InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Power of Odd Sorts ( Chapter 11 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Eleven: Power of Odd Sorts

***Right after InuYasha passes out again***

Kagome sat on the floor next to the dark haired boy she had wiped the memory of the past hour from and therefore she knew he wouldn’t remember her. She stroked the soft black hair.

“When will he wake up?” Miroku asked from his position on the bed. He rubbed at a red mark on his face the size of Sango’s fist. Sango sat in the chair by the window; her arms crossed glaring at Miroku’s back.

“Depends, but when he does you can’t tell him what happened. He might recall some of it but not all of it. You have to make sure he’s okay. I think whatever happened to him would start taking a mental toll on him. I noticed his eyes were kind of dull.” Kagome stroked the hair of the teen lying on the floor. She glanced at him sadly and she fingered beads about his neck and a soft pink glow slowly spread from her fingers to the necklace enveloping each bead and fang. She watched curiously as the beads seemed to pulse and draw the light in. She felt more in tuned to him and was scared. She didn’t know how she did it.

“Kagome? What did you do?” Miroku asked his eyes wide. “ I felt you give off an enormous amount of power and InuYasha seemed to accept it.” the said person stirred and grabbed Kagome’s arm.

“Mine.” InuYasha hissed as he held Kagome’s arm. His face seemed to relax as he clung to the helpless girl’s arm. A blush spread across Kagome’s cheeks.

“Miroku how old is InuYasha?” Sango asked still glaring at the perverted ten.

“Hmm,” Miroku said thinking “five days till he turns eighteen. Why?”

“I plan to major in the study of demons. Most humans in the forest villages are preyed upon. I know most of the things about demons and when they turn eighteen they begin searching for a mate.” Kagome’s blush darkened as Sango explained.

“He’s not demon Sango. When I felt his mind I could feel no trace of that thread.” Kagome said, pulling at InuYasha’s arm.

“Maybe, he did tell me he thought this girl was hot. Said he was yelled at by her friend when she honked at him. I quite agree with you Kagome, he is definitely not demon.” Miroku said wary of Sango’s slightest move.

“What!” Sango said leaping off the chair. “He thinks I yelled at him! I raised my voice but I didn’t yell!” Miroku began to cower but smiled.

“Stop yelling. I can’t hear you over your ego!” Miroku aid as he dodged Sango’s blow to his head. Neither of them noticed Kagome’s plight. InuYasha had wrapped his other arm around her waist and was holding her tight.

“Help!” she said weakly from her position. Sango holding Miroku by the front of his shirt, looked at her. Miroku dropped the book he was using as a shield to look to. They burst out laughing and Sango dropped Miroku and walked to Kagome. Prying apart InuYasha’s fingers wasn’t easy, Sango looked up at Miroku and raised an eyebrow. Miroku shrugged and smiled. Kagome gasped and bolted as soon as she was let go, so into her predicament she didn‘t notice the silent exchange between monk and exterminator. She stood on the other side of the room looking at the sleeping boy’s face. His face lost its tranquil look and frowned. Sango backed up as he whined.

“Lets go Sango. Miroku call me when he wakes. And if he says his mouth tastes like roses don’t let him eat.” Kagome walked to the door careful not to go near the sleeping teen and slipped out followed closely by Sango. Sango turned and glared at Miroku sticking her tongue out.

“Bye sweetums.” Miroku said waving. Sango pulled back her arm and released a full unopen can of soda at the pervert’s face. She smiled as the monk crumpled to the floor beside InuYasha.


“Hello?” Kagome asked into her phone.

“Hey he’s awake and thought I spiked his drink. He doesn’t look good though. His eyes are dull still, wait hold on.” static silence came over the phone then Miroku said, “Okay he’s taking a shower. He hasn’t asked about anything but the roses. And he won’t eat, he normally does.” Miroku paused.

“His eyes are dull? Hmm, Damn! I knew if I wasn’t there to reawaken his memories this would happen.” Kagome said pacing her clean room.

“He just turned the shower off. Maybe I can get him to go to my car and get his guitar. You could stand next to it and admire it.” Miroku said scheming.

“Okay bye.” she pushed the button and hung up. She set the phone on the desk and sat heavily on the bed. ‘Why must I fall for guys with problems?’ she thought to herself. She bolted upright and ran to her computer. She logged on and searched for bonding spells. Every time she typed it in it came up no results. She held her head in her hands as she thought of a possible explanation. Her body convulsed as a wave of energy was released from somewhere. She fell to the floor crying in pain. Her eyes became unfocused as Sango rushed into the room and to Kagome’s aid. With Sango’s help she stood panting after the power left her body. She groaned as she felt a part of her become unusually happy.

“Sango?” she asked after a while.

“What happened?” Sango asked helping Kagome to the bed.

“I don’t know. My grandpa always told me Miko’s are more alert to power disruptions and can sense them easily. Something just happened that caused me to be very happy. I don’t know, why would I be happy?” Kagome said as she sat on the bed. Her phone rang it’s funny sound and Sango dashed to it bringing it to Kagome.

“Hello?” she asked weakly.

“Are you alright?” Miroku’s voice asked weakly.

“Yeah, what the hell happened?” she asked him. Sango looked at her friend oddly.

“I think something either was released or imprisoned.” Miroku said and paused “hey Inu’s back. Let me get him to meet you.” Kagome listened as Miroku’s voice came faintly over the phone.

“Where the hell did you get that sword?” Miroku asked.

Then InuYasha’s gruff one said, “The school gave it to me. It sorta glowed blue and pulsed.”

“So that’s what caused the spiritual users to convulse.” Miroku said.

“I noticed after it did that I felt hurt deep inside my mind. Why would I feel hurt and happy?” InuYasha asked his voice confused. Kagome smiled she could see his silver hair wave as he shook his head. ‘Huh? How would I know that?’ she thought to herself startled.

“Hey I think your guitars still in my car. You should get it out before it gets too hot and the strings become out of whack.” Miroku’s voice said becoming louder.

“Yeah I guess, just let me put this in my room.” InuYasha’s voice faded.

“Okay you better hurry and you better meet me later in the main courtyard during the day carnival.” Miroku said before the line went dead. Kagome hung her phone up and a fresh wave of energy washed the fatigue away as she got redressed.

“Bye Sango. I have to fix a problem.” she said and ran out the door.