InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ S.H. HIGH ❯ going to school ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
DISCLAIMER:I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA,but i will soon because finally my hypnotizing ray is complete and soon i shall own the world and inuyasha MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough cough* on with this semi possessed story oh yes and to my 2 faithful reviewers thanks for the advice and encouragement.


Inu,Sess and Miroku went into inu's garage to pick out a car to drive.

Sess:'' let's drive a ferrari ''

Inu:'' nah we drove one of them yesterday i want to drive a viper''

Miroku:'' screw u both let's just drive a nissan''
2 of the three boys stopped arguing and looked at miroku.

Miroku:'' what?''

Inu:'' miroku none of these fucking cars do not belong to u.''

Miroku:'' oh yeah''

Sess:'' retard''.

Inu:" says the man that didn't learn his abc's until 2nd grade.''

Miroku:"WHAT'' miroku almost broke out into non-stop laughter ''no fucking way u didn't learn the alphabet until u were-'' The little gears inside of miroku's head for one of the first times in history started to turn, an equation was made up in his head that made great sense.

Angry sess+miroku laughing = really bad burns.

Inu:"come on sess i was only joking''

Sess:'' don't worry inu i will have my revenge''

Inuyasha's eyes grew wide he knew he was screwed,he remembered the last time sess had his renenge and he still can't get the images out of his head.

"OH SHIT" rang through the garage as the two boys found miroku pointing at his watch '' we are late''.With the speed of a cheetah the guys picked a lexus and was out of the house and heading towards school.

The boys were on the highway heading 100 miles per hour.

Sess:"oh shit oh shit we are so screwed u guys if we reach late we will get a detention''.

Inu:"great dad is going to kill me"

Sess:"u mean us "

Inu:"no i mean me, u never get detentions but i get them all the time".Even though he doesn't know his powers inuyasha,likes to pick fights." hey miroku could u help us out "

Miroku:"sure''concentrating for a second a dark purple light enveloped the lexus and lifted it off the ground and flew over alot of roads before landing on the street of their school S.H. high .

They parked and ran into the school yard to see everyone waiting on them.

A beautiful girl with brown hair in a green blouse and a brown leather skirt in knee high boots was the first to greet them "hey what took u so long ''

All three:"hi sango"


Name:Sango phillips


Hobbies:partying,hanging out with friends,slapping the shit out of miroku for touching her butt.

Powers:laser vision.

Comments:there is rumor that she likes miroku ,even though have denied all claims seems to act very jealous when miroku is going out with another girl.

''FLUFFY WHERE WERE U ? "said a girl who was slightly smaller than sango ran up to sess and flew herself into sess' arms,
sess:"hey baby"as he held the girl wearing a pink sweater and black capris.the other 2 boys snickered at the couple a they made their greetings"hey rin"


Name:Rin edwards.


Hobbies:watching cartoons and anime,being hyper and hanging out.

Powers:ice powers.

Comments:it is believed that it is this girl's fiery spirit that has done the 1 thing that many othergirls have tried yet failed to do,win the heart of Sesshoumaru Takadeshi.

Seeing his bro and his girl kiss brought to inu a thought of him and kagome kissing one day and that's when realization hit him.

Inu:"hey"everyone turned their attention to inu"Where the hell is kagome?''.