InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Return to the Place Where I First Loved You! ❯ Hoping You Understand! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Return To The Place Where I first Loved You!
By No1butjoe
A/N: As promised, chapter 9. Read and enjoy. Oh, and you can review too.

Chapter 9
Hoping You Understand!
I wanted to strangle him, that's all there was to it. Just wrap my hands around his pretty little neck and squeeze so hard, he'll turn blue. To say Hojo's bothering me, would be an understatement. He's persistent, I'll give him that, but I can't make it anymore clearer! I stopped dead in my tracks, causing Hojo to look back at me after he continued on for another few feet.
“Kagome?” he asked, questioningly. “Is something wrong?”
I sighed deeply. This was it.
“Hojo, you're a nice boy,” I began, wincing slightly at my poor choice of words. “But-“
I immediately saw his shoulders droop. My heart cringed for the pain he was in, but this just wasn't meant to be.
“Kagome, the reason I followed you to school today was because.” He took a deep breath. “Kagome, I was hoping you'd agree to be my, well, my girlfriend.”
I knew a deep blush had entered my cheeks after that announcement, but I wasn't worried about it. This was something that had to be done.
“Hojo, look,” I started, my eyes downcast. “You're nice and all, but I just don't think, no, I know it won't work out between us. If you want the honest truth, there's kind of someone else. I'm sorry.”
“Hey, it happens,” he replied, shrugging, even though I could tell he was torn up about this. “Listen, I gotta run ahead. I just remembered I have to hand in my paper early since I won't be here tomorrow. Talk to you later, Kagome.”
I waved half-heartedly as he took off running down the street. Alone once more, my mind began to wander. I wondered how Inuyasha was doing, if he and Kikyo were happy, if (gulp) if Kikyo was expecting yet. That thought sent shivers throughout my whole body.

“You do realize that you'll never see him ever again, right?”
The voice that cut into my thoughts startled me, until I realized it was Ichigo. Sighing deeply, it finally sunk in to what she said. Quickly, I whirled on her.
“How-How do you know about-“ I began, but didn't get very far before she cut me off.
“Inuyasha?” she asked, smiling slightly. “Kagome, I know everything there is to know. See, I can see things, like visions.”
Talk about freaking me out!
“So, I'll never see him ever again?” I asked, downcast. “Ever?”
“Well, not exactly,” Ichigo replied, a little hesitant. “You see, when I have a vision, I have two other visions that go with the first, telling me two different outcomes. In one, you never see Inuyasha again and you go off and marry this Hobo guy, or whatever his name is. In the other, well, that would be telling, now wouldn't it?”
My heart raced as I thought of the second possible outcome. Maybe, just maybe, I'd get to see Inuyasha again. I turned on my heels and ran, right back towards home.
“Thank you Ichigo!” I shouted back, waving. “I won't be in school, but I'll see you around!”
InuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaInuyashaI nuyahsa
I was practically flying by the time I reached the well house. Dropping my bookbag outside, I raced in, immediately jumping into the well - only to be met with damp earth. Darn! I'd somehow forgotten that I'd sealed the well. Tears burned my eyes, staining my cheeks and blouse. I yanked the bandages off my hands, not even caring. As I attacked the dirt, I screamed, “Inuyasha! Please, come back! I'm sorry!”

I couldn't stop the flow of tears and I didn't even try. All that mattered was that I had to get through to Inuyasha - no matter what. Just as I was about to try a new tactic, the well began to glow brightly, sending me hurtling into a purple like mist. My heart soared. I was going back! Back to the Feudal Era!
A/N: So, Kagome's managed to break through, but what will she find on the other side of the well? Is Inuyasha waiting for her? Has what she feared come to pass and Inuyasha and Kikyo are now an item? So many questions, so many answers, but all of which will have to be answered in the next chapter. So, R&R!