InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Romeo & Juliet Inuyasha Style ❯ Chorus ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any Inuyasha or Shakespeare charactors.
I thought I would make a little play that was already made, but with Inu charactors.R&R
& Juliet Inuyasha Style

Chorus - Sesshomaru- Inuyasha- Kagome- Miroku- Sesshomaru- HojoOld Man - Myoga- Miroku- KougaLaurence - MyogaJohn - Who Knows- Naraku- Sango- Yuki- Shippo- FredApothecary - kikyomusicians - Sesshomaru, Rin, Jakento Paris - HojoMontague - Inuyasha's MomCapulet - Kagome's Mom- KeadeMontague - InutaishoCapulet - Kagome's Grandpa

Sesshomaru walks to down stage center and starts the story)
Two house holes, both a like in . . .
Aisha:(director) Sesshy I thought you said that you had your lines remembered.
Well it's not that. I just can't say the next word.
on stage from the left wing) You idoit it's dignity. Even I know that and I hate Shakespear.
Aisha: Inuyasha! You're not suppose to be on stage yet. So GET OFF.
Now who's the idoit!
and Inu: Shut up!
Um . . . Two house holes, both a like in . . . DIGNITY in fair Verona, where we lay ---
stage in the wings. Yells.) INUYASHA! SIT!
chrase) Awwww . . . What did you do that for.
his throat) As I was saying . . . Where we lay our scene from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, ---
walks out on stage and pulls on Sesshy selves.)
What does mutiny mean?
Aisha:(Walking on stage and picking up Rin.) Now Rin, my girl, you can't come on stage like that.
to cry) I'm sorry. (Brusteds into tears. As this happens Sesshy rushes to Rin and grabs her from Aisha and gives Aisha a death glair.)
to clam her.) It's okay, Rin! (Takes to center stage and starts again.)
Aisha:(Scratches head in confusement.) Okay?!? Please continue.
Rin) Now where was I?
Something about mutiny!
Oh yeah . . . Mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life; ---
back stage) See Sango! He's talking about us taking our lives for each other. (You can hear a big bang from back stage)
NO he's saying that I'm going to kill you the next time you touch me there again.
Aww . . . You do love me.
Miroku! Shut up before I kill you and end the show.
Aisha:(yelling) QUITE IN THE WINGS!
head out of the curtain) Sorry!
Aisha Sighes that this.)
Ahem . . . Who misadventured piteous over throws. Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their parents' rage, which, but their children's end, nought could remae, I ---(is)
Kagome can I have some chips.
Sure! (Can hear crunching in the background)
Aisha: Kagome and Inu! NO food in the wings . . . Continue Sesshy!
Don't call me Shessy . . . anyway . . . Is now the two hours traffic of our stage; the which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
Aisha: Okay, that's awarp people!(The whole cast comes out on stage protesting.)
WHAT! We haven't even got to the first sence!
Aisha: I know! I know! BUT if there weren't so many interruptions, then maybe just maybe we would have got there.
Yeah! I know! If it weren't for the mutt,(Whispering) then I would be Romeo and Kagome would be my women.
I heard that.(Kouga starts to curse himself.)
Aisha:STOP IT! Now just go home! We have partice tomorrow at 3 p.m.

So what do you think? I know it may seem weird, but hey who cares? Not me! Well please review or flame, what ever you want to do. Ja ne.