InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reverie Town ❯ Reverie Town ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Reverie Town
He noticed something strange heading his way. A large boomerang cut through the demon and barely passed above Koji's head. He saw who threw it before closing his eyes and knowing his body would fall but didn't without his consent.
Sango caught her Hiraikotsu with ease as though it were nothing but a feather in her hand. She sighed, noticing that slaying the demon was easier than what Negi had said. Speaking of Negi, he came running from behind out of breath and smiled with Chamo on his shoulder. “That was amazing Sango-chan!” Sango smiled softly and looked back to him “It was nothing. It's all in a days work for a demon slayer.” As compliments came along, the furry little ermine jumped off his shoulder knowing was something abrupt.
He noticed the boy on the ground and one that stood. He had the most injuries out of the two and yet, by death's standards, should have been dead from all the blood lost but he still stood. “Hey ane-san! Aniki! Look!” Sango had quickly maneuvered as soon as the boy's body began to fall. She caught him in her arms and sighed again. Negi was just panicking. “Uwa! We need to get them back to town!” Kirara came about the corner and transformed, Sango placing the boy there along with his friend. They were off.
What was I suppose to believe? That I was going to die in the hands of a fairy tale demon that shouldn't even exist? Well, I don't know anything about the outside world, having lived in Times City all my life. Nothing ever seemed exciting; life was too ordinary even by normal standards. Not even the white fog didn't seem all too interesting. It was just part of my life like everything else was. But… who was that girl in that strange armor…?
The sun beamed through the small crack in the curtains in the room he was in. The birds were singing and nothing irritated him more than such sounds. He let out a groan and sat up too quick for his brain to pick up causing him enough pain to fall on the pillow below him. He didn't even notice the furry little critter that was sitting on top of him. The ermine muttered curses under his breath and just stared up to the now awaken confused boy. Koji tried again and this time managed to stay up. He looked around; his wounds had healed and were bandaged so well he didn't notice till upon staring at his hands. He was alive but was he dreaming still?
“Well, you recover quickly I must say. A night's rest must have helped you.”
“Kurama-sama!” Chamo shouted.
He jerked his head to the side where a figure entered through the door. Ow… whiplash. He moaned and massaged his neck. The man chuckled and observed his guest heading to the curtains spreading them further apart making Koji wince. He had a clear view of his host and possibly his savior. Red locks falling passed his shoulders and the smile he wore matched his cool demeanor and all too polite mannerism. Koji just had to ask. Who are you? “Forgive me. I'm Minamoto Suuichi. You can call me, Kurama. I daresay that you have a strong will. You're injuries were terrible.” He replied and bowed his head.
Koji bowed his head still his cold scowl apprehended him. “I am Hikari Koji… I thank you for the hospitality and sheer kindness for saving my life but I do remember a girl before passing out.” He explained and thanked. It was rare for him to be polite but he owed his life and the least he had to do was be polite. He closed his eyes, different questions running through his mind. Where to begin was simple.
“Where am I?”
Kurama looked out the window. “You're in Reverie Town. It's a pea- erm… lively place here. I wouldn't want to trade it for the world.”
“Reverie Town?” Another question that popped into his head. A town he never heard of. It wasn't on Synchron Continent for sure nor was it near anywhere he knew. But how would he know? He dared to stand, Chamo falling from his lap and stalked over to the window. They were high on top of a hill that over looked the city and below them - a forest surrounded them on all four sides. Old medieval like buildings aligned together. He noticed a boy with blonde hair in an orange jumpsuit laughing as he ran from a boy with… dog-ears in a gaudy red outfit? All in all the scenery overwhelmed him. For a moment, he thought he was back home. It looked just like Times City except for the large tree that overshadowed the town in the middle. Nearby, steam came out of a large iron like building to the far left barely seen and now disappearing from view because of the fog. The same eerie fog that reminded him of home.
“A beauty ain't it?” Chamo commented.
He had no words to describe it but the talking hamster was right. Talking hamster? He looked down to Chamo before returning his gaze to the town. Now he knew he was dreaming. He pulled his cheek to see if it would wake him up but all it did was send a stingy pain surge through his cheek. It was real but… there's a talking hamster here… Oh well, he thought.
Kurama chuckled, wandering over to the other bed where Han laid. “This town reminds me of my own… Times City… you heard of it?” Koji asked looking down to Chamo again. Chamo rubbed his furry little chin and tapped his head once or twice before answering. “Nope. I'm just surprised that you're not freaked that you're speaking to a talking ermine.” The jackass smirked and stretched working out kinks in his neck, hearing a crack then looking over to Han. “I've seen worse… I can't even tell if I'm dreaming or not…”
“This ain't no dream, kid. I'm the real thing. Chamo, at your service.”
“Yeah and where I come from, hamsters are in cages running their wheels.”
“I'm an ermine you idiot!”
“Ermine. Hamster. What's the difference? You both have four legs, furry little chins and aren't big enough to be a rabbit nor not small enough to be a mice.”
“You better watch you're tongue.”
“That's enough you two.” Kurama interrupted just a slight irritation throbbing in his temple. This boy reminded him of one short fire demon with the same ego and an irritable half demon who right is chasing Naruto possibly because he played another prank on the dog boy. He thought that wasn't possible but he was proven wrong. He smiled to reinsure both of them. “Well, I'm not quite sure where this Times City is but you're welcome to stay here. I don't think Genkai or Priestess Kaede won't mind…”
Koji bowed and walked over to where Han was. “Thanks for the hospitality but I don't want to be a burden…” He stared at Han long to see if his dear friend was still unconscious. The drool didn't suffice the theory that he was injured at all. Han turned on his side mumbling about girls and carrots. Koji winced and smashed his foot in Han's face. “Oi! Wake up…” Han turned again still mumbling.
Kurama had no words to describe what Koji was doing to Han. It was worse than what Yusuke did to Kuwabara. I don't think I can stop him… he thought. He stepped back while Chamo rooted for the one who would win once Han knew what was going and battled back. “We…have… to… go. Ow! That's it!” Koji yelled. After flipping Han, then grabbing him by the collar, about to knock his friend out something stopped his fist from touching his friend's face.
“What's with all the racket? Yusuke and Kuwabara fighting again?”
“Or is it Inuyasha again?”
“Ah. Maya. Sango.”
The two fighting boys looked up to the girls who entered. Koji recognized the girl who had saved him but said nothing as he stood pushing Han down. The other girl only looked like she was barely 7. Han was in a daze having seen a beauty with a florescent aroma that made the room seem brighter and much more livelier than before. Halfway up, he was pulled back down by the firm grip that ensued him as soon as Koji knew what he was up to. Maya looked to Koji with a small brow risen up while Sango noticed how quickly he had recovered.
To his irritation, he had to glare at them. Kurama looked at them and cleared his throat to break the awkward silence that followed the glare. “This is Koji and his friend, Han. They were the ones you helped, Sango.” He ensured them. Sango blinked but bowed, “Nice to meet you. It's good to hear that you're ok.” Koji winced when he heard of her heroic deed of saving his life. He let go of Han walking towards Sango with Maya staring at him with a strange look. He took her hand, kissed it and bowed. “Thank you for saving my life.” He was able to say as pride and ego fought to gain control. It was already hard enough that he had been nice to Kurama and now to his real savior. He hated having people help him.
Sango blushed a tad pink nothing dark but not at all light. He backed away now back to his old self. He directed his attention to the quiet redheaded boy who watched in awe. “Oi. Where are my things?” Not even the slightest care occurred to him knowing his voice sounded more demanding than questioning. Maya shook her head and threw what he wanted at him. He caught his backpack without even looking but it didn't impress her at all.
What was the impression of the boy was that he survived with only a night's rest.
Their expressions… the way they look… They're all so different… It's as if this wasn't by chance like I've seen them before. Well it really must be a dream then. The town they call Reverie seems just like home. Except… it's the opposite of home. As times pass, I learned why I wanted to stay but…
[To Be Continued]