InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Class is in Session ( Chapter 22 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 22: Class is in Session

“Ugh.” InuYasha said as he took a seat in his history class. During his first period with Sword drills his swords master decided to ‘test’ him. His back and shoulder muscles hurt from parrying each of his well-aimed blows.

“Somebody doesn’t look to happy.” Miroku’s cheerful voice said as he slapped the Hanyou’s sore shoulders. InuYasha winced as Miroku sat next to him.

“You have this class too?” InuYasha groaned. He turned in his seat and looked into Hiten’s face. Seeing the instructor seated up front InuYasha knew he couldn’t attack the thunder demon. Hiten took a seat behind InuYasha and poked him in the shoulder.

“What the hell is up with everyone and my shoulders?” InuYasha growled at everybody. The instructor raised a bushy eyebrow and gave him a curious look.

InuYasha stiffened when he smelt Kagome’s scent as she entered the room with Sango. InuYasha turned to look at her and motioned for her to sit next to him. When she came close enough InuYasha watched her eyes travel from him to Miroku and finally settling on the boy behind him. Immediately she ducked behind Sango. InuYasha glared at Hiten and stood. Sango stood and watched as InuYasha walked up to her.

“What’s wrong?” he whispered to Kagome.

“Nothing, I just never liked sitting in the front of the class. Can we sit over there in the back?” Kagome asked her scent mixed with fear and lies. InuYasha knowing why she was afraid nodded and went to Miroku’s desk to pull the teen by his black hair to where the girls sat. InuYasha felt Hiten’s murderous glare on his back as he sat next to Kagome and Miroku. As five more students filed in the bell rung signaling the start of second period.

“Alright class I am Master Mushin. And this class is Advanced History of the Feudal Ages. I will tolerate no horse play, foul language Mr. Takahashi and I require this class to behave like civilized people.” the instructor stood holding a clip board in one hand and a pen in the other. The teacher was an old man, pudgy and round. His scalp was nearly bald and his large white mustache made him seem as if he had been around since the Feudal Ages. And he happened to be related to Miroku, hence him knowing InuYasha’s last name. Miroku was chewing gum and smiling.

“Miroku spit it out!” Master Mushin ordered. Miroku looked at his grandfather and choked on his gum. “That’s one way to get rid of it.” the master chuckled.

“Hidaka, Miroku? Here.” the master marked his clipboard. Miroku made a face at him.

“Higurashi, Kagome?”


“Hishiunma, Kori?”


“Kappei, Konjo?”


“Masashi, Koharu?”


“Noriko, Kotatsu?”


“Ramei, Hiten.” at his name Kagome turned white.


“Sato, Rin?”


“Shigemi, Rin?”


“Shindo, Sakura?”


“Oh and my favorite troublemaker Takahashi, InuYasha.”

“And what of it old man?” InuYasha said gruffly.

“Same as always. Umi, Sango?”


“Yukino, Kishi?”


“Yoshihito, Rojakan?”


“Ah it seems like everybody is here. Today I will hand out your textbooks and you will get your first assignment.” Master Mushin said as he walked to his desk and set the clipboard down and reached down behind his desk and pulled out a stack of textbooks. “Everyone please take a book and return to your seats.” InuYasha growled and got up. Next to him Sango and Kagome did the same.

“I’ll get our books you stay.” InuYasha said and he walked up to the desk and grabbed four books. He gave them each a book and sat down.

“Alright now write your name in the cover and open it up to the first chapter. And do the first section review.” the class groaned at set to work.

InuYasha watched Kagome as her lips silently read the words her brow furrowed, as she comprehended the words.

“Mr. Takahashi if you can please tell us what you find so interesting about Miss Higurashi?” Master Mushin asked.

“InuYasha glared at him and out of the corner of his eye saw Kagome turn red. “Well seeing how she’s my girlfriend I was going to ask her if she wanted to go out sometime.”

“You can ask her after class Mr. Takahashi. Please resume your studies.” Master Mushin instructed them as he picked up a reading book.

Kagome glared at him and turned back to her book.