InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ A new traveler ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: *eats sugar* NOPE!!! STILL NOT MINE!!! *bounce bounce* muahaha!!!!! Ill get you Rumiko takahashi!!!! *smacks self* OOps.,.,.,., sugar talking...

~*Since this is a story, i know that just about everyone read the spoilers so anyways, there is a new character coming!!! Find out who here!!! And....this is a really BAD chapter, like I am STILL out of ideas!!! I will try to piece this one together as well as I can!!!~*

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Chappy 9: "A new traveler"

"Alright guys!! Over here!" Kagome yelled down the small cramped hall to the 3 teenagers busily making their way toward her.

"We will have to AGAIN share a room, all 4 of us. Unfortunately they only have 1 room left and we will have to make due with what we have." she continued unlocking the door.

As Kagome slipped the key into the door and twisted the knob, it broke off. Kagome stood there blushing and laughing.

"heh heh, wasn't me?" she said scratching the back of her neck.

"Suuuure..." Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha said in unison.

Almost immediately after the 4 sprang into the room, they knew something wasn't right. The room was almost two times smaller than the last hotel room they shared and had only 1 bed, no cot.

"Well....what do we do now?" Miroku said changing glances with Inuyasha.

"We are going to do rock paper scissors as usual, but this time 1st and 2nd get the bed, 3rd and 4th get the floor." Kagome announced, hoping that she would share the bed with Sango and not someone else like Miroku.

"Fine" the others said together.


The hotel managaer walked out of his office and went to a hotel room right next door. He knocked on the door and started yelling. "Come on hurry up! We have customers, they need a cot."

"But we don't have any left!" someone from behind the door replied peeking through the closed curtains.

"I know, but YOU have one in your room, remember? Kisha already left this morning with uncle Miyachi." he shot back almost knocking the door down with his voice.

"Alright alright! Gomen nasai!!! I forgot that she left!" he said opening the door and pulling the cot close behind him.

"Now, take it up to room 117. I presume there are 4 people there so bring 2 pillows with you." he commanded lighting a cigarette.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"AWW, come on! No fair! I don't want to share the floor with Miroku again!!!" Sango whined throwing a pillow across the small room. ((what else is new...))

"Stop your whining Sango, you lost fair and square. Besides you don't have to sleep on the floor anymore. I called the front desk to see if anyone returned a cot yet and he said that he may have had one left and will send someone to bring it up." Kagome said calming Sango down.


"I guess that will be the cot" Kagome announced standing up to get the door.

Inuyasha trailed behind her to help squeeze the thing through the door. ((implying that the door is probably small due to how small the room is))

Kagome walked to the door and swung it open to see a tall black haired boy holding a cot.

"HOJO!" she said backing away from the door and swallowing really hard.

"Oh, Konnichiwa Kagome! What brings you here?" Hojo said enthusiastically.

"No, I think the question is, what are YOU doing here?" She questioned. At the moment Inuyasha was hiding behind the door hoping not to be seen.

"Well you see, my grandfather owns this hotel. In the summer he makes me come ove and work here. He doesn't pay me much because Im family and he believes that I should be doing it from the love of my heart and not for the money." he answered so quickly, Sango thought his lips were going to burst into flames.

"Yes, sou ka. Well just set the cot down here please and you can be on your way, you don't want your grandfather waiting now do you?" she said hurridly pushing him out the door.

"No, its ok. I am sure he won't mind, besides I need a break so why don't I hang here?" he shouted pushing his way back into the room.

'Not a good idea...' Kagome thought 'I should tell him that we are all sick or something...'

"Sure, why not" Kagome slapped her hand over her mouth utterly shocked that she had said that.

Just as Hojo started making his way into the room to shut the door, Kagome shut it right on him.

"Can you wait just a minute? Umm...theres a really really BIG spider in here, and I am er... going to try and kill it. I think I should shut the door so it doesn't get away." she bargained with him slowly closing the door.

Inuyasha emerged from behind the door and shot an evil glare at Kagome.

"What in the hell were you thinking?! Why did you invite that homo guy in?!" Inuyasha blared at Kagome angrily.

"I don't know! I wanted to say no but it just slipped out!" she retorted sitting down on the bed.

"Well we can't just leave him out there, just let him in and then we can talk about the rest of the trip. He knows a lot about the roads around here I presume since he works here, maybe he can give us directions." Sango argued walking toward the door to let Hojo inside.

Sango opened the door and let Hojo inside. He sat down on the bed right next to Kagome and put his arm around kagomes shoulders. Inuyasha put a big scowl on his face and glared at Hojo.

"Kagome, maybe we should discuss plans for the roadtrip, like directions. Homo, I mean Hojo, can you help with directions?" Miroku questioned as he lounged in a chair in the corner of the cramped room.

Hojo's eyes lit up and he smiled at Kagome. "WOW!!! A roadtrip!?! OHHH!!!! How cool!!! Can I come!?!" he exploded with millions of questions nonstop until Inuyasha had to hit him over the head with Sangos boomerang.

"Umm...Hojo...I don't think you can come, you see there is not much room lef-" kagome was cut off by Hojo crying "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLLLEEAASSEE!!!!!"

"Well....'I don't want to hurt him...' ok what the hell you can come, but not for long" She said slapping him across the face to get him to stop screaming "please""

"OK, I have an aunt who lives about a day or two away, I will stay with her. Just take me on the road trip with you and just drop me off at my aunts house on the way there!" he shouted proudly and stood up.

Inuyasha in the meantime was in the corner with Miroku sulking.

'Why do we have to bring him along??' they both thought.


Later that night....


Everyone was already asleep in bed, Kagome and Inuyasha together, and Sango and the monk on the cot.

"Grandpa!!! I am going back to room 117! I forgot something!" Hojo shouted into the office to see hid grandfather asleep on the desk drooling from the mouth.

Hojo walked to room 117 and noticed that the doorknob was gone, so he opened the door to go inside and retrieve his "keys" he had left there.

"Hello...anyone still awake?" he whispered just in case they were all sleeping.

He opened the door the rest of the way, and saw Inuyasha and Kagome cuddled up together. Inuyasha had his arms around Kagome and she had her head on his chest.

"I guess not..." he said to himself searching around for his keys.

As soon as he found them he walked out of the room with a tear in his eye.


AWW!!! POOR HOJO!!!!! *stabs hojo voodoo doll* even though I really hate him, I just HAD to add that sad little part!!!! because he needs to know that Inuyasha and Kagome like each other, and that whole chestnut, well anyways I am done with this chappy, sorry its so short tho!!!! The next chapter will not be here for a while, maybe 5 days!! gomen nasai! I wish I could add more chappys but this week will be a very busy one for me indeed!!! *eats sugar* gomen!!! *eats chalk* o_0

ja ne!

Japanese Vocab-

gomen nasai- I am very sorry

hai- yes

ja ne- bye