InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Safety in Deadly Arms ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Okay so I’ve been pursued to continue this after all and thus the reason for this new chapter. I play to use the entirety of this story as lemon practice but I don’t want to make pointless lemons so there will be a plot but many lemons included within said plot (that is if things go as planned)... Anyway on with the story.

Oh warning there are lemons in this chapter … don’t read if you no like… but I can’t imagine anyone reading this far without reading the first chapter so I don’t know why I bother with my warning. Anyway–

Thanks to Miko Pup for bet’ing this story!!

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Disclaimer: Can I use my first disclaimer as my blanket disclaimer and not write this nonsense each chapter... ? After all nothing is ever going to change between this chapter and the ones to follow.
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Meeting Two: Confrontation

In a little clearing, in the middle of nowhere, two figures slumbered in each other’s arms. The night was unusually still, for nothing dared to interrupt a powerful taiyoukai during a heated passion unless they were seeking death. A crescent moon offered little light to the darkness but did manage to scatter patterns over the pale skin of the couple. A faint barrier blocked any unwanted visitors should they somehow manage to stumble in this direction.

Kagome opened her eyes with the sudden need to drink. She was aware only a short time had passed since she had laid down because she couldn’t actually fall asleep per say, it was more like her body was resting. At the moment though, her mind banish away the needs of her dry mouth as she thought of her previous activities. Thoughts that thinking about made her blush like mad and stirred her slumbering core. Shockingly, she never let an ‘oh Kami what have I done?’ slip into her thoughts. Instead she pondered how long these little breaks would be.

Her nose was tucked into one of the contours of the inu’s chest; his scent was like the air of a crisp winter morning. She rubbed her face into him further, wanting to drench her senses in the heavenly essence. Something was softly rubbing soothing circles over her back, reawakening her senses and the muscles that suddenly screamed for attention. Unable to ignore the soreness that accompanied each swallow of the saliva building in her mouth, the miko grudgingly sat up and turned towards the little brook. However, a quick hand reached over and took possession of her nearest wrist when she would’ve turned away from the sleeping form.

“Where do you think you are going?” a deep baritone voice broke through the silence of the night.

Sesshomaru could sense the woman stirring from her peaceful rest and wouldn’t have her thinking he was finished with her yet. There was a great deal more that he had in store for the little one. Although with the sweet little scent wafting off of her he could tell that it wouldn’t be too long, she too was ready for another round.

“I need a drink,” Kagome replied tugging her arm free, “I’ll be right back.”

She avoided looking at the inu, not out of shame, but because her eyes knew she would see nothing but stark want and dark passion clear in his eyes. Then she might be drawn to peek at that long member she caught out of the corner of her eye. Of course that would lead her to remember what it had done to her only moments earlier. With a shake of her head she tried to get rid of the damn thoughts that plague her so-called innocent mind.

Sesshomaru released her arm and sat up. The woman in his sight crawled seductively to the brook, probably unintentionally. She sat on her legs, spreading the plump, firm, round cheeks of her ass with her feet she pillowed it on–again probably unintentionally. Swiftly, she leaned over and between her legs he easily spotted that little flower ripe with nectar, glistening in the night. Her unpremeditated innocent actions had him instantly hard and eager for more.

A growl warned her that he was drawing near. Kagome quickly finished her drink and was just about to stand, when she was pulled against a vigorous chest; an arm snaking its way around her waist. Kagome straddled his folded legs, also acting to hold open her spread legs. The hardened length of his member resting along her buttocks trembled as she cried out. His hands wasted no time, one reaching for a soft mound to shape to his desire, the other pressing forth to find that little bundle of nerves.

“Sesshomaru,” she whispered, a bit out of breath.
She’ll be screaming it soon, Sesshomaru thought.


He was on her again this time rousing her from her rest with a nip to her sensitive nipple as a claw circled the other. His eyes almost resembled a begging puppy when she caught them in her gaze. She reached up to brush one silver strand from his face to join its brethren over his shoulder as the wispy silver mass cascaded around them.

The look on her face made Sesshomaru's heart to skip a beat, not in a concerned way though, “Is something wrong?”

“Nothing,” she panted honestly, “just admiring the view.”

Sesshomaru purred contently, working her body like a fine tuned instrument, manipulating her to have his way. He could not have enough, with each thrust his shaft just seemed to go further in, drawing intoxicating little whimpers from her. The way his name slid through her lips encouraged him all over again.


The large form behind Kagome thrust into her suddenly, his name torn from her lips again.

“I don’t think I can be gentle with you anymore,” he gasped between clenched teeth.

“Then don’t be,” she whimpered.

She had been wanting this moment. The instant he would take her like the animal he was. With her permission he released his beast, roaring its victory as it pumped into her tight passage with inhuman speed; roughly taking her. Unable to keep up with such a pace she lowered her upper body onto her elbows so she could give the youkai a better angle and let him have his way with her. Each hard thrust hit just the right spot. Each sweep forcing her to cry out until she couldn’t take it any longer. She felt her inner muscles tighten and squeeze his pulsing member. He took her like that until her climax washed over her twice, followed by his own rush of pleasure.


“Did you know there was a hot spring here?” she asked, opposed by a stubborn curtain of vines she was holding to the side.

There was a croon of excitement before she was lifted off her feet.

“Ah wait Sesshomaru...” she exclaimed.


“I have to go pee still,” she whispered, a little mortified.

Sighing heavily, Sesshomaru placed her on her feet and glared daggers in her direction. His member twitching as he watched her hips sway side to side.

She teases us on purpose, he reasoned finally, there’s no way that woman is unaware now.

“I’ll just be a second,” she said as she walked to a tree out of view.

It took more than a second but nonetheless, the moment she returned he was pulling her into his arms again and into the heated water they went.


“Ah, ah, Sesshomaru,” she moaned from above, “so close.”

The inu could already feel her walls convulsing for a third time since he had let her ride him, guiding her hips with his hands. His mind imagining what she might look like with his mating marks marring her skin. It was a great effort to stop said thoughts. So he let her take a dominating position to punish his beast, whom whined to control the woman crying out his name as she impaled herself on his hard dick over and over and over again. In such a short time he was growing comfortable around her. Her innocence was still there but she was more opened and was learning to demand things from him. Seeing such progress in only a few acts pleased him.

The pace wasn’t something he could take any longer so he rolled her over, beneath him, without missing a thrust and picked up the tempo. “Louder woman,” he licked her ear, pulling her lobe into his warm mouth, “scream louder.”

“Sesshomaru!” his name flowed like water over a fire, sizzling and cracking, between her each gasp of air.

The arrogant Lord smirked before the moment washed over him as well and he was once again groaning while his seed spilled forth.


“Sesshomaru, you can’t,” it was painful to speak those few words.

She didn’t want to stop; if she could she would have spent the entire day with him. But at this rate she was certain he would kill her. Not that she minded being killed in this fashion.

“I have to ... they’ll worry... ah Kami... Sesshomaru do that again...”

Proving to be all too willing to oblige to her needs, Sesshomaru carefully curved her knee and leaned it over his shoulder, driving into her again and again–each time picking up speed and listening to her mews.

“Harder... please... harder,” she gave her impression of a growl.

His eyes bled again and his hips deepened their thrust.


“No, don’t you dare,” Kagome held a hand in front of her.

There was that evil, predatory look about him again. But Kagome would stand her grounds. She couldn’t let him pounce on her again. The sun had already been over the horizon for an hour or so and she had to return to the village where the others were surely worried and waiting.

“But my little miko I did not say I was finished with you,” he had dropped his formal speech some time ago.

“Sesshomaru we agreed...” but she was talking to no one but herself.

The inu vanished from her sight and darted to her back, where he skillfully shut her up. His mouth reaching for hers over her shoulder and his hands shredding the few clothes she had just slipped into after washing. He swallowed her moan and was soon thrusting into her once again, skipping any foreplay this time knowing full well that she was ready and waiting for him.


“You’re an animal,” she mumbled, “I can’t remember the word, but your one of those people whose sexual appetite cannot be satiated.”

“Nymphomaniac?” he supplied, amused.

“Contrary to popular belief, that term is used to describe females and I’d like to point out that you are not female,” which a distinct ‘indeed’ and a snort of ignorance emitted from the inu, “and I am not the one with the insatiable sexual desire,” she paused in though while pulling on her last sock, “I think the condition you suffer from is satyriasis,” she replied after a moment.


He had finally agreed to take her back to the outskirts of the village so they would avoid a confrontation from Inuyasha, because even though it was day didn’t mean that the wolf wasn’t around and waiting still affected by his heat.

“If you don’t hurry up and dress woman I will take you again,” he mumbled, all of a sudden right next to her.

“As if that would stop you,” she whispered hating that the heat between her legs was pooling again. The glint in the youkai’s eyes told her he had caught on.

“Looks like a certain someone was wrong about their diagnostic,” he teased.

“I’ll bite you if you don’t leave me alone,” but she realized her mistake in the threat: he wouldn’t really take it as such.

“Really?” he was toying with the images flashing in his mind and it showed in his tone of voice, “I think I might just enjoy that.”

“Sesshomaru, please, we must be going...” she stood up from her position on a boulder where she was putting on her shoes.

Sesshomaru was already fully dressed, armor and all, which was a feat within itself. Each time she had suggested they dressed she would only get part way before she found herself beneath him once again. The most she had gotten him to wear was the rather revealing loincloth of this time. She had accidentally made the mistake of reaching to grope one exposed firm cheek of his rock-solid back side and the cloth was striped from his being faster than she could blink and the next moment she was on her knees pleasuring the member that was once hidden beneath it.

Now, however, she planned to keep her distance, if only the inu before her would willingly go along with her plans. Saying a silent, reluctant good-bye to the clearing the two headed into the forest back to the village. Kagome’s first few steps were hesitant and the taiyoukai noticed this right away.

“Would you like this Sesshomaru to carry you,” he asked with a light chuckle barely audible in his amused tone, all the while completely pleased with himself over the feat. He was already beginning to change back into the persona he upheld in public.

“No that’s fine, I just bathed and if you carry me your scent will cover me,” she answered.

Sesshomaru stopped and narrowed his eyes at the woman who had taken a couple steps to pass him. Not only was he offering something that was rare but she denied it and refused him.

“Please understand that I just want to be able to tell Inuyasha without him leaping to conclusions before I get a chance to explain,” she looked over her shoulder with the kind, innocent, surreal face of hers, “otherwise I would jump at the offer of someone carrying me now. But perhaps we could walk slowly...”

Sesshomaru pondered how she knew what he was questioning but shrugged mentally, and made his move. The miko stopped and looked to the ground that her feet no longer stood on.

“This Sesshomaru will deal with the insolent pup, your body,” he crooned, “is more important than his feelings.”

“But Sesshomaru why do you care?” she asked.

This was a onetime thing. It wouldn’t be happening again. Right? She had told herself that through the entire night as she grew more and more comfortable in his arms, around his waist, drowning in each sensation he created.

No, stop Kagome...Bad!! She needed to focus away from the naughty thoughts that might turn the inu on once again.

“Hn,” he replied, dropping the subject and taking a deep breath. Sesshomaru leaned down and nuzzled his nose in her hair. Closing his eyes, he willed away the erection caused by the simple pleasure of holding her while she herself emitted that addicting scent. Unable to stop himself, Sesshomaru maneuvered the miko to straddle his waist and placed her back firmly against the nearest tree. His tongue was already darting between his lips and over her pulse, a red mark maiming the skin from previous love bites.

The strength of his chest held her in place while his hands, after pulling her pants down to the ground, pushed aside the bothersome panties. He entered her tight channel with two fingers, finding her enjoyably wet as he usually found her. His free hand loosened the tie of his pants just enough to free his already stiff erection from his silk fundoshi. He replaced his fingers, dripping with her juices, with his member and thrust up into the woman moaning as she cushioned his entire length. Her walls wet and squeezing him perfectly as her legs encircled his waist.

Meanwhile his mouth found hers and he greedily entered it to dominate her in every way. His hands moved to cup her mounds under her shirt and the irritating material she called a ‘bra’. He couldn’t get enough of this woman. Of course, he didn’t think it would be too bold to say that she was having the same problem when it came to him, but that was what he was hoping for. This only meant that he would more than likely get his wish. The woman was going to crave him and eventually she would run to him begging for more.

Again his thoughts ran away with him. Is this truly what he wanted? Was there something more that he sought out? He came to the woman in lust and the only reason he wanted her to return to him was because she would be the perfect bed partner. Her innocence meant he could shape her to his will, and when he was fed up or tired of her he would discard her. Well, he doubted that because she was like a member of his pack so he would still care for her.

For now, he would treat her like a prized possession. Should it prove that his beast needed to have her for longer than her life allowed, he would mark the woman as his courtesan and keep her at his palace as his prized possession for all eternity and perhaps, just perhaps, he would let her bear his heir when the need arose. But he refused to see the human as a potential mate, even with the amount of respect he held for her.

He pulled away to let the miko breath the much needed oxygen as his hips kept a steady rhythm. Her hips greeted his with every plunge until she cried out his name. Just as his seed spilled with a groan, a familiar scent greeted his nose. How inconvenient fate could be sometimes. Before he could remove his shaft from the woman’s desirable core, the stranger burst through the tree lines. He had been too busy and distracted with the miko that he had forgotten to place his barrier around them or keep an ear and nose out for visitors.

Amber eyes widened in shock and white fluffy ears lowered on a head of white fur. Kagome only just noticed him, also too occupied to acknowledge his approaching aura sooner.

“Inuyasha?” she gulped, well aware that the taiyoukai had yet to remove himself.

“Sesshomaru!!” the half-breed growled, “I’ll kill you!”

“As always, your appearance comes at the most inopportune of times,” Sesshomaru toyed.

An inu wasn’t one to be ashamed with their acts; they took pleasure in knowing that their affection and sexuality compared to no other creature out there. However, to save the miko’s some unneeded embarrassment, the inu Lord pulled her tight to him and turned his back to the pup. Sesshomaru pulled out of the woman slowly, enjoying the burning friction and began to slide his attire back into place.

The hanyou was too shock to really do anything. He couldn’t believe what he just saw... it was scarring. His friend, best friend, and pack mate had his half brother’s penis embedded in her and now the arrogant ass was acting so casually as if nothing was going on between the two. When he turned back around the miko was hidden from view behind the Taiyoukai. Sesshomaru kicked up the material on the ground with a foot and caught it with his claws to pass it behind his form to the awaiting miko so she could dress.

“How dare you!! I would have thought that when Koga said he lost her to you that you would have had control enough to keep her safe!” he yelled drawing his fang.

“This Sesshomaru did keep her safe,” the smug male mocked.

“How so? By raping her!” Inuyasha hollered.

“You try this Sesshomaru’s patience today pup,” Sesshomaru roared, drawing his own fang, “how dare you insult my honour and assume one such as I would take a woman against her will. The only screams from her were ones of pleasure, I assure you.”

“I won’t believe you!” Inuyasha hoarse roar bounced off the trees as he lunged for an attack. Kagome stepped from behind Sesshomaru and placed a barrier between the two brothers, her face as red as a tomato. When the fang in the hanyou’s hands touched the newly woven defense, the large blade immediately shrunk.

“Inuyasha please stop, Sesshomaru’s telling the truth,” she said, hating herself for having such a weak voice.

“What?” Inuyasha's voice dropped to a barely audible whisper.

“I agreed to his terms. Now if you don’t mind I like to go home. I’m tired and hungry,” she replied hoping to drop the subject.

“But Kagome...”

“Inuyasha, I haven’t said it in a while so please don’t make me say it now,” she threatened to use ‘that’ word.

The hanyou gulped and watched the miko walk pass him to continue her journey back to Edo. He took a second to stare at the taiyoukai, still in his defensive stance.

“If I find out you hurt her in any way I’ll be back,” he sheathed his sword.

“Hn,” Sesshomaru’s lips curled in a self satisfying smirk, “the miko’s only complaint will be when she can’t find another who adds up to what this Sesshomaru has given her.”

With his final words, Sesshomaru sheathed his own sword and turned to leave in the opposite direction. His eyes darted over his shoulder turning red when he watched the half-breed pick his prize up to carry her rest of the way to the village.

“You will return to me miko, and when you do you won’t want to leave again,” he whispered.

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Before anyone says anything I am aware of how disappointingly short this is compare to the last chapter but I felt that this chapter gave quite a bit of tidbits of information to get this story rolling so it was best to end it before I left you with some sort of major cliffy (in which case you might attempt to kill me). So all I can say is: be a little patient.

This will probably be the last lemon for a while, just to give you fair warning, I plan begin the plot in the next chapter to move the story along.

Ja neAngelic Memories©2008

Wudelfin – Thanks, you’ve read my mind and it is a nice change I think.
LadyNorth76 – Thanks, I don’t know how long it will be but I hope that the chapters to come will only add to the story which you have come to enjoy. I truly haven’t written many lemons, I begin but I always manage to toss them out. So I really enjoy that you think this was good.
mikoyami – Shockingly enough I have decided to add this bit of a twist to my plot, which was my intention from the beginning. Thank-you for the review.
Teresa Daniel – Thank you… I’m glad you enjoyed it and I appreciate the compliment.
kjpan – Wow… your comments are so short but so meaningful. Thank you.
Loretta537 – I suppose all your questions will now be answered in time. So please enjoy the read.