“No! Why?”
“All right. Lightning strike!!!”
“What???” Inuyasha yelled when from the sky went down lighting. On of them even hurt Kagome. ”Kagome!!! Are you all right? Kagome!!!” she didn't replied . Inuyasha looked around. Sango and Miroku were on the ground.
“Do you like the show? Now it's your turn!”
Inuyasha did a bad thing looking at Kagome and at the others. Kikye took Tessaiga and threw it in a mountain. Inuyasha was scared. Kagome was dead. He couldn't think at nothing else. Suddenly a arrow hurt Kikye. It was Kikyou. She arrived.
“Sister!!! Kikye, why?” said Kikyou with tears in her eyes.
“Kikyou! Why what?”
“Why do you hate me so much??? Why did you kill so many people?”
“You know the answer!”
Sesshomaru wanted to go and fight with Inuyasha but now he came here with other problems, to protect Kikyou. Kikye used the attack with the lightning again and Kikyou the Tornado Flame. Kikye didn't knew what will happen if the two attacks met each other. Kikyou knew. The weaker one would die. In this case Kikye. And she was right. The tornado went to her with a bigger speed because of the lightning but did it killed her? Kikyou left. Inuyasha took Tessaiga and his friends in the woods back to cure them. Naraku found out after a while and was very mad. He wanted to be there and kill both Kikyou and Kikye.
2 days have passed since the battle of Kikyou and Kikye. Everybody thought that Kikye died. And maybe they were right! Nobody could survive the attack.
Inuyasha came with his friends to take a rest in Kaede's village. Miroku and Sango were very hurt. Kagome only fainted and now she was carrying for her palls. Inuyasha, Kirara and Shipou were okay too. Kagome went to Inuyasha to see him and talk to him. Kirara was playing with Shipou far away.
“Inuyasha, are you okay? I didn't talk too much…”
“I'm fine!!! I was thinking…at…”
“No!...or yes.”
“Inuyasha, do you choose her? You remember what I asked you 3 days ago. Don't you?”
“Of course…and I'll choose…her”
“What??? You…you…”said Kagome starting to cry.
“Sorry, Kagome! Maybe if you wait a while, I'll change my mind! Please don't cry!” Inuyasha encouraged Kagome.
“Is there any chance to change your mind?”
“Yes…I think so”
“I'll wait. But not for ever.”
Inuyasha choused Kikyou and Kagome? What shall she do? Go to Kouga the young boss of the wolves? Speaking of him, Kouga was near Kaede's village and smelled Kagome. So he came in a visit after Inuyasha's conversation with Kagome.
“Kagome! Hi! Why are you crying? Don't tell me that Inuyasha did something to you or I'll kill him!!!”
“Kouga-kun…it's nothing! I'm a little sad because…I hurt myself!”
“Huh? Kouga? What are you doing here with Kagome???” yelled Inuyasha at Kouga.
“I came to visit Kagome and it's not your business!”
“Yes it is! Kagome is my girl…is my miko!!!”
“Inuyasha? SIT! Kouga-kun could you come back later?”
“Okay! See you Kagome! “
“Why did you ask me to sit???”
Inuyasha was nervous. Usually out of nothing but now he looked like a fool in front of Kouga. The wolf loved Kagome and even thought that she's his mate. Strange! Two `dogs' fighting on a girl. Could it get worse?
At Naraku's palace things were getting bad. Kagura and Kanna were preparing themselves for battle. Naraku made a new plan. He already sent a demon for Kagome and one for Kikyou. Kanna said:
“My mirror is stronger but can it take the souls of the two miko?”
“Yes. But I wonder if I'll control the dead miko. They're strong!”
“Kanna and Kagura you'll be fine. My plan is great. Inuyasha won't be happy for a long period. He'll have to choose: Kikyou or Kagome!”
After that Naraku disappeared and Kanna, Kagura went to do the plan. They were prepared for a victory.
Kikyou was alone with Jaken and Rin. Sesshomaru went to a walk. Rin was playing with Ah-Un and Jaken was sleeping under a tree. Only Kikyou was looking for something strange. Suddenly she thought:
` Hmmm…I sense something. It's something in the woods. But what? I got to see'
Then she took her weapons and went in the woods. She stopped after a while…
“It's nothing. Strange…I can sear that…”
She couldn't continue. The demon sent by Naraku hurt Kikyou with a sword exactly were the old wound was. Kikyou feel on the ground and fainted. The wound made by her sister years ago didn't close even if Sesshomaru tried to cure her with Tenseiga. After that the demon took her to Naraku's palace.
Inuyasha was in a tree relaxing. Sango was feeling bad but Miroku was almost cured. Shipou and Kirara were playing. Kagome had to bring some antibiotics for Sango so she rushed to the fountain to go in her era. When she came back she saw a shadow moving in the back of some trees. She went to see what it is.
“Who's there? Inuyasha? Hello! Anybody? Guess it's nothing. What the heck...”
Naraku's miasma was all around Kagome poisoned she fell on the ground dizzy. The demon took her but he left behind her red ribbon. Terrible mistake! After some hours Miroku, Inuyasha, Shipou and Kirara went to see why Kagome's not coming.
“Heh … Miroku why are we going after her? Maybe she's at home sleeping. I think it's 7:30 pm!”
“ Maybe but what if she is in trouble?” replied Miroku.
“Yes Inuyasha. You want her to die?” asked Shipou.
“Wait...what's that smell? Shipou shut up! Miroku do you see something?”
“No. Wait is that Kagome's ribbon?”
“I think yes” said Inuyasha smelling it.
“Kagome was kidnapped by Naraku!” said Miroku.
“Then let's go after her!!” yelled Inuyasha.
They went in a hurry to Naraku's palace but they couldn't find anything. Even so, they saw a black mountain with a `wall' of miasma.
Kagura and Kanna were ready for their visitors. So was Naraku. Kikyou and Kagome were incontinent. Kagura putted them on some herbs with a powerful smell. Inuyasha came. He looked around and said:
“Naraku!!! Where's Kagome?”
“Don't you see her?” said Kagura pointing to Kikyou and Kagome.
“Kikyou! What do you want to do with them?” yelled Inuyasha.
“You'll see” replied Kanna
Kanna took her mirror and started to take Kikyou and Kagome's soul. They couldn't move or even think because of the herbs. Inuyasha took Tessaiga and started to fight with Kagura. Miroku tried to reach Kagome but Naraku was blocking him with demons. It was a terrible fight. Suddenly Kagome opened her eyes and said:
“Kagome you are alive! Kikyou are you all right too?” said Inuyasha stopping to fight and looking at Kikyou.
“Inuyasha! I'll loose control!” yelled Kagome closing her eyes and dieing.
“Kagome I'll come after you!”
But it wasn't true. He went to Kikyou and took her out of the herbs and putting her besides Kirara and Shipou. Then he went after Kagome but it was too late. She was dead. Inuyasha was mad. He used the attack Kaze no Kizu but Naraku's plan was completed so he left. Inuyasha looked at the two girls. He was sad because Kagome lost her soul. He said with tears in his eyes:
“Kagome…forgive me! I didn't want to…”
“Inuyasha.” said Kikyou awakening.
“Kikyou! You are alive!!! But Kagome died.”
“No way. She'll call back her soul. And I'll help her.” said Kikyou taking Kagome's hands and thinking:
`Kagome you must awake! Concentrate! Call your soul back!'
Kagome's soul came back. She opened her eyes and smiled. She was dizzy but it was normal, she was dead a minute ago. Kikyou left and went to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha took Kagome to safety in Kaede's village. Inuyasha said to Kagome:
“I'm sorry Kagome. “
“For what? You don't have to be sorry for nothing. You had to save first the woman you love.”
Inuyasha's eyes were full of tears. Kagome's the same.
“Kagome…I choose…you!”
“What? You…choose me? Not Kikyou?”
“I choose you!” replied Inuyasha hugging Kagome.
It was a very bad day. Everyone was now calm and awaiting a new day, a new chapter in their lifes.
A scar in the past
Kikyou was relaxing. She was on a cliff thinking at the last days:
`Heh…I wonder if Kikye died…but of course she died! Who can survive the attack? I must go to Kaede and talk'
After that Kikyou took her weapons an rushed to Kaede's village to talk about Kikye. About her life, her powers and her feelings.
Inuyasha was going after Naraku. Now he was at a lake besides Kagome. In this night he had to stay there because he'll transform into a human. Kagome was very happy. Her eyes were full of tears. Next to a tree was Miroku and Sango looking at each other. Shipou was taking a bath in the lake with Kirara. It was a quiet day. Kagome said:
“Inuyasha how will you kill Naraku? Do you have a plan?”
“Heh…I don't need any plans! We just go to his palace and attack him”
“Inuyasha are you a little stupid? How you want to attack him???”
“With Tessaiga!”
“As you say” replied Kagome surprised.
In the mean time Kikyou arrived at Kaede. The old woman was surprised by her visit but happy. She loved her sisters even if they were ding bad things. Kaede said hugging Kikyou:
“Kikyou! I'm happy to see you!”
“You knew I was alive?”
“I heard form Inuyasha”
“Oh…yea. Please can you tell me things about our family? You always stayed with our parents and you know almost everything”
“You want to know your relatives and your powers?”
“Mine and my twin sister's.”
“Okay. I'll tell you everything. You know that you were the first born and Kikye the second. Our mother was a human and your father a demon. When you were born you were born as a demon and you got all your father's powers. Your sister had to be a half demon but because you took another part of the powers to be born as a demon not as a half demon left her with no powers.”
“You mean that I took her part of powers to be born as a demon not a half-demon? We had to be born half demon both?”
“Yes. But I think that's not the answer. Our mom told me so but I think that we had a second sister that died at birth. So you can be born as a demon, she as a half-demon and Kikye as a human”
“You think so?”
“Yes. You heard when you were small a name like Keiko?”
“I think so”
“Then it was real. You had another sister. You were three! Kikyou, Keiko and Kikye!”
“It's impossible! Another sister?? I couldn't have another one!” said Kikyou crying
“Heh…let's continue. After Keiko died at birth you were raised as a demon by your father and Kikye by your mother as a human. After 10 yrs as you know…”
“My father died and I was brought to our mother. And you were there. You was adopted by my mom”
“Yes. I was adopted because I lost my family in a fight with an other village. Then your mother saw that you are good as a miko and after she died you had to take her place”
“And I did. I took Shikon no tama too. After this the story begin”
“Yes Kikyou. Now you know everything.”
“But do you think that Keiko really died? Maybe she's alive”
“Don't think so”
Kikyou left form the village and went towards the lake were Inuyasha was. She was almost crying. She stopped. When she looked behind she saw a person and she screamed. Inuyasha and the other guys rushed to see what happened. Kikyou was standing in front of a woman with a big scar on her face. It was Kikye. Kikyou almost started to cry. Kikye wasn't her twin sister anymore. Her face was ruined by the big scar. She fainted. Kikye said:
“Kikyou you see what happened because of you??? You destroyed my face! Heh…but your face is not unique after all. You forgot about Keiko!”
Kikyou raised her head and looked with her big eyes at Kikye saying:
“Keiko existed?”
“Of course she existed! Don't tell me that you don't know!”
“No! I don't!”
“Heh. How could you be so stupid?” replied Kikye raising her hand and using the attack Lightning.
Kikyou was stroke by one of those lightings and fainted. Inuyasha was a human but even so he came with Tessaiga real fast and hurt Kikye in her back. Kikye yelled and disappeared. She had a big wound. Kikyou was taken by the good guys and cured. After a while she left thinking…
`Keiko forgive me. If you are alive please find me!'
Naraku was at his palace. Kagura and Kanna were walking in the garden because they didn't want to see Naraku all day. Naraku wanted to make a new plan to kill Kikyou and Kikye maybe in the same time with Kagome. All those miko had to die so he can have all the shards. Then he found an idea.
`I just have to kill some villages and bring them to a trap. Heh…what a good idea!'
And it happened. He killed 10 villages. But will the plan work?
Kikyou was now with Jaken and Rin. Ah-Un and Sesshomaru were looking around but kinda far from them. Kikyou saw a dense smoke coming from a village. She rushed to see what happened. All the villagers were dead. But in all of that chaos she saw a familiar face. A face that looked like her. It was Kikye? No she didn't had the scar. Then it was…Keiko!!! It really was Keiko her sister that all said she died at birth. Her soul was taken. She couldn't get back to life. Kikyou was mad. Her sister was killed before she can even met her.
I will begin a new battle with Naraku. A battle for revenge…for too much suffering.
The battle
Kikyou rushed to see who is the criminal of her sister. Kikye saw the dead body of Keiko too and recognize that it's not Kikyou so she went too after the criminal. Kikyou arrived at a dead end in the mountains. Naraku, alone came behind her.
“Hi Kikyou. What are you doing here so early?”
“You…you killed Keiko!!!” said Kikyou with tears in her eyes.
“Keiko? Hmmm…dunno who is that but I see that it meant a lot to you!”
Kikyou took her fan and used Tornado flame. Naraku used a barrier and turned the attack against Kikyou. She fell on the ground. The pain caused by her sister's death made her weaker even she was a demon. Naraku was going towards her with a sword and Kikyou thinking she was going to die said slowly:
“Keiko…forgive me…I couldn't take revenge...I”
Kikyou stopped. A lighting hurt Naraku badly. It was Kikye. She saved Kikyou.
“I'll won't let you kill all my sisters even if they are bad or good! And you Kikyou don't be weak and get up!”
Kikyou did her efforts and got up. She had tears in her eyes. She took her fan form the ground and she used the attack wind blades. But Naraku stopped the attack again. How could the twin sisters kill Naraku? Kikye tried to fool him. She used her big attack with the lighting and in the meantime Kikyou used Tornado flame. As you know if they met each other the weak will die, Naraku. But again they didn't succeed! Kikyou fell of the cliff. She was now hanging by a branch and if she fell she died. Kikye was at the limit. She loved her sister even if she was mean to her. With her last efforts she went to Kikyou to help her. She got her by her hand and told her:
“If you'll die I'll die too! At least we'll see our sister!” said Kikye with tears in her eyes.
“Kikye…”said Kikyou also with tears in her eyes.
Naraku threw a bundle of light at Kikye and she…fell with Kikyou. They fell into a river. They must have been dead.
Inuyasha and the others saw the villagers too. They burred them and stood all night in the forest thinking at who did this but no answer. Sango said:
“This must be the hand of Naraku!”
“No don't think so” said Miroku with his eyes closed.
“Yeah Miroku's right…he has sever wounds and now kagome's sleeping so let's be quiet okay?” replied Inuyasha.
The night came and all fell asleep. It will be a hard day for somebody else.
Next morning besides of a river there were 2 bodys. There were Kikyou and Kikye. After a few moments the eyes of Kikyou open. She was alive!!!
“My…head. Kikye? You alive?”
“Huh? Kikyou? We...are alive?”
“Yes. But how?”
“I don't know.”
The 2 twins were alive because of their bond. The two were surprised. They wanted to talk…quickly! They got up and went into the forest to talk. Kikye started:
“Kikyou you are my sister but you've…”
“I've caused you pain…”
“Kind off. You were always cared by our parents and respected by the villagers”
“Why did you killed me?”
“I was jealous. Sry sister. Forgive me!!!”
“Hmm…I forgive you!! said Kikyou with tears in her eyes and hugging Kikye.
Forgiving each other? Heh this world is gonna go down. But what will happen next will they try to awake Keiko? This will be the return of the miko!
Kikyou and Kikye went to the village to get Keiko and bring her to life. But they couldn't find her. She wasn't burry either. Then who took her? Naraku! Kikye and Kikyou rushed to his palace so they can save their sister. It will be again a battle for revenge.
In the meantime Sesshomaru was worried for Kikyou. She left for a long time. Jaken was sleeping on the grass and Rin was playing with Ah-Un. Sesshomaru was thinking:
`If I leave them here they'll be in danger cause we are to near to Naraku's castle but I have to save Kikyou…heh…I think I must call Inuyasha'
Sesshomaru got up and went to search for Inuyasha without saying a word. He was at the limit. He had to choose to leave Rin and Naraku to attack her or to save Kikyou from death. Only his brother could help him.
Inuyasha was relaxing on a tree branch looking at the sky, at the mountains. Kagome was making some food while Miroku was doing what he always do with Sango…you know what I mean. Suddenly someone came. It was Sesshomaru. He said:
“Inuyasha…I never thought I will come to ask you for help!”
“Heh…you came to ask me for help?” asked Inuyasha while the rest were looking with big eyes.
“Yes…Kikyou is in trouble. I think she was kidnapped by Naraku!”
“What do you mean by again? All right if you don't wanna help I'll leave” said Sesshomaru turning form where he came.
“Are you nuts?” replied Inuyasha taking Tessaiga.
So Inuyasha came with Sesshomaru at Naraku's palace.
Kikyou and Kikye arrived at the palace. The dead body of Keiko was on a tall cliff and she looked like she was awake. Naraku came.
“You already here? See your cute sister? She can see, think, hear but she can't move or talk.”
Kikyou was mad. She took her fan so she can use the Tornado flame. But she was surprised. Kikye didn't forgive her. She caught her in a barrier and if she tried to destroy it or touch it she was going to be electrocuted. Kikyou had tears in her eyes. She was looking at Keiko…then at Kikye. It was a bad situation then she saw a face…the best face she could ever see…Sesshomaru's. He came to save her. When he saw Kikyou on the ground he went mad, got Tokijin and went nervous towards Naraku with Inuyasha and Tessaiga in his back. Naraku tried to run but he couldn't...Tessaiga and Tokijin hit him real bad and he was hurt. With the last efforts he run away. Kikye disappeared before the 2 bros to see her. The barrier disappeared and Kikyou was free. She got Keiko down from the cliff and Sesshomaru brought her back to life cause now she had a soul. Naraku gave her one. Keiko looked with big eyes at her sister. She was surprised and said:
“Are you Kikyou? You are my sister? I thought you died!”
“Keiko I thought the same thing about you! I'm glad to see you! And you are a miko!”
“Yes. Kikyou!” said Keiko hugging her sister and crying.
Inuyasha went back to his group and Sesshomaru to his group with a new member, Keiko. Now it will be a relaxing period.
Inuyasha was walking in the forest and then he saw…Keiko! Of course he thought it is Kikyou so he went to her and started to talk:
“Kikyou! I want to talk to you!'
“But…I'm..” Inuyasha stopped her with a kiss.
In the meantime Kagome was looking for Inuyasha. But Koga came:
“Kagome! My mate! How are you???”
“-_- . Good Kouga-kun! And you…?” she was stopped by Kouga with a kiss.
Heh. Keiko was with Inuyasha and Koga with Kagome in the same place but a little far. Inuyasha opened his eyes from the kiss and saw…KAGOME KISSING KOUGA! He was mad and rushed to Kagome
“Kagome what the hell are you doing???”
“Inuyasha!!! I didn't do nothing I…” said Kagome sry then she stopped seeing Keiko or for them Kikyou.
“I was doing the same thing as you and Kikyou!!! I was kissing Kouga-kun.”
“Yea…if you can kiss Kikyou why can't Kagome kiss me?”
“You dam half breed of a wolf!” yelled very mad Inuyasha.
Sit!!!” yelled Kagome 5 times.
“Hmm…I must be going…and I'm not Kikyou! I'm Keiko. And I don't like Inuyasha at all. He's not my type…okay Kagome?” said Keiko taking her leave.
“Strange people. Now Kouga-kun can you go plz? I already have prb with this dog.”
“Okay Kagome and thanks!!” said Kouga leaving.
“Kagome you betray me!!! You kissed the brat!” said mad Inuyasha from the ground.
“Heh...Inuyasha can you shut up and SIT!!!” yelled Kagome while she was leaving.
What a betrayal! It was more than the betrayal between the twin sisters. Heh…Inuyasha will be left alone. In the meantime Sango was taking a bath in the hot water of a river. She was very relaxed. She put her head on a rock in the water and closed her yes. Then she heard a noise coming from the bushes. It looked like something fell. She took her clothes and went to see what happened. It was MIROKU!
Sango made big eyes and Miroku too. The demon slayer took a big rock and threw it in the head of Miroku. He fell on the ground and I think he saw many stars even if it was day! At dinner they were sitting around a fire. Sango was mad and looking at Inuyasha who had a big band aid on his face because he sit too much on the ground. Sango was looking mad at Miroku that had a big band aid on his head because of the rock in the head. Inuyasha was thinking:
`I think Miroku was hurt by Sango when he kissed another girl like me…heh…i think I'll look at Kagome when she'll take a bath…I'll won't get hurt'

Miroku was thinking this:

`Heh Inuyasha was for sure hurt by Kagome when he looked at her taking a bath…I'll kiss another girl so that Sango to be jealous and I'll won't get hurt.'
Guess what happened next from this things that Sango and Kagome said:

“INUYASHA!!! YOU!!! SIT!!!!!!!” yelled Kagome

“MIROKU!!!! You cheater! Hiraikotsu!!!” yelled Sango

“NOT AGAIN!!!” cried Inuyasha and Miroku.
A strong bond
Keiko and Kikyou were now face to face. They could talk about what happened about their parents…but they couldn't say a thing…they were looking at each other like in a mirror. After a short time Kikyou said:
“Keiko…I didn't knew you existed”'
“Well…I was born the second and I had some prb. My powers were to high and I was taken by some mikos to learn how to control myself. I heard that I'm the middle daughter of Kakeriko. But who was our father?”
“I don't know that very well cause our mother didn't told me. I heard that he was called Ikea. And that he was a dog demon. Like Inutaishou, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha's father.”
“Hmmm…okay after I grew up and learned to control myself I came to search you my sisters and my mom. But I saw that it was too late. I was taken to my mother and Kikye's burial site. I was destroyed. Still I sensed that one of you live. And I was right. After that I returned to my village where I became a miko.”
“And what powers to you have?”
“The power to purify and I can use bundle of lights. You?”
“Fire, a chain, a fan so I can control dead and the wind and bow and arrows. Kikye bow and arrows and lighting”
“That's good.”
Kikyou and Keiko stopped their conversation. They went on a walk. While they were walking in the forest Kikyou met some villagers and stopped for a moment so she can talk. Keiko continued the walk and then she heard:
“Keiko…it's me Kikye”
“Where are you?” asked Keiko looking around.
“Right here…” replied Kikye coming out of some bushes.
“What happened to you? Why do you have that scar on your face?”
“Form your sister Kikyou! She made my scar with the Tornado Flame.”
“It's your sister too.”
“It's not! She betray me many times even when I was little. She is a demon and I a human. She feels superior!”
“That's not the truth! I'm a half-demon and Kikyou is very good with me!”
“I wonder why you have all this good sentiments about Kikyou…I came here to ask you to help me defeat Kikyou!”
“Never! Go way! If you're not Kikyou's sister neither am I!” said Keiko with tears in her eyes and running back to Kikyou.
`Hmmm…Keiko is too pure and she can't became evil. And I can't be anymore the 3 sister…I can't feel like a identical sister because of this scar!!! *tears* Why am I crying? I love my sisters? No it's impossible!
Maybe one day…one day…we'll forgive each other.” thought Kikye falling in knees and crying.
Kikye left but kinda upset…not because Keiko didn't want to fight with Kikyou…because Kikye wanted now to be their sister again…Keiko made her realize that she loves her 2 sisters.
Inuyasha was still hurt from the sit…heh why he did that if he didn't want to get hurt? Miroku the same but he was kinda well cause now he was guessing the future of beautiful women from the village. Sango was looking mad at him. She was kinda jealous…so she went to Miroku and grabbed Miroku's hand saying:
“Can you stop and come with me?”
“Who are you to stole our cute houshi-sama?” yelled some women.
Sango was mad…if she could she rather kill them with Hiraikotsu but she said calm:
“I'm his wife!!!”
Miroku looked at Sango thinking that she was drunk. He couldn't believe his ears but he said ironic:
“Heh…I'm little wife let's go and take care of the kids no?”
“Yes…” said Sango real mad.
Sango took Miroku far from the women and said:
“Now my husband I have a present for you!!!”
“Really? A kid?”
Poor Sango or poor Miroku? Let's say poor Miroku cause he can't help it if he's a pervert.
At the palace Naraku was staying with Kanna and Kagura talking.
“This time if the plan fails we're dead! It's us or them! We can't make any mistakes! “ said Naraku mad.
“Yea…now that Shikon no tama will be again like in the past we'll have more power than anyone!” replied Kagura very happy.
“Heh…but if I'll die you'll come with me!” said Naraku.
“We won't…” Kanna said slow as usual.
Another plan? Maybe this one will work and everything will be destroyed!
Kagome was walking with Inuyasha in his back. He was thinking at Kikyou or Kikye or Keiko…for him it was the same person…but in a moment he saw Kagome on the ground with the shards of Shikon no tama stolen! The demons of Naraku stolen them! Inuyasha took Kagome on his back and went after the demons because if he went after Miroku and Sango it was too late to chase the demons.
At Sesshomaru's group…the Lord of the western lands was talking with Kikyou:
“Kikyou what is it with you in the last minutes? You look bad.”
“I have as strange feeling like many ppl will die. And I think I'm one of them.”
“No way!!! You'll not die! You…” he stopped.
Kikyou had tears in her eyes…she knew for sure that she will die…Sesshomaru hugged her and Kikyou closed her eyes…then she kissed Sesshomaru…in this moments she was thinking:
`I'll die Sesshomaru…but I'll want you to have a memory of me.'
They finished…they didn't say a word…everything was calm…in this part of the forest. Kikyou went to look for Keiko and she saw her on the ground with the shards stolen. Kikyou helped Keiko to awake and went after the demons. Sesshomaru got there after a few moments and went after them too.
Kikye was in the forest too. She was sitting on a rock when she saw many demons going to a palace…and she sensed shards of the Shikon no tama. And now she didn't had the scar anymore…but I'm sure that she didn't saw that…maybe the love for her sisters cured her and now she went after the demons…
Naraku was waiting when Kikyou, Keiko and Inuyasha, Kagome came…they were surprised to see each other there. Naraku took the shards and the big part of Shikon no tama and said:
“Look here! I'll be the one who will bring the Shikon no tama into a new era! A evil era!” said Naraku adding the shards.
A big pink light came…then a black one…the sacred jewel wasn't anymore pure…Naraku took quickly Keiko and placed the jewel in her body…she lost her memory and she was controlled by Naraku…he choose her because she was strong but pure…but not with big purify powers. Kikyou was looking mad. Inuyasha put Kagome besides a tree and got Tessaiga but Kagura came and started to fight with him. Then a shadow came slowly…it was Kikye she saw her sisters and said:
“What happened here? Keiko!! You have Shikon no tama in your body!!!”
This was the reality and another battle will begin…the last one for some of the characters…
The last breath and the shadow dragon
Keiko attacked Kikyou with her bundle of lights and hurt her badly. Kikye went to her trying to hurt her with the lighting…but she couldn't…she was hurt too. Inuyasha couldn't get rid of Kagura and her demons. It was impossible…they couldn't get near Keiko…and they didn't want to kill her… it was a desperate situation…suddenly Keiko purify the jewel with her love for her sisters. She said:
“Sisters…I love you…I'll purify the jewel!!!” said Keiko trying to purify the Shikon no tama.
Naraku was mad and he wanted to go at Keiko to take the jewel but he couldn't cause Keiko made a barrier saying:
“Stay were you are evil!!! You won't touch the sacred jewel!!!” yelled Keiko purifying the jewel.
The she run to her sisters taking her hands and saying:
“We have to use the shadow dragon!”
“But that's the most powerful attack!” said Kikye.
“And we have to be 3 and we need to have a strong bond!” replied Kikyou.
“And we don't have? We are identical sisters! Let's do the shadow dragon!”
Kikyou, Kikye and Keiko ,made a circle taking one another by the hands. They closed their eyes…Kikyou said:
“If well gonna die you have to know that I love you and I forgive you” then she prepared herself for the tornado flame.
Kikye said:
“I'm sry for all I did and I'm happy that you forgive me” then she prepared for the lighting.
Keiko said:
“I have Shikon no tama pure in my body if we'll die it will remain always pure…I love you more than you can imagine!” then she prepared herself for the bundle if lights.
Inuyasha took cover with Kagome…Naraku was still in the barrier with Kagura and Kanna…Sesshomaru came. He took cover too thinking that nothing bad will happen. Then the attack was unlashed. The shadow dragon was a combination that killed every evil thing around. Naraku died with his 2 minions. All went black…a dark smoke surrounded the palace…after a few moments it vanished. Kagome, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru looked around…the 3 sisters died too. They weren't evil but they used all their power to destroy the evil…Sesshomaru wanted to bring them to life but he was stopped by Inuyasha who said:
“No…they wanted to die…they died happy…now and for eternity they will live as sisters…as identical sisters.”
Sesshomaru thought that Inuyasha was right but he couldn't accept this…he was looking at the 3 mikos on the ground with their hands taken by the other one. It was a sad imagine. The return was for a little time cause now they were gone…
After a while they were buried next to one another…it was a sad ceremony. Inuyasha continued his life with his group…Miroku and
Sango didn't got married. Inuyasha choose Kagome…Sesshomaru remain with his group but promised never to love again…he remain with the memory of the miko that transformed his life…
This is the story of 3 mikos...3 identical sisters with 3 different pasts and futures...3 warriors that couldn't forgive each other...3 girls that loved with all their heart. I'm telling this story to you my kids so you can learn to care for your relatives and love them. No I'm old but I'm the miko that learned from Keiko...the most pure of them all. I'm Kaike and now if I'll die somebody will know the story of the return of the miko.