InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Meetings Under Peril ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Eight: Meetings Under Peril

Kagome lifted the head of the dark haired teen that had given her the stuffed dog. He was the lead singer; he was her online buddy SilverInu17. She had seen him before, with silver hair and amber eyes, where had they gone? Were they just a costume? She pushed back his hair from his temples.

“What are you doing?” The teen in the purple shirt asked. Holding the silver and red guitar.

“Helping him. I need your help too. How long have you known him?” Kagome asked placing her hands a half inch above his temples. She looked up at him.

“Since I was born I guess. Our parents were really close. He moved away less than a year ago.” He danced on his feet, shifting his wait from one foot to the other.

“Good, did something happen to him that he remembers that could have been triggered by anything in this courtyard? Tell me I might be able to close this memory for a bit so he can wake up.” Kagome said as she stared at the teen with large brown eyes.

“If he asks I didn’t tell you. Koga go find a blanket or something. We have to carry him up to our room.” he said to the teen in the black shirt. He nodded and disappeared into the darkness.

“A year ago a surfer was exploring a beach, looking for the perfect swells. He came upon the remains of a burnt house. He decided to go in. Inside he found a young teen, burnt and cut in the back badly he took him for dead. The teen was lying near the bodies of two hardly recognizable people. One was a woman the other a man holding the remains of a sword. The surfer pulled his cell out and called the cops. He jumped when he noticed the silver haired teen had just gasped for breath. InuYasha has never told me what has happened before the surfer found him. What I know is he sees a therapist every other week. Something happened to him that caused him to momentarily to loose his mind. The bodies were of his parents. He now lives with his brother,” the teen said looking sadly at his friend.

“Thank you, I shall help him. I need you to hold his arms and legs.” Kagome said tears forming in her eyes.

“Ok, but why?” the boy asked, grabbing his friend’s legs and sitting on them, then grabbing the arms.

“I have to block his memories temporally. So I can wake him up.” she closed her eyes.

Close the feelings up. Lock them behind a keyless door. SilverInu17 please listen to my voice. Come back to your band and friends. They care, I care. A thought of hurt and fear drifted by her slowly, shaped as a cloud of despair. Kagome used her mind to block it. No little thought can escape to hurt you. Please wake. A name drifted past her. InuYasha? That’s your name? Something seemed to spark deep within his mind. The spark became a fire and the fire became a blazing inferno. Kagome withdrew her thought probe and sharply gasped as the sleeping form bolted.

“He should wake in a few minutes. We need to take him to his room.” Kagome said pulling her hands across her shirt, they were covered in sweat. The teen looked at her ashen from the struggle with InuYasha’s form.

“K. I’m Miroku.” he held out a weak hand.

Kagome smiled and shook it over the shivering form of InuYasha. They both looked up as Koga skidded to a stop holding a tarp.

“Roll him in this and help me carry him to his room.” Miroku said standing away from InuYasha’s body. The demon did as he was told and picked the teen up as if he weighed nothing. Kagome’s jaw dropped.

“Koga run and take him, here’s the key. Come girl I’ll take you in my car.” Miroku said pulling the stunned girl to her feet. They ran toward a black car.

“My name’s Kagome.” she said as she sat in Miroku’s car. “He’s not all human is he?” Kagome asked him

“No, Koga‘s full demon. He uses a concealment spell,” he answered as he pulled the car in beside the red Mustang.

“Come on take the elevator.” Miroku said running ahead of Kagome. They both slipped into it and ran into Sango.

“Where have you been? And who are you?” Sango glared at Miroku. “ I took the dog to the room and you said wait by the stage, but it wasn’t open. They said the lead singer fainted. I ran back here looking for you.” Sango said.

“I’m Miroku. She helped my friend from his pain.” Miroku’s eye’s had glazed over.

“Sango I have to get to him now, before he wakes. I have to be there to channel his feelings.” Kagome stepped out of the elevator and ran along side Miroku. They stopped at room 11. He shoved the door open and Kagome, Sango and Miroku ran to the last room. InuYasha was laying on the bed his face white. He made moaning sounds as if he was trapped and couldn’t escape.

“I need quiet. This is going to be tricky.” Kagome sat across his chest and placed both hands over InuYasha’s eyes. She began chanting intelligible words. Under her InuYasha’s body convulsed and he began coughing. Miroku shouted and Koga growled.