InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Road Trip for Love ❯ Narakus here, and whats with the cleaver? ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISLAIMER- u know the drill....DROP AND GIVE ME 20~! *everyone starts ducking yelling "we do not own Inuyasha"* ATTENTION! *everyone stands* DISMISSED! *everyone marches out of room*

~*A/N- ok ok.....sure its been a while since I last updated....ok but I have school and other shit I have to deal with....DON'T HASSLE ME, IM LOCAL! Anyways.....this chapter was made up by yours truly and Morgan! This chapter has SO much going on....and it was so big we had to split it up into three chapters! So if there is a cliffhanger...GET OVER IT *heavy breathing* Well now...enjoy! *big stupid smile*~*

Chappy 18- "Narakus here, and why does she have a cleaver?"

((A/N-ok for all of you who don't know who I am about to talk about....the next character is named kaoru, she is from the Inu series and she was in like eppy 50-60 one of those eppys, but she tries to kill Miroku...but she is only 13.))

((A/N- HEH HEH...lots of these things...well anyways this is starting at Narakus castle!))

~~**Narakus Castle**~~

"Do you understand little one?" the dark shadow questioned retreating into the darkness of his babboon suit. ((A/N- oh how typical))

"Are you kidding me?! I would NEVER kill Miroku and Sango!!! I LOVE Miroku #1, and #2 Sango happens to be one my frie....." Kaoru was cut off by being thrown in the wall by Narakus powerful wave of "EVIL". ((A/N- LOL))

Naraku stepped over her and placed a hand on her forehead. Her eyes rolled back into her head and re-appeared....without pupils.....she was under his control.

"Do you understand now? My little minion..." Naraku again asked patience wearing out.

"Yes, master Naraku. I understand completely. I will make sure Miroku and Sango are dead by the end of this week. You have my word." replied Kaoru bowing and holding up a bright pink crystal. "I will be using this to travel to the Modern era....I overheard Miroku talking last time we had our little "run-in""

Naraku grinned evily. "I am quite pleased Kaoru, you have been doing your not let me down or you know what will happen."

"Yes master Naraku" Kaoru yelled running down the corridor of the large castle and into the darkness herself.


BaCk WiT tHe GrOuP. , . , . , . , . , .


The whole group started walking in circles out of many things: confussion, frustration, and laziness. They were surrounded by woods and were obviously LOST.

"I told you we shouldn't have camped out last night! And now we can't even find the freaking van!" Michaela complained throwing a rock at the same tree she had been hitting for the last 3 hours.

"Stop your complaining Michaela." Morgan said creating a hold in the ground due to the fact that she had been circling there for so long.

Inuyasha just sat up in a nearby tree staring down at the group like they were a bunch of crackers. "Walking in circles won't do shit you bakas" he retorted slouching lower into the branch and lowering his head to sleep.

"Thats what you think!" Morgan screamed back walking at a faster pace now and creating a larger crater than before.

"I still don't see what you walking in a circle has to do with anything..."said Sango staring off into space stupidly.

"Oh- this? heh heh.... you see there really IS no reason why im doing this....I am just really bored as hell!" Morgan said now at a running speed. Just a few minutes later she was in a hole large enough for a train to pass through. If she kept at it at the speed she was going shed be in China in no time at all.

Miroku at the time was doing pretty much nothing but fiddling around with his prayer beads wrapped around his right hand. Michaela stopped screwing around with Morgan and sat down right next to Miroku.

"Miroku....what may I ask are you doing?" Michaela said eyeing him strangely.

"Me? oh nothing....I am just thinking...thats all." he replied lowering his head bringing upon a gaze to the ground.

"Come on Miroku, you can tell me." Michaela pleaded trying to get what he was hiding out of him.

Miroku just looked around quickly to make sure no one was listening.

"Well you see....I love Sango. I always have. BUT....the thing is, is that I am starting to fall in love with Morgan more and more everyday. Sure she can be a major ditz....but there is something about her that I just LOVE." he said is a low tone quickly glancing around again.

"You mean you are making such a big fuss over THAT?! I think you need to take some time off and take a dip in a hot spring. I am sure that I spotted one around here when we were aimlessly walking. Ill get Inuyasha to go with you so you can talk about it with him too, AND so you can have a little company." Michaela said happily now standing up and making her way to the tree where Inuyasha lay peacefully.

Michaela trotted over to the tree on the way seeing that Morgan was still circling like she was about to lay down. She stood in front of the tree and yelled to Inuyasha.

"Inuyash!!!!" Michaela screamed

No response

"INUYASHA!!!" Michaela again screamed this time a little louder in hopes she would awake him.

Michaela turned toward Kagome who was busily filing her nails with a nail file ((A/N-a nail you don't say...)) and said "you mind?"

Kagome didn't even have to look up to see WHAT it was that she needed her for, she just went on doing her nails and yelled "SIT"

All of a sudden a giant crash could be heard and a bunch of "OWIES" following. Inuyasha had unfortunately landed in a thorn bush and when he got out of it he looked like a walking red rose.

"Alright, now what the hell do you want?!" Inuyasha demanded to know since he was so rudely awoken.

"I want you to go to the hot spring with Miroku, he has some things that he needs to talk about. I think it would be a good idea if you went along with him." Michaela answered pushing Inuyasha out of the clearing hurridly.

As soon as the guys were gone, Kagome, Sango, and Michaela all sprawled out on the ground tiredly. They would have gossiped and talked forever but as soon as they lied down they caved under the heaviness of their eyelids. Morgan of course was still awake and circling for the hell of it.

The wind picked up and clouds rushed in causing a layer of darkness beneath them. Morgan being the only one awake noticed how dark it had become.

She crawled out of her gargantuous crater and stared straight at the sky. Puzzled, she scanned the woods for Inuyasha and Miroku becoming more and more nervous. No such luck at spotting Inuyasha or Miroku, but instead a small approaching figure....a little girl, closing in rapidly.


~*A/N- OOO!!!! Cliffhanger!!! I am SO evil!!! MUAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!! *cough choke* ahem...anyways I hope you will like it and PLEASE review...if u don't....WHO knows what I would do...*evil laugh*

ALSO....on an additional note....PLEASE read the fanfic titled "nanashi" written by our two great characters Morgan and Michaela or.... stupid-neko lol *hugs* lub everyone...and remember NO FLAMES!!!

off like a prom dress!!! *so stole it*

don't forget to read NANASHI!!!!
