InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ rainbow stickers and T-shirts ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER: write here: "I do not own Inuyasha"

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~*A/N- ALRIGHT!! ANOTHER CHAPPY!! I gave spoilers earier but you didn't have to read them....SOME of the things that I said that might be happening ARE, but some aren't! okay?! GET OVER IT!!!~*

Chappy 15: Rainbow stickers and T-shirts!

kagome- *opens door* YOU! i thought you were.. still on the side of the road?

Sango- *dreamy eyes* HOJO!!!

Inuyasha- FEH!

morg- who's at the door *trips*

*morg looks to see Hojo*

Hojo- I dont think we've met! Hi! *sticks out hand* I'm Hojo! *smiles*

Morg- *raises eyebrow* eh...... *nervous laughter and stares at his hand*.... uh.. yeah.. hi

Miroku- How did u get here? Hitch hike much?

Everyone keeps saying stuff and asking questions so much that he couldn't butt in to answer even one.

Inuyasha- I can't believe that Homos here....

Morgan- *stares at Hojo* so....your gay......?

Hojo- Where did u hear that?

Morgan- oh no one.....*points to everyone*

Hojo- *blank stare* well anyways.....I have been trying to find u guys ever since I accidentally got thrown out of the car....

Inuyasha- oh believe wasn't an accident....

Hojo- What was that?

Kagome- oh him? nothing...nothing at all!!!

Michaela- no he said something! I am quite sure of it!

*Kagome walks over and clamps a hand over her mouth*

Kagome- no he didnt....RIGHT Michaela? *kicks Michaela*

Michaela- OWIE....ehh oh OH!!! no...he didn't say anything! really!

Hojo- ok....well anyways, I got here by hitch hicking....A LOT! There was this one guy named Chuck and he was sooo nice! He gave me this souvenier too! *pulls out rainbow pin* see! Isn't it great?!

Kagome- but it says "gays unite" on it.....

Hojo- oh really? *looks at pin* I didn't see that....oh well!

Michaela- Riiight......well then would u care to explain your shirt?

*points to shirt Hojos wearing that also says "gays unite....and this wasn't a souveneir"*

Hojo- oh see.....I found it?

everyone (except Sango)- SUURE......*stuffs Hojo into closet*

Sango- WAIT NO!!!! Ill save you Hojo!!!!!

Miroku rushes over and grabs Sango by the arms putting her into a 1/2 nelson.

Miroku- No no...its okay. I think it will be better if he stays in there for a little while...

Sango- What did he every do to you?!

*Another* array of answers were heard among the group

"Bug the hell out of me"

"Almost made me crash the van"

"Kept trying to look up my robes"

After Miroku said his response you could hear banging and scratching against the door along with a response.

Hojo- Hey! I only tryed that once!!! I was just a little curious....

Inuyasha didn't have to wait for Miroku to give the "OK" he just walked over to the closet, pulled the chair out from under the door knob, and walked into the closet.

Hojo- Hey Inuyasha....whats thats large silver thing in your hand?

Inuyasha- Nothing that u have to worry about....

Moment later the hotel room was shaking like an earthquake.

Then seconds after that Inuyasha emmerged from the closet covered in pink makeup and rainbow stickers all over his butt.

As Kagome shut the door and put the chair back up Hojo yelled "BITCH" to Inuyasha.

Morgan- How did THAT happen?! *pointing to Inyasha butt covered in rainbow stickers that also say "gays unite"*

Inuyasha- You DON'T want to know......*scared for life look*

Michaela- anyways, you mean to tell me that u guys ACTUALLY let him come with you on the road trip?!

Sango- What? Is there something wrong with being nice every one in a while?!

Miroku- were the one whos idea it was to throw him out of the van anyway! *evil glare*

Sango- SO WHAT HOUSHI! I HATE YOU.....AND I ALWAYS WILL! *returns evil glare*

everyone- *GASP*

Kagome who at the time was peeling off the rainbow sticker off of Inuyashas butt stood up and ran to Sango.

Kagome- SANGO! What are you saying?! You love Miroku! How can you say something like that?!

Sango- Hai, I USED to like that perverted monk...but now I don't! That was then this is now! *SO LYING* I- I- I LOVE HOMO! I mean.....HOJO!

Hojo- (A/N- Still in closet!) YOU DO?! EWWW *cough* I mean....WAI!! *cough*

everyone- YOU DO?! *everyone faints except Morgan and Michaela*

Morgan- OMG Miroku!! *looks at now fainted houshi* U fell!!! U must be hurt!!! *puts pillow under Mirokus head*

Miroku- *wakes up to commotion and notices pampering* Am I in heaven?? *notices Sango* no wait...its hell.....

Sango- I heard that you damned monk!

Miroku- Well good! Then I won't have to repeat myself!

Sango- *vein bulging* UR JUST JEALOUS!!!

Miroku- of what?! Ur gay ass boyfriend?! *rolls on floor laughing*

Michaela walks inbetween the fight and puts her hands out to each side to stop their bickering.

Michaela- Both of you stop it...Lets resolve this little issue over Hojo and him being gay k?

Everyone agreed and sat in a circle on pillows, Morgan accidentally sitting on Mirokus head in the process.

Morgan- OMG! I am so sorry!! *cradles his head in her arms*

Miroku- Oh no...thats okay koi

Morgan a deep shade of red scootched closer to Kagome and whisperes "he said koi!"

Kagome- yeah.....soo.....

Morgan- HE CALLED ME KOI!!! *stands up and throws confetti*

everyone- *falls anime style* HUH?

Miroku- You don't mind me calling you do you Morgan-sama?

Morgan- NOT AT ALL!!!! *sits down uncommonly close to Miroku...just close enough to...*

Morgan- OOO!!!! What *ARE* you doing?!

Miroku- *sweatdrop* nothing.....don't mind me!

Michaela- *very confused* riiight....well how about that little issue ne? *pulls out chick magazine Inuyasha was reading earlier*

Kagome- OOO!!! Lemme read!!! *begs and reaches for mag*

Michaela- nuh uh uh......this was MY *I* get to read it! *Kagome sits down and pouts mumbling profanities*

Sango- Well go on...we don't have ALL day to prove that hes not gay!

everyone- SUUURE......oh believe me....we have ALL day to prove that he IS gay...

Michaela- and on we go...*opens magazine to quiz and test sections* it is! *points to quiz that says "Is he gay?"*

Morgan- OOO!! I can answer that one!!!! *trips over Miroku*

Michaela- down girl, now lets begin!

Direction: Check off the box yes or no next to each question corresponding to the question.

Question #1: Does he wear all black? [yes] no

Question #2: Does he have 1 earing in the left ear? [yes] no

Question #3: Does he have short black hair tied into a ponytail? [yes] no

Question #4: Does he wear rainbow shirts that say "gays unite and this was not a souvenier"? [yes] no

Question #5: Is his name Homo....I mean Hojo? [yes] no

Answer: If you circled more yes than no......then run away as fast as possible all you straight guys!!

Miroku- Hey!!! I have earings and black robes....AND my hair is in a ponytail!!! And I KNOW that u guys KNOW that im not gay!

Inuyasha- Well some of us sure as hell do considering the ass grabbing thing....

Miroku- yeah what he said! HEY WAIT! Its not like I don't have a reason.... *grabs Morgans ass*

Morgan- OH MIROKU! *slaps him but then kisses him where she slapped him* Better?

Miroku- oh MUCH *dreamy eyes*

Sango- There MUST be something wrong with that quiz!!!! *grabs quiz and sees that it was right* SO WHAT! Hes not gay! And I know it...I am not going to let some "gay" quiz tell me whos gay!

Kagome- See....they were meant for each other.....the quiz is gay, and so is Hojo!

While the group was busilt fighting, Michaela mangaed to sneak out of the circle and make her way to Kagomes bag. She opened it in search for more magazines that may have similar qiuzez but instead came across a blue notebook.

Michaela- ooooh.....*sparkly eyes* I wonder what this is....*opens up notebook revealing quite like-like sketches of everyone shes come to met along her journey. One that she came across made her eye glitter* WAI KAWAII!!! *rips out piccy and stuffs it into shirt*

Michaela walked back into the circle and sat down with a loud "thud"

Morgan- *snickering* umm.....Michaela? Why do u all of a sudden have *1* large boob?

Michaela- *looks down* really? OMG! *pulls out paper and stuffs it into pocket* How did that get there?? *sweatdrop*

Minutes later there was a large poundng and kicking noice that could be heard through out the hotel room.

Morgan- *shoves head into Mirokus robes* scared....

Miroku- Don't worry koi...everything will be okay. *wraps arm around morgan*

Sango- *scowl*

everyone- JEALOUS *points at Sango and laughs*

All of a sudden the closet door came crashing down revealing one MAD Hojo armed with rainbow stickers, pink makeup, and "gays unite" T-shirts.


~*A/N- Tankie tankie Morgan-chan and Michaela-chan!!! I thank you for being in my story!!!! I hope you guys can hang around here longer and make my story more funny!!!! *throws confetti and accidentally hits Morgan knocking her out* OOPS....^^;;

Well Michaela looks like ull have to take us out of here....^^;;

Michaela- M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E......B-Y-E B-Y-E! *accidentally knocks out Kiwi-chan* OOPS.....^^;;;;;;;; oh well!! *leaves them there*