InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunion ❯ Chapter 12: What makes a Lord ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twelve

A/N: All right, folks! I am going to try something. Recently, I read in an interview with one of my favorite authors that a serious author should try to write 4 pages a day, even if you trash them! So, I am going to try that out, which means that you get to reap the benifit! I don't know if I will make 4 pages a day, but I will be writing everyday! So, with out further ado, I don't own Inuyasha, but I will continue to write about him like an old gossip.

"There they are!" shouted Daremo. He was a little anxious. He had found that he didn't care for travel by flying!

"I can see that, mortal." replied Sesshomaru, coldly. 'It appears that my brother is about to kill that wolf pack. I had best intervene. The wolves might be useful to me.' With this thought, he brought Ah-Uhn down on the field between the charging combatants.

Few things can stop a wolf pack in full charge. A dragon dropping out of the sky is one of them. The pack brought itself up short, some even falling over themselves to stop. On the opposite side, Inuyasha and his allies had stopped, as well.

'Damn! What's he doing here?' thought the adrenaline charged hanyou. 'And why is he getting in the way?' "Sesshomaru!" he shouted, "What are you..." he stopped when he noticed Daremo dismount from Ah-Uhn on his side of the field. He shook his head in disbelief and gaped at the warrior as he sank to the ground with a loud groan. Rin had dismounted behind Daremo and was patting him on the back. "It's alright." Inuyasha heard her say. "After you have ridden Ah-Uhn a few more times, it won't bother you!" To this Daremo just groaned louder and actually turned white. Sesshomaru smirked slightly at the antics of his ward and the human as he dismissed Ah-Uhn to graze. The wolf demons were milling around, uncertainly, but still with every intention of continueing the attack.

"Greetings, brother. I came across your vassel and brought him to you."

"He's not my vassal! He's just a messenger from Lord Tanaka!"

"As you wish." Sesshomaru turned to the wolf demon pack. "Wolves, attend me!"

"Who are you to command us?" shouted one of the demons. "Get out of our way so that we can kill that filthy hanyou!"

Sesshomaru drew himself up regally. "I am Sesshomaru. Demon Lord of the Western Land. You will obey me, or be brought to heel."

"That means nothing!" shouted back the outspoken wolf demon. "We are free wolves who bow to no one! Least of all a tame inuyoukai!" Some of the pack snarled it's agreement, but some fell back. This was a demon lord, after all!

Sesshomaru looked over the wolves slowly. Suddenly, his energy whip lashed out at the offending demon. The wolf barely had time to yelp before he was destroyed. Sesshomaru looked at the shocked faces of the rest of the pack. "I trust that no further demonstrations will be necessary. I would prefer you as my servants instead of my conquests."

Ghinta stepped forward from the wolves. He dropped to one knee and spoke, "For the good of the pack, it seems we have no choice. We will swear fealty to you." Slowly, the other wolves dropped to a knee and grumbled their agreement. Ghinta rose from his position. "We are leaderless now. The hanyou has killed our pack leader. We will follow your commands."

"Good. Since you seem to have some sense about you, I place you in command of your tribe. Return to your den. I will seek you out when I am in need of you. Just remember, I am your lord. I will protect you in return for your obediance, and I will punish you for any disobediance. Now, leave so that I may speak to my brother in peace." Sesshomaru turned to face Inuyasha. "And that is how you handle a mob, little brother."

"Feh! I could have beaten them!" snorted Inuyasha.

"True. But they are of better use to me alive." replied Sesshomaru.

Neither saw the look on Ghinta's face as he turned away. It was mirrored by other wolves in the pack. 'We are your wolves, for now demon lord.' Ghinta thought. 'But it won't stay that way! Kouga, you will be avenged, my brother!' With that thought, the wolf pack broke into a ground eating lope and left the brothers behind them.

Kagome was knealing beside Miroku, tending his wounds, while this was going on. She had laid the sleeping Shippou on the ground next to the injured monk while she examined the arrows. Sango came up to her, after Sesshomaru came in. "What can I do?" she asked.

Kagome looked up at her. "We got lucky. None of these is immediately life threatening. We can remove the ones in the leg and in the side without too much trouble. We can push them through, cut the head off, and draw the shaft back through the wound. The one in the shoulder is against the bone. It will have to be cut out or else we can have Inuyasha pull it out. He's the only one here strong enough to do it quickly. We need to build a fire and heat some water to clean the wounds before we begin. I'll need to heat up a piece of metal to cauterize the wounds after we pull out the arrows. And remove your hand from my butt, Miroku." Kagome turned her head to glare at the wounded monk. He cracked an eye open at her.

"Forgive me, Lady Kagome." he said with a faint smile. "But I couldn't resist!"

Sango frowned at the monk. "If you weren't wounded, houshi-sama ..."

They were interrupted by a little girl's scream.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha spun to face the scream, their hands going for their swords. They could see Rin running towards them, tears streaming down her face, screaming "Milord! It's him, milord! It's him!" Sesshomaru knelt and caught up the weeping child as she ran into him. He stood and looked around to see if anyone was attacking. Satisfied that it was safe, he turned his attention to the crying child on his arm. "Rin." he spoke softly, ignoring the look his brother was giving him. "I am here. You are safe. Who is it that scared you?" The crying child just buried her face in her lord's shoulder.

"She came from over there." stated Daremo. He had come up to the brothers to see if he could help protect the little girl. He pointed in the direction of a body.

Sesshomaru advanced on the body, Inuyasha at his back with Daremo. As he approached, Rin became more and more aggitated. "Rin, there is nothing to be afraid of. This demon is dead."

Sesshomaru finally stood over the body. He looked at Inuyasha. "Who was this?"

"Kouga. The leader of the wolf demons and the one who tried to take Kagome away from me!"

"He's he's the one who killed the vill-villagers, where I liv-lived." sobbed Rin, her voice muffled against Sesshomaru's shoulder.

Sesshomaru's eyes smouldered with rage for a moment. He then looked at Inuyasha. "It seems I owe you a debt, brother, along with your miko." This said, he turned back to the camp, taking Rin away from the sight of the demon who had killed her.

A/N: I would write more, but I have some things I need to do. Until tomorrow.