InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ Twister Trouble ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: Nope..not yet..STILL Rumkiko Takahashi's...*crys*

Ok this is chappy 4!!! Thank you all of my reviewers!! I am very new at writing fics and I am very glad that a lot of people like them!!!! I have camp every day this week so I will update every afternoon!!! On Friday I will definitely make a new chapter probably 5 or 6!! Wai!!!! Can't wait, will be sooo much fun!!!!!

Chappy 4: "Twister Trouble"

((he he he. Kagomes turn..))

The night's happenings kept playing over and over again in her head like a little movie. Kagome and Sango were lying awake in bed talking.

"Sango, I have to ask you something." Kagome said quietly but strong enough to get her attention.

"Yes, what is it? You know you can ask me anything." Sango said sitting up on her elbows.

'Just don't tell or ask her too much that would give away that you like him.He is a good kisser though..STOP IT STOP IT!!!!' she thought shaking her head rapidly as a curious Sango was startled by her actions.

"Um.. Is everything okay Kagome? Sango asked suspiciously with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Err.yea, but what I really wanted to know was why you really brought Inuyasha along with us on the trip when he insisted on staying to find more jewel shards." Kagome asked firmly wanting a true honest answer.

"Well. I thought that it would be fun it you guys got to get to know each other a little better." Sango said with a straight look on her face. ((OK, OK, so maybe it was half the truth))

Kagome was so confused whether or not to believe her best friend. She didn't look like she was lying..she hoped.

"OK, I believe you Sango." Kagome said with a big smile.

"Phew that was close." Sango accidentally said aloud.

"What was that?" Kagome immediately questioned with a concerned look on her face as though her best friend had lied to her.

"Err. WHOO, I talk the most???" Sango sputtered out unsure if she even had said anything at all. ((OK that was random.))

"Ok?" was all that was heard when Inuyasha and Miroku barged through the door carrying a large white box with polka dots on it.

"Kagome, what is this thing we found in the back of the van?" Miroku wondered opening the white box carefully. ((KAMI, it's not like it a freaking bomb!!))

"Oh, that? That is just a game called "Twister" Twister is a fun game, why don't we play a game or two?" The raven haired girl suggested purposely handing the spinner to Miroku.

"Whats this?" the monk said flicking the little plastic board thingy.

"That's the spinner, one person spins while the others do what the spinner hand lands on." She explained laying out the large polka dot mat.

"Why can't I do something else?" Miroku shouted tossing the spinner board to Inuyasha but mistakenly hitting him on the head.

"Damn monk! Can't you see that she doesn't want you playing this round because of your wandering hand?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Oh, ok" said the partially terrified monk picking up the little plastic board spinner thingy that now had an indent of Inuyasha's head in it.

"Kagooommeeee" Miroku whined. "Inuyasha's big head left an indent on the board and it won't spin well"

"Well I can do something about that" said Kagome as she pulled out another spinner.

"Where did you get that? The box says it only comes with one spinner!" cried Sango looking around for an obvious place she could have gotten it from.

"Err. I found it?"

"Works for me!" said the now happy Sango, because they were starting the long awaited game.

After about 20 minutes of game play, Sango fell on her kisser and left only Inuyasha and Kagome in the game.

The two twisted and turned for what seemed like hours until they were in a large knot. ((Kind of like Chinese buttons)) Inuyasha and Kagome were in very "inappropriate" positions and each bushed a menacingly dark shade of red every time they moved.

"One of you have to fall sooner or later" Sango said looking mischievously at her foot placed conveniently next to Inuyasha's leg that was supporting his entire "knot" ((Ohh...ideas ideas..))

"How about we add another rule to the game?" said the monk with an evil grin on his face. ((Ohh. not good.evil grin.))

"Well what do you have in mind?" Kagome asked barely able to breath in the position she was in at the moment.

"Well. how about. the first person to blush loses. but there's a catch. You two have to move into the positions that we tell you to, not that piece of plastic there." He said pointing to the game board lying next to the other one with a large bump in it. ((uh oh))

'Oh, this is impossible' thought the monk. 'They will never win this one without taking each other out, it's perfect because they can't blush and they will get into the positions Sango and I tell them to get into'

Inuyasha and Kagome looked at each other for a moment and shook their heads in agreement with the challenge.

"Ok, first each gets into the position." Miroku said getting into the position for them to look off of.

But easy enough, the two did it without any hesitation. Inuyasha slipped his leg between Kagomes legs and around an ankle so it would be impossible for her to move without falling. But Kagome was way ahead of Inuyasha and had a strategy of her own making it impossible for Inuyasha to move without falling.

"Miroku, I think that this should just be a tie or something, they are both locked together" said a nervous Sango that one of them might get hurt.

After about 5 minutes of Sango begging Miroku to call it a stalemate, Inuyasha slipped and fell taking Kagome down with him. Inuyasha was on top of Kagome and they both blushed DEEP shades of red.

Sango and Miroku took the hint and strolled out of the room quickly.

"Inuyasha, why are you sorry? Sorry about what?" Kagome asked thinking about what he had said earlier.

"About me getting you into danger all the time, you may not even be here right now." Inuyasha said slightly upset, with real emotion showing behind those emotion hiding eyes. ((Ok??))

"But Inuyasha, I AM alive. It is not your fault. I choose to help retrieve the shards myself with your help, I put myself into danger!" Kagome uttered shocked by what he had said to her.

"No it IS my fault! I may even put you into trouble myself; you are in danger every time you are with me! What I might do when I become full youkai I may never forgive." He whispered slightly tears forming in his eyes.

Kagome scooted over closer to him and embraced him in a soft hug of comfort. Inuyasha startled by what she was doing just hugged her tighter.

"I am sorry Kagome, I will never leave you." He said warmly and charmingly.

Kagome felt flattered and kissed him on the cheek.



"I know that you found my magazine, I read what you wrote under what I wrote yesterday." Kagome said slightly shifting her seat closer to him.


"Hold on Sango, let me grab some magazines so we can have something to read!" shouted a rushing Kagome.

As Kagome grabbed a bunch of magazines from the pile, one magazine slipped off the bottom and landed open to where she had taken the most recent quiz. There was something unfamiliar written on the bottom of the page that Kagome didn't write.

"My dearest Kagome, I am very glad you feel this way about me. Someday I wish I can tell you my feelings toward you myself and then we will all be happy. Someday.." Kagome read aloud to herself tears forming in her eyes.

~End of flashback~

Inuyasha moved toward Kagome eyes gazing deep into hers. As they drew closer about to share a kiss Miroku stumbled through the door covered in food.

"What happened?" asked a confused Kagome blushing at the thought that Miroku had almost caught them kissing.

"Well Sango and I walked down to the hotel diner. Me and Sango were just sitting so close together I could not help myself. She ended up throwing her whole plate of food and mine at me in front of everyone." Miroku made out barely breathing and still gasping for air.

He noticed that's Inuyasha and Kagome were sitting really close together and both had blushes written all over their faces.

"Uhh. I am sorry, did I interrupt something?" the monk said backing away toward the room door just in case Kagome wanted to beat the shit out of him for ruining their moment.

"NO.what are you talking about? NOTHING happened..REALLY.*cough cough*" They said in unison.

"Well then..*cough* I guess. I . will be..uhh.leaving *cough*" he managed to say before the door was slammed on his head by an angry looking Inuyasha.

"Thanks" said Kagome as she kissed him full on the lips and left to take a shower.

"Your welco-" he cut himself off as he stubbed him toe on the dresser ((he he. again))


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

AHH!!! Don't hurt me!!! I tried!! Well here is the low down on what is coming..and WHY it may not be coming..

Ok #1. I have everyday this week except Friday so I will be able to write maybe 1 chapter every 2 days. Why? Because when I get home from camp I have to go to soccer camp for 2 hours until 8:30 and I only get about 1 or 2 hours in between time to write!!!

#2. I will be going to the beach this week!! Wai!!!! *smiles* so I will use my cousins laptop and my uncles, to update the story when I can!!!! I can estimate probably about 3 chapters over the week I have camp and 5 or 4 chapters while I am at the beach.

#3. WRITERS BLOCK!!! I can feel it..I can taste it.*tastes air* yep..its coming.

Japanese Vocabulary:

Err.heh heh.guess I have been forgetting to put Japanese in there..oh well I am trying to write these as fast as possible so I do what I can!! I promise a lot more in the next chapter!!!! Sayonara!!!!
