InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Dreamer's Sleep ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 20: Dreamer’s Sleep

“Sango?” no reply “ Why are you going through my closet again?” Kagome asked as she looked for her brush.

“Looking for that shirt I saw you toss in here.” Kagome ducked as a pair of shorts were flung from the closet.

“It’s in the second drawer. I put it in there yesterday.” Kagome said as she looked under her bed. Seeing the blue brush she pulled it out from beneath and drew it through her hair.

Sango emerged from the closet and smiled. She went to dresser and pulled the drawer open and pulled the pink spaghetti strap shirt out. She put it on over the black spaghetti strap shirt she already wore. Kagome looked at Sango’s clothes and grinned. She looked at hers and grinned. Her blue boot cut jeans and black shirt that read ‘Does it look like I care?’ she had washed her makeup off and had none on. Her black shoes still sat on her bed. She turned and stuck the shoes on; turning to Sango she said, “Lets go.”

Kagome and Sango walked out the door and to the next room. Standing in front of the door Kagome heard drums going. Rolling her eyes she opened the door after knocking and receiving no answer. She saw a set of drums set up against the far wall and Miroku was hitting them with his back turned to them. He paused from his beatings and wrote something down. He started to say something and Kagome realized his soft voice he was singing. It’s down to this, I’ve got to make my life make sense.” he wrote it down and looked behind him. “Hey you guys are here early…no sorry your not. Your on time.” Miroku grinned and set his drumsticks on the floor. “InuYasha is in his room, you know which one right.” Miroku went to Sango and hugged her. She heard a slap as she went into the kitchen. She pushed the door to InuYasha’s room open and slipped inside.

InuYasha was lying on his bed face down and shaking. “No! Father!” he cried into his bed. He flipped onto his back and Kagome saw he was having a nightmare. She walked closer, “No don’t leave me! Mother please don’t die, please.” InuYasha’s voice broke. Kagome climbed on to the bed and onto his chest. She sat still and waited. When InuYasha didn’t wake up she put both hands on the side of his head and closed her eyes. Whispering his name she felt him relax. She opened her eyes and found herself looking into the tormented soul of InuYasha’s gold eyes.

“Kagome?” he asked her as she slid off him and sat next to him.

“Hmm?” she said pulling his hair off his face.

“Why in the hell where you sitting on me?” InuYasha asked as he sat up.

“Because you wouldn’t wake up. So I sat on you is that okay?” she said knowing he wouldn’t remember the dream.

“Oh.” was all he said. He stood from the bed and rubbed his head. Kagome stood behind him and she felt sorry she had to give him a headache.

They walked into the living room and witnessed Sango kicking Miroku’s butt at Need for Speed. When they entered Sango was near the finish line and she had just crossed it when she and InuYasha sat down on the couch.

“Ha! Beat you!” Sango told Miroku as the teen still dressed as a monk stared at the screen with his eyes wide.

“That’s not possible.” Miroku said in disbelief.

“Yeah it is. Miroku you want to fight?” InuYasha asked the dumbstruck monk.

“Yes sure.” he reset the PS2 and stuck Mortal Kombat in. InuYasha picked up the controller Sango had abandoned and set about entering his code. He selected versus and chose Scorpion. Miroku chose Noob-Smoke. They loaded the game to InuYasha’s favorite level and fought. InuYasha beat the monk with out getting a scratch. Kagome giggled after InuYasha beat the monk for the 14th time in a row with the same character. “Once more!” Miroku shouted as he picked another person. Sub-zero this time.

“Oi monk, just give up.” InuYasha said pushing the monk slightly.

“No!” Miroku said as his character flew over the edge of the ring and into acid.

“Really. You two should quit.” Sango sighed.

Miroku was about to be beat for the 25th time when the somebody knocked on the door. InuYasha stood taking money out of his wallet. He opened the door, handed the money to the pizza guy and brought the five pizzas inside.

“Food anyone?” InuYasha asked as he put the boxes on the coffee table.

They all agreed and Miroku sulked as he got to his favorite.