InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Robotic Beauty ❯ Happy Day! ...Or Not ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Robotic Beauty

Disclaimer: See previous chapters

HOLY SH*T!!!! I got so many reviews! Wow! Thank you all so much! I totally was not expecting that! I'm glad that you all could review! It makes me so happy! And happy me means more chapters!

Ch. 3

Happy Day! …Or not

~Kagome's POV~

Miroku was quite a nice dancer, she had to admit. He could be quite graceful when he wasn't onto one of his perverted acts. She was actually having fun as she danced with him to the slow music played from who-knew-where.

But then, someone rudely interrupted the two.

She turned around and saw a man unlike any she had ever seen before. Well… she'd only been awake for five months since the Transformation, but the man's shimmering silver hair stood out like a sore thumb in the sea of black heads.

"Can I cut in?" The man asked gruffly. She could clearly tell that he wished to be elsewhere.

Miroku puffed himself up in an attempt to look down on the man. She unsuccessfully tried to stifle her giggle. "Why you may not sir!" He cried in righteous anger.

She giggled again and gave his arm a small slap, "Miroku, stop being so rude." Her gaze shifted to the silver-haired man and her eyes locked onto his unusual golden ones. "Why you may, sir," she replied to him and shyly slid her hand in his. He, in return, placed his large one on her waist. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Miroku huff in mock anger before giving her a wink and walking off in search of a new dance partner.

"What is your name?" She turned her attention back to the man.

"Inuyasha." He replied shortly.

Dog demon, huh? She pondered. "Well it suits you, I suppose. Your ears do remind me of a dog's. They're so adorable," she grinned.

"Well I AM a dog demon," he responded.

A dog demon? There's such a thing? She asked herself. "You are?" She paused, "Do you mind if I touch your ears?" She felt herself flush with embarrassment. In the back of her mind, she wondered how she could feel such human emotions if she was, technically, no longer alive.

He gave her an arrogant smirk. "If you must."

She felt the flush spread and tentatively reached up to paw lightly at the small triangles of fur. They felt soft and pliant. The silver hair brushed against her fingers as she rubbed them gently. Slowly, she removed her hand and gazed into his molten eyes. They were such an unusual and beautiful color that she couldn't bring herself to look away. And while a small part of her screamed for her to snap out of it, the more dominant part told the minority to go to hell.

Before she knew it, she was trapped and no force on the planet could pull her back out. This man made her feel so alive through only his eyes, and a small part of her that had been hidden from her robotic mind presented itself to the outside word, after a year of hibernation. Was this love?

Eventually, her dance partner managed to shake out of the trance he also seemed to be in and tightened his grip around her waist. He dazzled her with another one of his smirks, "So, when's the wedding?" He asked.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "What?"

"You know," he replied with a smile, "when's your old man going to let us get married, Kikyou?"

She froze in absolute horror. It felt as if her very heart had dropped down to the pit of her stomach. In the back of her mind, an evil little voice made itself known, "But how can that be?" It sniggered at her misery, "You're not even real."

A part of her broken soul recognized the pain. This had happened to her before, she realized. But this time, there would be nothing to make the pain go away.

"I'm not Kikyou…" She whispered painfully. She broke out of his grip with a strangled little sob and staggered away from him before dashing to the nearest exit.

~Author's POV~

Her words struck him like an arrow. Not Kikyou…? But how could that be? The girl broke away from his arms and looked at him with those anguished eyes before running away like a deer from a hunter. His heart thudded painfully in his chest.

What just happened? He clenched his fists angrily and stomped off in the opposite direction. On his way out, Sango intercepted him.

"Hey, did you talk to the King yet? You need to speak with him before you leave."

He growled angrily, "Leave me alone!"

She grabbed his arm before he could make it out the door, "What is your problem? You know you have to do this! Don't take it out on me."

He rounded on her furiously, lashing out his arm to knock her hold loose, "What is my problem? What is my PROBLEM?! YOU are my problem! This is all your FAULT!!" He screamed at her. He turned back around and stormed out the door.

Sango stood there staring after him in shock before recovering her wits and hastened after him. She grabbed a handful of his hair and halted him instantly, satisfying in his pained yelp. "What is your problem? I didn't do anything and then you start shouting that I'm at fault for some stupid thing you probably did!"

Inuyasha glared at her with barely restrained anger in his eyes. "Oh, my fault, huh? Just like some kid who blames everything on others? So then, who was it that directed me to dance with the wrong girl? If I'm not mistaken it was you. Oh, and you'll just love this. Just who do you think fell in love with that wrong girl?" He spat, his voice dripping sarcasm.

Sango's eyes went impossibly wide and her mouth fell open. Inuyasha curled his lip in disgust. "You… that's who…" He said with a bitter voice. He shot her one last smoldering glare that was underlined with heartbreak before flicking his head away and disappearing into the night.

Sango stared sorrowfully as he vanished from sight.

"What have I done?" She whispered to herself.

Kagome blinked back tears furiously but she was unable to keep them from streaming from her eyes as she pushed her way through the crowd. As the crowd gradually began to thin out, she burst into an flat-out run, before smacking right into someone's chest. A pair of large hands descended on her shoulders.

"Kagome? What's wrong?" A kind voice spoke to her softly from above.

She looked up and into the violet eyes of Miroku.

She finally let out all the tears she had been holding back and sobbed into her friend's chest, "Miroku!"

Miroku rubbed her back comfortingly. "Shh, don't cry, Kagome. Tell me what's wrong."

But Kagome firmly refused to talk and after the sixth attempt, he decided to give it up. It wasn't right to pry into her business if she had no intent on sharing what was on her mind.

"It's okay, Kagome. If you don't want to tell me, then I won't force you to." He told her soothingly. Eventually, her sobs had reduced to sniffles which then reduced to just a once in a while dab to the eyes with Miroku's handkerchief.

"I'm sorry, Miroku. It's just…" She trailed off, still unwilling to tell him her troubles, no matter how close he was to her. "It's just I'm nervous about the Curse, it's coming closer." She made up lamely.

"Like I said before, Kagome, if you aren't ready, then I won't make you say it."

Kagome smiled, but then frowned, "But why are you being to kind to me? I'm not ungrateful or anything, but I will be… in five months. There's really no point to stay around me…" She rubbed her arm self-consciously and averted her eyes.

Miroku snorted and forced her to look back at him. "Why would I do that? You're my little sister after all. I don't care that you're supposed to be some replacement; I sure as hell won't stand by as some freak shoots you with an arrow. I won't let anything happen to you." He smiled lightly.

Kagome returned the smile with a gratified one of her own. "Thank you, Miroku. I can always count on you."

Miroku beamed, "No problem."

Sango knocked on her master's door. "Inuyasha? Inuyasha!" She called through the thick, wonderfully crafted wood.

"I told you to leave me alone!" A gruff voice called out, slightly muffled.

Sango sighed, "It's been three days, Inuyasha! You've locked yourself in that room for three damn days! Why can't you just get over it? It's not that big a deal!"

Suddenly, the door swung open ferociously. Caught off guard, Sango nearly fell forward. The moment her eyes met Inuyasha's, she immediately turned her head down to avoid looking at him. His eyes had blazed into hers with a fury she had never seen before.

"How dare you." He snarled in a low voice, his eyes now burning into the top of her head. An instant later, he had slammed the door and Sango found herself once again staring at wood.

"Allow me," a deep voice spoke from behind her. Sango turned and bowed immediately.

"Your Highness! I'm so sorry I could not get your son out of his room. I really do not know what is bothering him," she lied.

"It is alright, Sango. Step aside."

She complied quickly with another quick bow.

The king stepped up to the door and gave it a rough knock that nearly had it falling off its hinges. "Inuyasha!" He barked loudly. "You had better get your sorry ass out here, or I'll make your life a living hell!"

"Leave me ALONE! Is that so much to ask?" Inuyasha's voice snarled violently through the door.

This time, Lord Inutaisho did knock down the door. Sango glimpsed Inuyasha jump up in surprised fury from his bed.

The King straightened himself up and looked down on his son regally. "Because you so rudely left the party three days ago, Princess Kikyou and her family have graciously volunteered to come here and meet you instead. They will be here within minutes, so I expect you to get your act together and act at least a bit grateful to the fact they are coming to see you."

Sango scoffed inwardly. Inuyasha grateful? Yeah right! She'd sooner see the palace pigs grow wings.

Stubbornly, Inuyasha crossed his arms, "Feh. As if I'd act all polite for some bitch." He sneered.

King Inutaisho lunged forward suddenly and latched his fingers onto one of Inuyasha's furry ears. He gave a howl of pain as his father twisted the sensitive triangle of cartilage cruelly.

"You WILL be polite, and you WILL be grateful! I'll make certain of it if it's the last thing I do!" The King barked sharply into his son's ear. He released it and walked out the door.

Sango looked back at her master and felt a slight pang of pity. The poor boy looked like a kicked puppy, no pun indeed. She moved to smooth his ruffled fur, but he whipped around at her and bared his fangs.

With a hand cupped to his bruised ear, he growled in a low voice, "Leave me alone." Abruptly, he turned around and sulked, sitting in a cross-legged position, his back slouched.

She gave a small sigh and backed away obediently. She closed the door after herself quietly and walked to her own quarters. She really didn't want to be in the castle when Princess Kikyou would finally come.

"When will we arrive, mother? This weather is just horrid. I'm getting sweaty." Kikyou fanned herself daintily with a gloved hand. "You, girl, fan me." She waved her hand to the maid inside her carriage.

Rin, the Princess's personal maid, gave an inaudible sigh. What did I ever do to deserve this? She turned her pleading eyes to the heavens above. But due to the carriage shade, she couldn't see a thing, except the disgusting pink color the Lady Kikyou insisted on using. However, like the dutiful maid she was supposed to be, she picked up a beautifully decorated fan from beside her and fanned her mistress.

"We're almost there, love," Hatsuyo Higurashi replied. "Please, go quicker." She called to the horse driver outside the carriage.

"Fan harder, despicable girl!" Kikyou commanded Rin.

Rin complied hastily. However much she hated her mistress, she needed the money she made to support her family, and getting fired would just not do.

The carriage slowly ground to a halt and a doorman, a young boy with freckles across his face, pulled back the curtains around them. "We have arrived, Your Highness," he announced with a low bow.

The Queen stepped down, holding out her decorative kimono with one hand. As Kikyou stood by the entry she glared down at the bowed head of the doorman.

"Well, simpleton, are you not going to help your Princess down from this atrocious height?" She demanded. Rin noticed the carriage was barely a foot from the ground.

The doorman hastened to obey. Like herself, he did not want to loose his job. He held out both his hands to help the Princess to the ground. He offered to help Rin as well, but she declined politely.

Together, they walked down the carefully paved path to the Inu Castle. Rin couldn't help but be nervous. What would it be like? They would be living a full week in the castle for the Prince and the Princess to get to know each other. What would the prince be like? Would he be as snobby as Kikyou? Or would he be Prince Charming, handsome, sweet, and strong?

They were just a few steps from the huge, towering gates. As they approached, they creaked open slowly.

Well, for what it's worth, here's to a possibly new life! She mentally toasted to herself, imaginary champagne glasses and all.


Wheeeee! Another chapter done! That took longer than I thought it would and its WAY shorter than I would have liked. Oh, well. Another cliffhanger, you could say. I just love those, don't I? LOL. Once again, thank you all soooooo much for the wonderful reviews! I'm so happy! Please REVIEW for this one too!


Review Responses


Yotaka: Thank you for both of your reviews! Yeah, I was wondering why I wasn't getting so much… but now I have so many! =P I'm very, VERY happy now!

Laura-chan: Yeah, I like both too! Though, I've only read like one book of Chobits, I instantly fell in love with it. Thanks for reviewing!

Oni: ::blushes:: You really think so? I'm glad. Yes, I am as well, totally for Inu/Kag. Anything else is just… wrong. And I absolutely HATE Kikyou. I've made that pretty apparent in this fic, huh? I don't really like bashing her that much though. She used to be good after all… ::cough cough::

mkh2: I love Chi too! She is cute! It's so funny how that guy (er… forget his name) is such a pervert! LOL. Anyway, why don't you post your story for I would love to read it. Thanks for your review!

alleen: Thank you! Well, here's more!

dUcKzRuLe: Well, I dunno why I made her an android. It just fits with the whole plot. You'll see… I think… LOL. But it's too late to change anyway. Thanks for being honest. Feel free to ask any questions you want.

pinksakurablossom01: Thank you! Hmm… I have heard of Big O, but I've never seen a single episode before. If I'm leaning in its direction, be sure to let me know! Thanks!

flawed-shell: Whee! Another fav list! That makes me really happy ^_^ Thanks! And I'll be sure to add in future chapters that Kagome can feel emotions just like a human. It's just that she's not real… LOL.

spidee: Thanks for the review! I appreciate it lots!

The Turmoil Twins: Wow! Such a long review! You guys have given me the longest review I've ever gotten! Thanks! Heh heh, very cute ^_^ Thank you for such a wonderful review!

ShiKOA: LOL. Thanks! Don't drink too much coffee now! Caffeine is one of the most abused drug in the world. Stupid Biology essay ::mutter mutter::

darkfairy7: Heh heh, sorry, but I used Kagome's last name as Kikyou's. I didn't know what else to call her. This is just a very twisted version of Sleeping Beauty LOL.

Ganko: Well here's the next update. Hope you enjoyed it! Thank you! Yeah, there's a reason she does that for him… but I still have to perfect the idea…

Guardian Angel of ALL Anime: LOL. Yes, I hate Kikyou too! This is probably one of the rare times I'm going to trash Kikyou. I hate her, but stories with Kikyou bashings seem so immature, so I try not to do that so much. Thanks for your review! It really made me laugh!

KamalaKali: Thank you! Is this soon enough for you? A day after you reviewed isn't so shabby, eh?

Thank you all, once again!