InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rockstar ❯ Don’t let me die! ( Chapter 47 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 47: Don’t let me die!

Kagome pulled a box dark with age from the once concealed compartment and held it in front of her. Behind her Sango and Shippo wondered what was in it. “What is this?” Kagome asked herself as she brushed the dirt off the box. It was plain and seemed to be crafted in a hurry, the edges still held the rough marks as if someone had clawed it from a tree. As she turned it over in her hands she could find no trace of an opening or hinge. As he fingers brushed some more dirt away they rubbed over a groove in the wood.

“Is that a dog?” Shippo asked pointing to the scribble on the box. “or a really bad cat?”

“I don’t know. But lets go, I have to file a report to Mr. Dijni saying I can save this place.” Kagome said as she stood her tail thumping on the ground as she dusted her knees off. “Bye daddy. I love you.” Kagome kissed two fingers on her hand and pressed it to the headstone. She turned and walked away picking up Shippo and holding him close to her as Sango walked besides them.

“All the women who are independent, Throw your hands up at me.” rang out and Sango quickly pulled her cell phone out of her pocket.

“Hello Roku.” Sango said.

“Okay cherry pie guess what I just got for us?” Miroku’s cheerful voice came to Kagome’s ears as clear as day.

“It better not be another one of those damn useless pieces of crap you usually buy Miroku!” Sango said suspiciously. “And no Cherry pie!”

“Okay, don’t worry it isn’t something just for me. I got us a label with Sesshomaru’s Record company, the Crescent Moon Recording Studios. How about candy drop?” Miroku said happily.

“No candy drop!” Sango growled at him. “That’s cool Miroku. So when do you perform?”

“Later this month after we practice our newer songs. Plus InuYasha hasn’t decided on a theme yet. You know the one before our last was Ghoulishly lovable. Like you Sango dear.” Miroku said, and Kagome thought he had a serious death wish.

“So when are we meeting up? And there had better be no scratch on my truck!” Sango ordered him.

“Tonight. At our house. Koga’s meeting us there.” Miroku said as Kagome and Sango, along with Shippo came into view with Kagome’s jeep.

“Okay Roku, I have to go. See you later.” Sango said.

“Bye San. Love ya.” he said as he hung up.

Sango pocketed her phone and looked at Kagome then opened her mouth.

“I heard it all, hanyou hearing.” Kagome said as she pointed at her ears.

Kagome’s phone rang, the chorus of dog barks growing louder. “Hello?” Kagome asked her phone.

“Kags, I need you to meet me at Miroku’s tonight. I have to take you to my house and meet somebody. I’ll explain everything later. Right now I have to call Miroku and tell him I found out what I want the theme to be. Love you.” InuYasha said in a rush.

“Okay. Anyway I just visited my father’s grave with Sango and Shippo and I found something there. It has something on it that looks either like a cat of a dog, we can’t tell.” Kagome said as she started her jeep with her free hand.

“it’s a dog! It’s not my fault all I had to carve with was my claws and I’d like to see you try and carve with yours!” InuYasha growled. “And turn the jeep off, it isn’t safe to talk and drive.”

“Pfft. Like you know! Talk about dangerous! You like to fight with swords!” Kagome said angrily.

“Wench that’s different. Anyway you have to have me with you to open the box. So later at my house you can open it k?” InuYasha said in a softer tone.

“Okay. But Miroku says there’s band practice tonight so Koga’s going to be there.” Kagome told him while pulling out of the gravel driveway.

“Koga don’t bother me any more, he’s mated now so he can’t have you.” InuYasha said. “And I thought I told you to turn the jeep off!”

“Down puppy I’m safe. I’m still on the driveway.” Kagome said as she stopped the jeep.

“Keh! I’ll let you go. No more talking on the phone while driving!” InuYasha ordered.

“Okay inu. Don’t worry. Love you bye.” Kagome said as she turned the jeep onto the main road.

“Love you to Kags, bye.” InuYasha hung up.

“Okay the picture on the box is a dog.” Kagome said.

“How do you know?” Sango asked.

“InuYasha placed it there.” Kagome answered as she drove towards her work.


“Come on Miroku, lets get out of here.” InuYasha said as he pulled the truck’s door open.

“Right o!” Miroku said with a grin as he started the engine.

InuYasha rolled his eyes as they left the parking lot. “So what were you up to?”

“Oh you know, asking women to bare my child here and there. By the way Crescent Moon Recording Studios will be our new label.” Miroku said still grinning.

“Really? And this makes you happy?” InuYasha asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, but I wrote a new song.” Miroku said as he practically jumped in his seat.

“Really? And are you going to sing it?” InuYasha asked.

“Yep! That and another one!” Miroku said with a giggle.

“What did you eat?” InuYasha asked him.

“Coffee and doughnuts and some muffins and another coffee plus some candy and cherry pie oh oh and that energy drink I bought at the store across the street. Hey inu did you know that that that… I forgot…” Miroku said as he bounced in his seat and drove.

“Monk!” InuYasha cursed as he smacked Miroku upside the head.

“Oh yeah! Koga’s comin over today and I really didn’t hit on anybody. Are you happy?” Miroku said extremely hyper. ‘please don’t kill me now.’ InuYasha silently prayed as Miroku gunned the engine.