InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Did Not! ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 29: Did Not!


**Three weeks later**

“Kagome, I’m leaving tomorrow with Miroku and Koga. We have a show to do in Niigata. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. If you want you can come along with me.” InuYasha told her over the phone. He crossed his fingers and prayed she didn’t want to.

“It’s okay InuYasha, I can’t go my private tutor in archery is taking me to a competition in some city.” Kagome said over the phone. InuYasha sighed in relief.

“You know what I still can’t believe that teacher who is supposed to teach us during fourth has not shown up yet. Loser.” InuYasha said turning the conversation.

“I know the guy must be pretty lousy.” Kagome chirped. InuYasha smiled, he loved this girl.

“Well I have to pack. Love you babe.” InuYasha said.

“Love you to Inu.” Kagome said as she hung up.

“Does Kagome know of that whore of an ex-girlfriend that lives in Niigata?” Miroku asked from the doorway.

“No, I don’t want her to know about all the shit I was in back then.” InuYasha said looking at his cell phone.

“I know, I’m glad though I found you after you ran from the hospital. I mean Sesshomaru was so worried. His face actually held an expression.” Miroku said with a smile.

“I know. I just don’t want to worry Kagome. When I got into that fight with Manten she wouldn’t stop mothering me.” InuYasha said as he picked up a small black bag that held his costume and a change of clothes.

“You loved it though, didn’t you?” Miroku said smiling. “I mean if Sango did that to me instead of hitting me in the head for every act of affection I give her, I would love it.”

“Miroku, you would call groping acts of love, but you know how I’m insecure about this. Kikyo never accepted me for being a half demon. She always wanted to change me. I never let her and that’s why she cheated on me. Since she betrayed me I never felt accepted until I met Kagome who actually accepted me for me.” InuYasha told his friend as he picked up his red guitar and a black duffel bag.

“Come on we’ll take Sakura.” Miroku said holding up his keys.

“Why did you name your car that?” InuYasha asked as he followed Miroku out of the room.

“It fit the car when she was pink.” Miroku said chuckling.

“It was pink!” InuYasha shouted astonished.

“Yeah, I found it in used car lot and it was like calling me.” Miroku said turning to look at InuYasha’s expression. The Hanyou’s eyes were wide and his mouth hung open.

“Then again, Sakura was the name of my first crush…” Miroku let the sentence hang.

“Miroku,” InuYasha said pointing beyond the open door.

“What Yash?” Miroku turned and ducked the blow that Sango aimed for him. “I don’t like her anymore my sweet.”

“Then why did you name your car that!” Sango hissed fully angry.

“That’s when I did like her. I love you now,” Miroku ducked another blow, “and I always will, so I‘ll name my car after you now!” Miroku happily chirped.

“Don’t name some car after me! Pervert!” Sango growled and slapped Miroku across his face when he groped her butt. Then she hit him again and said, “That’s for calling me your sweet.” she turned and walked to her room slamming the door shut.

“I like them fiery.” Miroku said as he rubbed his cheeks. InuYasha shook his head as he closed the room’s door behind him and locked it.

“Koga’s already there with your drums so lets go so we can practice.” InuYasha said as he headed for the stairs.

“You go that way I prefer the easy way,” Miroku said pointing at the elevator.

“Keh! I’ll beat you there!” InuYasha said as he opened the door to the stairwell.

“Your on!” Miroku grinned as the door to the elevator slid open. Miroku grinned as he rode the elevator down. With a ding the door slide open and Miroku stepped out.

“Took you long enough.” InuYasha said from a chair by the door.

“Damn demon powers.” Miroku muttered as he pushed the lobby doors open.

“So.” InuYasha said as he walked up to Miroku.

“You cheated!” Miroku accused.

“Did not.”

“Did to!”

“Did not!”



̶ 0;Egomaniac.”


“Hey that was out of line!”

“Not really. You called me egomaniac, so there!” InuYasha said as he stuck his tongue out.

“Because it’s true!” Miroku said as he unlocked his car.

“No it’s not.” InuYasha said as he put his bag and guitar in the trunk. He got into the passenger side as Miroku shut his door. Turning the engine over Miroku pulled out of the parking slot.

“You are an egomaniac with issues with a capital I.” Miroku said as he turned onto the school’s main road.

“You are a lecherous pervert who has no respect for a female’s body. And by the way groping is NOT a way to show affection.” InuYasha said as he stuck a CD into the CD player.

“Is too! Why else would Sango show me her love! What‘s that?” Miroku asked.

“Queen of Mean. Borrowed it from Kagome.” InuYasha said as he turned it up loud.

“Borrowed?” Miroku asked smirking.

“I did.”

“I doubt it.”

“So you’re calling me a liar now?” InuYasha demanded.

“No, I’m calling you a thief.” Miroku said as he turned onto the highway.

“I am not a thief!” InuYasha growled at the laughing monk. Miroku ducked the fist aimed for his head.

“Plus you cheated.”