InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Runaway ❯ A Girl's Worry ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here is chapter 2. It's moving slow, but it's no biggie. Things take time.

Chapter 2: A Girl's Worry

Kagome climbed over a fallen log, steadying herself on on the side of the treetrunk beside her as she made her way over. She had been carrying a small bundle of assorted twigs, sticks and branches. She glanced around the trees and underbrush of the forest ground. She spied a fallen branch lying upon the ground underneath of an old oak tree.

She walked slowly over, wagging around her small bundle of sticks. She could hear the leaves crunch below her feet. She bent down and picked up the branch, adding it to her small bundle. She steadied the bundle in her arms and began to walk slowly near the edge of the forest. She reached the edge and emerged from the beginning of the forest.

She walked over to Miroku and Shippou, who were sitting at the fire. She sat the small bundle by the fire and dusted off her fuku.

"There, that should be enough." She said to herself, pleased with the small amount of wood she was able to gather.

Shippou jumped up with excitement and ran over to Kagome.

"Yay! Kagome's back!" He said as he ran over to Kagome and jumped into her arms.

"Hey there Shippou." Kagome beamed.

Miroku sat upon a falled treetrunk that had been laying near the fire. The monk turned his head and glanced at the kitsunne and the young schoolgirl.

"Ah, Kagome, you have returned." He said.

"Yeah, I hope this will be enough." She told the monk, who walked over and grabbed a few small branches.

"This should safice for a while." He said, tossing the branches into the fire. He walked back to the old tree trunk and sat back down.

Miroku gazed up at the pondering hanyou, who sat high above them.


He sat in silence before muttering, " He still seems to be thinking of Kikyo."

"Poor guy, Naraku really messed up his past, huh?" Shippou responded to the lecherous monk.

"I suppose I can't blame him. " Miroku said, poking at the charred firewood with his staff. "The best we can do for now is leave him to think to himself. Inuyasha needs time to peice it together."

Kagome sat on the log beside of Miroku, she turned to him.

"How is Inuyasha?" She asked the monk and the kitsune.

"He hasn't moved all day." Shippou told her. "I'm really beginning to worry about him."

Shippou's gaze reverted back to the hanyou, shortly after, Kagome's gaze weant to Inuyasha as well.

**I bet he's still thinking about Kikyo. ** Kagome thought to herself as her face twisted into a look of frustration. **He always thinks about her! Can't he just get his mind off of her for one minuet! I know it's hard to deal with it, but he shouldn't go around brooding on it! **

Miroku slowly walked over to the small pile and had gathered a few more branches and placed them in the burning fire, which had grown a considerable amount since Kagome had brought back the firewood.

"I suppose there's not much to do ecxept go to battle with Naraku. In the end we all have the same goal, but each for different reasons. For Inuyasha it is for the betrayal of Kikyo, by Naraku, who had momentarily taken his form. For me, it's the curse of the Air Rip wound." Miroku glanced at his hand, the prayer beads wrapped around it, sealing in the Kazaana.

He felt a small warm hand being placed on his shoulder, seeming to melt some of the sorrow that surrounded his heart.

"We'll get Naraku. We just have to wait." Kagome told him.

Miroku looked back at Kagome, seeming to thank her for her kind words and comforting smile.

Kagome, Miroiku and Shippou sat by the fire and began to talk about Naraku and all he has done. The memories begant o flow back through Inuyasha's head as they spoke. Memories of that day. He could hear what they had said and every time they had mentioned Naraku it sent a wave of hatred over Inuyasha's being.

It was all his fault. It was his fault that Kikyo has became a lifeless hull, destined to roam the earth until the day she had killed him. It was his fault he had been pinned to the ancient tree for over 50 years, bound by Kikyo's sacred arrow.

Naraku had spoiled everything. Inuyasha felt he was just beginning to feel true love to Kikyo, then Naraku had to stab him in the back by disguising himself as Inuyasha just to gain the Shikon no Tama.

Kagome walked over to the tree where her yellow bag sitting at the base. She pulled a hairbrush out and began to brush her hair.

Kagome sat at the base of the tree brushing her hair. She would occasionally gaze up at Inuyasha, checking on him. She knew that he was going through great pain from what Kikyo had done to him. Kikyo just didn't understand what had happened. She was fooled completely by Naraku's disguise. No matter what, Kikyo would try and kill Inuyasha now, out of vengeance for something he didn't even do.

Kagome knew that Inuyasha would never have hurt Kikyo. No matter how bullheaded and arrogant he might be, he also had a soft side, although he seldom let it show. Deep inside, Inuyasha was a tender and caring person and his heart bled from what had happened between he and Kikyo. He felt a deep remorse for her loss. It seemed that everytime he had been reminded, his mood changed.

Kagome was worried about Inuyasha. She didn't want him to do anything that would end up costing him his life. She had to make him be patient. If he went after Naraku now, he would surely die because he was not strong enough to face him yet. He barely got out of the fight with Sesshoumaru. Naraku had to be worse.

Kagome wasn't sure if Inuyasha was still recovering from his last battle with his elder youkai brother. The battle had been feirce between the two. Each faught valiantly, and Inuyasha was injured. Inuyasha had bearly escapted with his life, and Sesshoumaru was in fact, still alive. He was out there, who knew where and he would defineately come after Inuyasha again. He desired the Tetsusaiga, and as long as Inuyasha helf it, Sesshoumaru would be out to get it.

She looked up into the branches and could see the soft, pink cherry blossom flowers and the little birds who jumped from branch to branch, chirping to one another. She let out a sigh as a small blue bird flew past Inuyasha's head. He didn't even flinch or acknowledge its presence. The bird flew off into the horizon, seeming to melt into the distance.

** Poor Inuyasha. ** Kagome thought to herself as she peered at the solemn hanyou who sat with his knees bent and his arms crossed. The soft cherry blossoms fluttered down and landed in his silver hair and on his blood red kimono. The occasional wind would blow and knock a few of them off, each one fluttering to the ground, landing in the soft, green grass below.

She was determined that she would find a way to help him pull through his sorrow, no matter what.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*

Well, here's chapter 2. I hope someone enjoys this fic, if anyone really cares and I am waisting my time ^^; Oh well, might as well try and finish what I had in mind and stick to doing my other Inuyasha fics.

Well, R&R! Please I love getting reviews and reading them. This fic will get better, I promise!! You just have to be paitient with me, there are so many things I'd like to add.