InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Room Raiders InuYasha style ❯ Hojo's Room ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Room Raiders Inuyasha style Chp.2
Hojo's Room

Kagome entered the first home.Wow.kagome said disgusted.What a pig.
There were cut outs of playboy magazine magneted to the refrigerater.
Well enough of this ludacris lets check out the bedroom shall we?Kagome said unamused.
~*~back with the boys
hahaha that little whore was enjoyin those clippings so naughty.Hojo said.
You could tell too?Koga said humorly.
You two are bastards.
~*~With Kagome
Eeeeeeeeeeeew!She said digusted as she opened the door.There were condom wrappers and and bottles of beer all over the floor and the bed and above the bed on a metal pole hanging from the cieling was a video Camera.
Kagome was disguted.
i'm not even gunna stick around for this.This kid is a perverted bastard.
