InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ I smell jealousy! ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: *squeezes Inu plushie* can't u see im a little busy here?! *squeezes plushie so hard eyes pop out* huh? *crys* W-W-WHHY!??!!!!?

*little voice- baka charat! What she means is, she doesn't own him....-slaps kiwi-*

~*A/N- alrighty!!! I got a few reviews, but I guess it will have to do!!! I think that I will focus this chappy on what some of the reveiwers wanted or asked to add to the story!!! oh yeah and the quiz thing that people took will be posted at the bottom!!! arigatou to all those who voted!*~

Chappy 11- "I smell jealousy!"

OK! now....last time we met our little friends, they had just met an outrageously dumb blonde and are trying to get as far away from her and the rest of the blondes as possible.

Kagome was sitting in the side front seat, lecturing Sango on "how to drive".

"Now Sango, slow down a little, you don't want to get too close to the car ahead of us." Kagome said trying to get Sango to let up on the gas.

"O.K. Kagome-chan, do I step on this pedal right next to it?" she questioned trying the best she could to keep her eyes on the road.

"Yes, that is the brake. Step on it VERY lightly, ok?" she said while opening her window.

As Kagome continued lecturing Sango, Miroku and Inuyasha were sitting in the back of the van looking out the window at "hot" girls.

Miroku saw a tall skinny blonde, very gorgeous walk down the street and stop with her hand as a thumbs up in the air.

Miroku slammed his head against the window and started fogging up the glass. "WOW SHES HOT" he accidentally said aloud.

Sango surprisingly shocked swerved off the road and hit a telephone post after hearing the monk and his quite big mouth.

"Sango-chan! Whats wrong?!" kagome asked quite concerned for her friend.

"oh err um....nothing! Im fine!" she replied very nervously.

"OOOH.....I smell jealousy!!!" Inuyasha exploded from the back of the van rolling on the floor laughing.

"What makes you think that?!" Sango demanded turning around in her seat eyeing the hanyou.

"Because I can smell emotions you dumbass!" he retorted, glacing a look at a now mad Kagome.

"Inuyasha......OSUWARI" she said dusting off her hands.

"Arigatou gozimasu, Kagome-chan." Sango thanked Kagome, trying to pull the large map out of the glove compartment.

"Anytime, Sango-chan!" Kagome said smiling as though she enjoyed "sitting" him.

"And as for you......"Sango trailed off glaring a VERY EVIL glare at the houshi.

"W-w-what about me?" he stuttered sliding further back into the van.

Sango randomly pulled a frying pan out of the air and started beating the guilty monk like there was NO tomorrow.

While Sango was "busy" Kagome got out of the van to inspect the damage done.

"Oh dear..." she said aloud circling the van. "Looks, like we are going to have to get this fixed." she continued eyeing the flat tire.


At ThE rEpAiR sHoP. , . , . , . , . ,


Inside the waiting area Inuyasha and Miroku fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Did we <i>have</i> to push the van the whole way here?" Miroku asked sitting up on his elbows.

Kagome and Sango just looked at each other and started cracking smiles. Seconds later <i>they</i> were the ones on the floor gasping for air from laughing so hard.

Kagome kicked herself to calm down and replied "No, we just wanted to see you guys do it" she admitted.

Mirokus face went from tired to angry in a split second.

"WHAT?!" Both of the guys said in unison now standing up.

What seemed like minutes they stood there glaring deeply at each other about to attack when the tall skinny blonde from earlier walked into the room.

"Ahem....excuse me? But miss, are you Kagome?" the blonde said to Kagome.

"Why yes I am, and who would you be?" she shot back stunned that she knew her name.

"My name is Natsumi, and I am the head mechanic here. I would like to talk to you about your van and the price that it will cost." she said making her way to the raven haired girl.

"Hai, right away" she said getting up and following Natsumi into an office.

Miroku sat there on the floor with his mouth wide open and drooling all over the carpet. Sango saw the monk and looked away sadly.

Inuyasha on the other hand had seen Sango turn away sadly after noticing the perverted monk.

<i>She really does like him, doesn't she...</i> Inuyasha thought turning his attention away from her as Kagome emerged from the office.

Kagome had turned ghostly white and her eyed were open as wide as humanly possible.

"So....Kagome-chan, how much was it?" Miroku said looking around for the blonde.

"You <b>DON'T</b> want to know..." she trailed off, stepping out the door to the garage to pick up the van.

"Do you think it was that bad?" Sango asked Inuyasha.

"Like I give a flying fuck" he quickly replied exiting the room after Kagome.

"Since when did fuck fly?"


ThE nExT hOtEl RoOm. , . , . , . , . , . , . , .


About 30 pixie stix later Kagome was back to herself and just as happy as before. Everyone was checking into their hotel rooms and checking out the pool.

"Wow, this is a pretty nice hotel, Kagome-chan!" Sango said excitedly peeing over the lounge.

"Yeah, its 5 stars!" she said happily too excited.

"How much did <i>this</i> cost?" Sango questioned eyeing her suspiciously.

"Uhh....only like 4 grand a night" she said grabbing the room key and racing up to the elevator.

((now with the guys))

"Check out all of these extra things!! The other hotels we stayed at didn't have this!" Miroku said pointing out the "french maid" option on the little card.

"What the hells a french maid?" Inuaysha said trying to turn on the big screen TV.

"I don't know....lets find out, Ill call one now!" Miroku announced picking up the room phone.


AHHH CLIFFHANGER!!! I am sorry!!! I must cut it short because I have to go now!!! *crys* ill update as SOON as I can ok? until then, check this out and review review review!!! Also, don't think that you don't have to review because "someone else will do it, so I don't have to" well you do, Ir eally need to encouragement to keep doing this, because I keep only getting reviews from the exact same people over and over again. So <b>PLEASE</b> review!!

Japanese Vocab-

Hai- yes

arigatou gozimasu- thank you very much

houshi- priest

osuwari- sit

chan- suffix

((sorry if I missed any!))


Whos your favorite character so far in the story?

Winner- Kagome

2nd- Inuyasha

2. What would you rate the story so far?

winner- excellent

2nd- none, you ALL said it was excellent! *big smile*

3. How many more chapters do you think the story should go?

Winner- Keep going until they retire the fic

2nd- 5 to a lot more chapters

4. Should I bring a new character to the story from the Sengoku Jidai or tokyo?

Winner- oh well too bad, I already DID answer for this one!

Thanks to everyone that reviewed I really appreciate it, and to everyone who took my quiz!!!! *hands out cookies*