InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Second Chance ❯ The Green Eyed Monster Strikes Again! ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own it so please don't sue. You won't get a dime I promise.

Chapter Fifteen: The Green Eyed Monster Strikes Again!


'There's something different about her,' Sango mused as she watched Kagome from the other side of their office. I don't know what it is, and I can't seem to put my finger on it...'

Kagome sat unaware of her friend's concern, her gaze fixed on the paperwork in front of her as her mind floated back to the previous night...


"This is so amazing," Kagome whispered in awe as Sesshoumaru led her to the little table near them. "Did you do this all by yourself."

"Some of it," Sesshoumaru replied as he held out her chair. "I take it you approve."

"Definitely," Kagome nodded with a smile. "It's perfect."

"Thank you. I will be sure to inform my brother of your praise."

"You have a brother?" Kagome asked before picking up her fork and beginning to eat. She stopped at the odd look from Sesshoumaru and waited for him to take the first bite before settling into her own.

Sesshoumaru nodded. 'Now why did I tell her that?' he wondered to himself. Now she will want to know-

"What's he like?" Kagome wondered aloud, her head tilted to the side and curiosity shining in her silvery blue eyes.


"You're brother," she giggled at his forgetfulness. "What's he like?"

"I suppose he is like any other brother," Sesshoumaru answered with a light shrug. "Annoying, head-strong, argumentative-"

"Is he your little brother?" Kagome asked and smiled again when he nodded. "Then he may be just like my brother. They tend to be a little annoying. I think it's in their genetic code."

"I have something for you," he responded, thinking to change the subject as he retrieved one of the two blue wrapped boxes from the picnic basket at his side of the table. He sat it down in front of her, his mouth quirked lightly when her eyes rounded in surprise.

"What's this?" she breathed as she picked up the little box and held it out in front of her.

"Open it. It is for you after all."

"I can't," Kagome shook her head and attempted to return it to him. "I didn't get you anything."

"That does not matter," he replied before closing her hands around the box and gently pushing it back to her. "I wish for you to have this, and so you shall. Open it."

Kagome smiled back and relented, her fingers deftly untying the creamy white ribbon on top and pulling it free. She opened the box, pulled a metal chain free and gasped at the platinum pocket watch that dangled from the other end. "It's beautiful," she whispered as she opened it. The numbers on the clock face were replaced with tiny diamonds, with only the twelve and six in roman numerals. The empty left side held a place for a picture, with a piece of glass held over it. The watch felt heavier than it looked, it being no bigger than the palm of her hand.

"It's so pretty. How did you know I liked pocket watches?"

"I did not," Sesshoumaru told her. "But when I saw it, I could not help but think of you." He inwardly smiled at her blush and watched as she fidgeted before she stood up and moved toward him.

"Thank you so much Sesshoumaru," she whispered as she hugged him. "It's absolutely perfect..."


That was so sweet of him,' Kagome mused as she looked down at the chain dangling from her side. I really have to get him something-


Kagome blinked, instantly thrown from her thoughts as Sango called to her. "Yes?"

"'re phone's ringing."

"Oh, right!" Kagome answered it quickly, her fingers habitually playing with the cord. "Higurashi speaking. How may I help y-"

"Hi Miss Kagome!" Kanna's voice chirped from the other end. "How are you?!"

"I'm fine Kanna," Kagome said as she sat up and smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good...Oh! I wanted to tell you something!"


"I made all good grades on my report card!"

"Congratulations!" Kagome replied happily. "That's great!"

"And guess what?" Kanna continued. "Mommy and Daddy said that they're going to take me to get a dog!"

"Wow," Kagome said with a smile. "Well that's great Kanna! Good job!"

"Tee hee! Thanks Miss Kagome. Um..."

"Yes?" Kagome said and waited patiently for Kanna to finish.

"I was wondering...could you and Chance come with us?"

"Well, I don't know..." Kagome said as she leaned forward and rested her elbows on her desk. "I mean, I'm not sure how Chance will behave around so many dogs."

"But I know he'll be good," Kanna retorted urgently. "He's too smart not to!! Please Miss Kagome! Can't he come?"

"I don't know Kanna. Let me talk to one of your parents."

"OK." Kagome smiled, then winced when Kanna loudly yelled for her father before returning to the phone. "He's coming," she said.

"Alright," Kagome replied and moved the phone from her ringing ear.


"Hi Rev. Holland," Kagome greeted.

"Hello Ms. Higurashi. How are you?"

"I"m fine sir. I-"

"I take it Kanna's told you about her report card?" he interrupted. Kagome nodded. "Yes sir, she has."

"Since we told her that, all we've been able to get out of her was how happy she was and how she couldn't wait for Chance to come with her."

"So you don't mind if he comes along?" Kagome asked and smiled when he replied to the negative.

"No, not at all," Mr. Holland chuckled. "Your pooch has made quite an impression on Kanna. We'd love for Chance to be there."

"All right then. What day?"

"Um...Kanna honey," he said away from the phone. "When would you like to go?"

"Saturday!" she heard Kanna exclaim. "Saturday it is then," she agreed before Mr. Holland could repeat her. "Where are you going?"

"To the pound," Mr. Holland said while Kanna's cheers and shouts sounded over the phone. "The one on Shinju Street."

"I know where that is," Kagome replied, then held the phone with her shoulder and reached for a Post-It and a pen. "And what time?"

"I think around noon," Mr. Holland guessed. "Would you mind calling us so we can meet you there?"

"No, not a problem." Kagome searched for their file on the computer and scribbled down their phone number. "Alright then Mr. Holland," she said as she prepared to hang up. "I'll see you then. Goodbye."

"What was that about?" Sango asked as Kagome returned the phone to it's receiver.

"Oh, Kanna's getting a dog and she wants Chance to be there."

"Oh, how cute!" Sango cooed. "So when are you going?"

"Noon Saturday."

"Oh no!" Sango exclaimed suddenly. "Did you forget that you're supposed to be helping me with wedding invitations that day?"

"Oh crap, I did forget!" Kagome gasped. "I'm so sorry Sango! I completely forgot! Oh no..."

"Don't worry," Sango said, walked over and gave Kagome a hug. "It's ok. Do you think you can get to the wedding planner's at 2?"

"I think so," Kagome nodded. "I'll for sure try."


Sesshoumaru yawned in boredom from the backseat, his back paws dangling carelessly off the soft cushion and his front underneath his chest. He lifted his head to watch the scenery go by before mentally sighing.

Bored...' he drawled lazily with a wide yawn.

You know Sesshoumaru, I think this calm life is making you soft,' Kikyou teased. Sesshoumaru mentally growled at her, then yawned again and ignored her.

"You know you can't ignore me forever.'

Yes, unfortunately, I am aware of such,' Sesshoumaru frowned. He lowered his head to rest on his paws and closed his eyes. I still do not understand why you insist on my company if you find it so irritating.'

Because you're funny,' Kikyou laughed. Sesshoumaru frowned again and returned to his thoughts, inwardly wondering why Kanna would ask for his presence in something that he felt didn't concern him.

She cares what you think,' Kikyou told him as the local animal center appeared in the horizon. I don't know why these poor kids flock to you, but she actually wants your approval. Is that so bad?'

For whom?'

Kikyou sighed in irritation, threw up her proverbial hands and walked away. Sesshoumaru sighed in contentment, his thoughts once again his own as the car stopped and Kagome shut off the engine. She opened her door and stepped outside, her heavy snow boots crunching loudly on the ice below. "Ok Chance," she said as she opened the door in front of him and reached for his yellow bag. "Let's get you ready."

Sesshoumaru allowed her to place the little white boots over his paws, his indignation over wearing the silly looking things having faded once he understood their usefulness. He himself remembered how painful and inconvenient it was to have to pick ice from between the pads of his feet. The little boots, as embarrassing as they were, prevented that bother from happening.

So long as she does not attempt anything else. This Sesshoumaru refuses to 'prance' about in those embarrassing sweaters these humans are so fond of,'' Sesshoumaru growled to himself before Kagome attached the leash to his collar. Sesshoumaru stepped out the car gracefully, the snow underneath his feet crunching underneath his weight as they walked down the concrete pathway and entered the shelter.

"Hi," an elderly lady greeted with a warm smile. "Are you here to adopt someone? Or are you here with an animal you'd like to le-"

"No," Kagome answered quickly with a shake of her head. "I'm here for an adoption, but I'm not the one adopting."

"Really?" the lady replied. "Then who-"

"Miss Kagome!"

Kagome turned and smiled, Sesshoumaru turning with her as Kanna and her father walked into the lobby. The hood of Kanna's bright red parka was down, her white hair pulled into a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck. Her gloved hand released her father's as soon as her brown eyes spotted Sesshoumaru and she tore across the lobby, dropped to her knees and gave the canine an affectionate hug. "Hi Chance," she whispered into the fur right below his left ear. "How are you?"


"Good afternoon Rev. Holland," Kagome smiled as he walked toward her and shook her hand. "Hi Kanna."

"Oh, hi Miss Kagome," Kanna said as she finally stood up and hugged Kagome around the waist. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Are you ready to pick your dog?"

"I can't wait! Can Chance come with me?"

"Well..." Kagome thought about it for a moment, then nodded and handed Kanna Sesshoumaru's leash. "I don't see why not. Just make sure to be gentle with it. Chance knows the way so you don't have to lead him."

"Ok!" Kanna and Sesshoumaru took the lead as the desk clerk led them toward the kennels in the back. Kagome smiled at the cute picture they made, with Sesshoumaru's snowy head just a few inches below Kanna's shoulder.

"Kanna's rather short for her age," Rev. Holland said, interrupting Kagome's thoughts on the pair. "But that's never stopped her before. I don't believe it ever will."

"Me either," Kagome agreed. "How is she lately?"

"She had another doctor's appointment with Dr. Asuri. Apparently, all of Kanna's external wounds have healed nicely. My wife and I can look forward to being grandparents again."

"That's wonderful," Kagome replied. "I'm glad."

"So am I. Now all we have to do is get her through the therapy."

"Ok Chance," Kanna said as they passed through another door. "I think this is where the other dogs are."

Sesshoumaru's ears twitched and swivelled toward the room ahead, the irrate barks and snarls of the dogs ahead of him abusive to his ears. They walked into the overly lit room to the kennels themselves, the musk of the other animals around them nearly drowning out Kanna's bubble gum scent. Completely atrocious,' Sesshoumaru growled in distaste as Kanna stopped beside the desk clerk.

"Now hun, you pick whatever animal you want," the clerk told her between snaps of gum. "Doesn't matter which one. When you find the right one, you give me a holler."

"Alright," Kanna nodded before leading Sesshoumaru down the pathway between the kennels. Sesshoumaru glared into each cage, his golden eyes frigid and critical as the mortal dogs barked and snapped at him. He stopped when Kanna did and stood by as she cooed at a cage full of calico kittens. He yawned again and looked down, surprised when he found another dog, this one a little smaller than himself, with his head on his front paws. It's blue eyes looked upon him expectantly, and with the way his hind legs remained standing and his tail wrapped around his body to the front gave Sesshoumaru the impression that the dog was doing it's version of a bow.

Do you know me?' Sesshoumaru growled and was surprised again at the answer.

Hai my lord, I do.'

Then speak your name and your station.'

'I am Aoshi,' the black dog responded after moving to sit on his hind legs with his head still bowed. 'And I once I served as your stablehand.'

'I see,' Sesshoumaru rumbled before glancing up at Kanna. 'Why are you in this form? Have you been enchanted as such by foul means?'

'Iie my lord,' Aoshi said with a shake of his head. 'I chose this form. The world is severe toward our kind, and this is the safest form to be in.'

'Explain,' Sesshoumaru demanded with a slight growl.

'The humans began to exterminate our kind not long after your disappearance,' Aoshi explained. 'At first, youkai kind thought it to be a joke. We did not take the humans seriously and -

'In there lay your first mistake,' Sesshoumaru finished for him. Aoshi nodded sadly. 'Unfortunately my lord. We lost many to their miko, their power more than we were ready to handle. The remaining chose to accept the form of their lesser counterparts.'

'And why are you here?' Sesshoumaru asked next. Aoshi rumbled in embarrassment. 'I believe the humans call it being in The wrong place at the wrong time'.'

'I see...' Sesshoumaru's gaze settled elsewhere before glancing up at Kanna once again. 'Tell me,' he finally said after a moment's silence. 'Are you still loyal to me?'

'But of course,' Aoshi replied immediately. 'Though I doubt I'll be much help to you. I'm due to be put to sleep in the morning.'

'But you are still loyal are you not?'

'Hai my lord,' Aoshi responded. My life is yours should you choose.'

'It's not your life I require,' Sesshoumaru told him. He took a second more to study his decision, then said, 'The child above me is not mine, but she is important to my ward. I require someone to protect her.'

'It would be an honor,' Aoshi assured him with hopeful indigo orbs.

'How often do you change to your second form?' Sesshoumaru inquired.

'Not often. Maybe...once every few weeks.'

'Acceptable. You shall do.' He barked once and tugged on Kanna's jacket sleeve, finally pulling the child away from the kittens and toward her silent companion.

"Yes Chance? Oh, have you made a friend?" she asked before leaning over and peering into the cage. Aoshi raised a paw toward her and lightly tapped the cage, and licked her finger when she attempted to pet him through the metal bars.

"Excuse me!" Kanna shouted to the clerk standing by. "Can I see him please?"

The clerk sauntered over and opened the door, taking a moment to relieve Kanna of Sesshoumaru's leash as Aoshi calmly stepped out of his cage. He peered at Sesshoumaru, who barely nodded, before turning to Kanna and licking her cheek.

"You're so cute," she giggled. "And you and Chance get along! Daddy!"

Rev. Holland's dark head appeared in the doorway, with Kagome following at her shout. "Yes dear?"

"Can I get him?" Kanna asked and pointed to Aoshi. Rev. Holland and Kagome walked into the room and glanced Aoshi over. He stood quietly under their inspections, his head turning up when Kagome patted between his ears.

"I think he's cute," Kagome said and turned to Sesshoumaru. "Oh, but not as cute as you."

Aww, poor Sesshy,' Kikyou laughed. Did she forget you?'

Silence woman,' he demanded before rudely shoving her out of his thoughts. She is the last thing I need at this moment.'

"Are you sure Kanna?" Rev. Holland asked as Kanna hugged the mammoth onyx canine. "He is awfully big."

"I know Daddy, but Chance likes him!" Kanna retorted. "He has to be good if Chance likes him!"

"Yes dear, I suppose he is," Rev. Holland said and patted her head. "Alright then. He is yours!"

"Yay!" Kanna cheered and hugged both dogs. "I get to keep should I call you? I know!" She turned to Kagome excitedly while Rev. Holland filled out forms and signed documents, her brown eyes shining as she waited for Kagome to kneel to her height.

"Miss Kagome, why don't you name him!"

"I don't know," Kagome said with a shake of her head. "He is your dog after all. Don't you want to name him?"

"Nuh uh," Kanna shook her head. "I want you to!"

"Um...alright then," Kagome relented. She sighed to herself and reached for Aoshi, her hand resting firmly but gently on his neck. Eyes a shade darker than her own stared back at her, the intensity in the gentle orbs startling but humbling all the same. ""

"Hiten?" Kanna repeated, then laughed. "OK! I like it!"

Surely she jests,' Aoshi protested as Kanna threw her arms around his neck. Sesshoumaru merely looked on at Aoshi's mortification before Kagome retrieved his leash from Kanna and stood up. "We've got to go Kanna, Rev. Holland," Kagome said as she led Sesshoumaru out of the kennel and into the lobby. "I have to go do something for a friend."

"OK," Kanna waved goodby. "Bye Chance! See you later!"

Sesshoumaru spared the little girl a glance before disappearing inside Kagome's car and waited patiently for Kagome to start it before relaxing with a giant yawn.

"That tuckered you out huh?" Kagome said as they pulled out of the parking lot. "I kinda figured it would. Don't worry. I'm going to give Souta a call and see what he's up to."

Are you 'tuckered out' Sesshoumaru-sama?" Kikyou cooed before bursting out laughing. Sesshoumaru ignored her, his thoughts centered on Aoshi and the rest of the afternoon. To think, youkai-kind were reduced to hiding such as that,' Sesshoumaru mused while Kikyou continued to amuse herself. It is...disturbing.'

But haven't you wondered where all the youkai were?' Kikyou asked him. You yourself said that you smelled one a few months ago.'

It is different to think you have caught the scent of one,' Sesshoumaru told her as if it made total sense. It is quite another to actually see someone, especially one in such a state.'

Do you even remember him?' Kikyou asked. Aoshi I mean. Do you remember who he is?'

I believe so,' Sesshoumaru replied, then looked up when Kagome stopped the car. He peered out the window just in time to see Souta and Miroku leaning against an orange Civic parked a little away from he and Kagome.

"Hey Souta-chan! Hey Roki!" Kagome called out as she parked the car. "What cha doing?"

"We're planning Miroku's bachelor party," Souta told her as he and Miroku approached her door. "We're almost finished."

"Wait a second," Kagome said after a moment's time. "I thought the bachelor parties were supposed to be a surprise?"

"Well yeah, normally," Miroku said with a grin. "But I don't like surprises very much."

"He just wants to pick out the entertainment' if you know what I mean," Souta whispered' with a wink. Kagome groaned wearily, closed her eyes and unlocked Sesshoumaru's door. "Whatever. Just remember what Sango said about the entertainment'."

"You're no fun," Miroku told her as Souta let Sesshoumaru out of the car. "Hey Kagome," he said as he pointed at Sesshoumaru's paws. "What the hell are those?"

"Those are snow boots," Kagome told him. "They're to protect his feet from the cold."

"But Kagome, he's a dog," Miroku snickered. "I mean, how will it look for us to walk around with him looking like that."

"You can take them off if you want to," Kagome said sweetly...a little too sweetly. All three males froze in their tracks.

"We can?" Souta asked, then frowned at her nod. "What's the catch?"

"No catch," Kagome smiled back. "You think that he'll embarrass you if he keeps his boots on. Alright then, take them off. But remember..." Her eyes darkened considerably, the normally sparkling near glaciers now swirling flames of electric blue. "If anything happens to his paws, and I mean anything, you'll have to worry about how you'll look in a body cast. Get my drift?"

"Yes ma'am," Souta and Miroku nodded as they stared at her. "They'll stay on."

'Cowards,' Sesshoumaru grumbled irritably. To allow one simple female to intimidate them is pitiful indeed.'

"So what cha got planned?" Souta asked as Miroku pulled Sesshoumaru's bookbag out of the back seat.

"I'm going to meet Sango at the wedding planners today," Kagome answered and glared when Miroku started laughing. "What?"

"Oh, nothing," he guffawed. "It's just that Sango is real...meticulous about this wedding," he explained while Souta loaded Sesshoumaru and his things into the back of his car.

"She can't be all that bad," Kagome disagreed.

"Oh, I'm not saying she's bad," Miroku appeased. "But she kicked me out of the caterer's when we were picking the food for our reception."

"Why?" Kagome asked. "Who'd you grope?"

"I didn't grope anyone. All I did was ask whether or not they had a vegan menu."

"But you're not a vegan," Kagome countered as she started up her engine. "You should have been kicked out. You were trying to be a pest."

"I'm serious Kagome," Miroku warned her. "Sango is a real perfectionist about this thing."

"Yeah, I'm sure. It is her wedding after all," Kagome nodded. "Anyway, I'll bring Sango to my house in an hour. Souta still has my key right?"

Miroku nodded. "I don't know about that hour though. We might see you in three."

"Oh stop it," Kagome scolded with a roll of her eyes. "I'm leaving. I'll see you guys there."

"Alright then," he said before he stepped away from her door. He and Souta waved as she drove away, then piled into the car and made their way toward Kagome's side of town.


Kagome found herself wearily sliding back into the driver's seat three hours later, her forehead resting against the steering wheel with a soft thump and a groan escaping her parted lips. Sango climbed in beside her, completely unaware of her friend's exhaustion as she shuffled through three invitation designs.

"I don't see why this is so hard," Kagome said when she finally sat up and started the car. "You're having a chocolate-theme wedding right? So just pick the invitation that best fits that theme."

"I'm going to," Sango countered with a slight grin. "That's why I picked these three. What do you think Kagome?" Sango held up each one individually and waved them at the preoccupied woman beside her. "The roses, the chocolates or the hearts?"

"Um..." Kagome sighed in relief as Maroon 5's 'Harder to Breathe' rang out from the innards of her purse. "Hello?"

"Hi!" a little boy chirped from the other end. "Is this Miss Kagome?"

"Yeah, this is she. And who may I ask is this?"

"It's me, Shippou."

"Oh, Shippou! How are you?" Kagome grinned. Sango cast a confused glare in her direction, but shrugged and continued toggling between the designs in her hands.

"I'm fine Miss Kagome. I'm not bothering you am I?"

"No, not at all," Kagome shook her head. "But what are you doing?"

"Oh, that reminds me! My grandma wants to talk to you. GRANDMA!!" he hollered into the background. Kagome winced, pulled the phone away from her ear and rubbed it before returning the speaker to it. She patiently waited for Shippou's grandmother to reach the phone, her mind drifting to the road before a soft hello called out from the other end.

"Hello Mrs. Takisai. How are you?"

"I'm fine, considering I'm an old woman with a hyperactive kitsune on her hands."

"I heard that!" Kagome heard Shippou holler from somewhere in the background. She giggled softly, completely ignorant of Sango's questioning gaze as she and Mrs. Takisai continued their conversation.

"Anyway dear, the reason I'm calling is because of Shippou. He asked me to tell you about how well he did on his interim."

"Really?" Kagome replied. "How good did he do?"

"Straight A's."

"Wow," Kagome breathed, obviously impressed. "That's pretty good."

"I know," Mrs. Takisai said. "He couldn't wait for you to find out. That's all he's said since he came home yesterday."

"Aww, how sweet," Kagome cooed. "I'll have to do something to congratulate him. I know! What do you say to me taking him to dinner next Friday?"

"I would have to ask but-"

"Yeah!" they heard Shippou holler. "I wanna go!"

"Is he sure?" Kagome asked. "Because I'm going to take him somewhere special."

"I'm sure he won't refuse," Mrs. Takisai said as Shippou chattered on in the back. "I take it he's not to wear a pair of jeans."

"Yes ma'am, if that's ok with you," Kagome said. She glanced over at Sango and jumped, startled, when she found cinnamon eyes staring at her. "What?" she mouthed. Sango only shook her head and continued to stare as they pulled into her driveway and stopped the car behind Souta's.

"Of course dear. It's fine," Mrs. Takisai told her as Kagome and Sango got out the car and walked up the sidewalk to her door. "What time should I have him ready by?"

"Let's see..." Kagome mulled over it as she opened the door. She patted Sesshoumaru's head absently as they walked in. "How I think I can be there at seven."

"Seven is fine," Mrs. Takisai agreed. "I'll tell him."

"Ok. Tell him I'll see him then."

'Him?' Sesshoumaru thought as Sango kneeled down and gave his ears a through rubbing. 'Who is this 'him?'

'Don't tell me your jealous...again,' Kikyou taunted. 'That's what, the second time since she took you in?'

'This Sesshoumaru is NOT jealous,' Sesshoumaru growled back, his eyes momentarily closing when Sango rubbed his belly. 'I have no reason to be.'

'Sure,' Kikyou said as Kagome snapped her phone closed and sat down on the arm of the loveseat. 'That's what you say, but you can't fool me.'

"Sango," Kagome called. "Do you think one of you three could watch Chance for me next Friday for a few hours?"

"Yea-" Sango began but was cut off when Souta snorted and shook his head.

"Kagome, you treat Chance like a baby," Souta scolded. "He doesn't need to be constantly watched and coddled. He's a dog for kami's sake. He was watching out for himself before he met you. I'm almost positive he still can."

"So?" Kagome retorted simply. She waited on Souta to say something else, then turned to Sango. "What were you saying?" she asked.

"Um, yeah," Sango drawled carefully. "I was just going to say that Miroku and I will keep an eye on him, won't we Roki?"

"If that's what you want Sango," Miroku replied with a quick kiss on her cheek. "We would be happy to look after your baby Kagome."

'I am not a baby,' Sesshoumaru grumbled as he flopped down at Sango's feet. He mentally frowned at Kikyou's laughter, his imagination running rampant and unhindered at the many ways he could 're-educate' the miko.

"Thanks you guys," Kagome replied with a laugh. "I appreciate it."

"So what are you wearing on your little date?" Sango teased and laughed when Kagome scowled at her. Miroku spoke up before Kagome had a chance to speak.

"How were the invitations Go-Go?" he asked and immediately regretted it when she turned on him with a bright smile.

"I'm so glad you asked," she said. She immediately pulled the designs from her pocket, slid from the arm of the couch to his lap and shoved them underneath his nose. Kagome and Souta cringed before fleeing the room, leaving Sesshoumaru in a light doze by Sango's feet.

"Dude," Souta whispered once he and Kagome were in the safe haven of the kitchen. "Sango is sooooo scary like that."

"I know it," Kagome agreed. "I think we should stay out of sight until she calms down."

"You know what?" Souta began when Sesshoumaru finally padded into the room.

"For once, we agree."


Kagome sat on the other side of the small round table, looking up momentarily from her dinner to gaze at the decor of the restaurant. The lighting was soft and sophisticated, with beautiful rose tablecloths that glowed softly underneath the rice paper lamps. She felt she blended in with the atmosphere, dressed as she was in a creamy vanilla knit cami, a bell sleeved shrug that showed of her shoulders and a pair of wide-legged dress pants. She glanced across the table at her dining partner and smiled.

"Are you having fun Shippou?" she asked and giggled when a meatball he was chasing managed to jump from his plate to the tablecloth.

"Oops," he mumbled as he attempted to clean it up. "Sorry."

"It's ok," she told him. "Accidents happen. So...your grandmother said you made all A's. That's pretty fantastic."

"Yeah well," he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, the light blush on his cheeks hidden by the dim lights overhead. "It's nothing really."

"I don't think so," Kagome disagreed. "I think it's pretty special. I would have loved straight A's when I was in school. I'm proud of you."


"Yeah," Kagome nodded before looking up at him. She noticed the bright, almost disbelieving look in his bottle green eyes. "Of course I'm proud of you," she told him seriously. "You're a smart kid Shippou."

"Thanks," he muttered softly. His head bowed then, the black bow in the back of his head bobbing slightly as he twiddled his fingers. "You didn't have to say that."

"I know it," Kagome replied. She reached across the small table and tapped the area in front of his plate to get his attention. "I wanted to say it," she told him when he finally looked up. "It's the truth." They continued to stare at each other for a few seconds, with Kagome patiently waiting for Shippou to see the truth and trust that reflected in her sapphire orbs.

"Thanks," he finally said with a grin. "It...means a lot."

"You're welcome," Kagome smiled back and resumed eating. She glanced up at him from time to time, watching as he fiddled with either the collar of his wine colored shirt or the ends of the black necktie that matched his pants and bow. "Hey," she whispered. "What do you want for dessert?"

"You mean I don't have to finish this?" Shippou grimaced as he gestured to the half eaten spaghetti on his plate. Kagome shook her head.

"This is your night," Kagome said before gesturing for the waiter. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Hey," she said when he gave a face cracking yawn. "Are you ok? You look a little tired."

"It's my sealant," he told her and frowned when she gazed at him in confusion. His pointed to his ear, it twitching involuntarily when she gasped in embarrassment. "Yeah, it's that. I'm kinda tired."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Kagome apologized. "Do you want to go? We can order your dessert through the take out?"

"You won't get mad?" Shippou asked as the waiter walked up. Kagome shook her head and smiled before glancing up at the waiter. "Would you mind giving our desserts in to go boxes?"

"Of course not," the waiter replied. "What would you like?"

"Well...I'd like the chocolate and caramel torte. What about you Shippou?"

"Um..." He glanced over the dessert menu and pointed. "The chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies."

"Alright then," Kagome agreed. "We'll have twenty of those."

"Both in separate boxes correct?" he asked and quickly scribbled down their order when Kagome nodded. "I'll bring it to the front desk."

"Thank you," Kagome called before he walked away, then stood up and gathered hers and Shippou's coats. "You ready?"

"Yes ma'am," Shippou chirped as he jumped down from his seat and quickly came to her side. Kagome smiled down at him and together they walked toward the front of the restaurant where a photographer was setting up for the evening.

"You want to take a picture Shippou?" Kagome asked as she paid the bill. Shippou glanced over and shrugged. "If you want to," he mumbled. Kagome kneeled down to him, grasped his chin and gently tugged his face toward her.

"If you don't want to we don't have to," Kagome told him. "But I would like to have something to remember this night by."

"With a picture?" Shippou questioned. Kagome nodded. "Almost every great memory I have is on photo," she explained. "And I'd really like to have a picture of you."

"Well...ok then Miss Kagome," Shippou nodded. "Let's take a picture!"

"Alright!" Kagome laughed. "We'll be right back," Kagome told the host before grabbing Shippou's hand and approaching the photographer. "Excuse me," she said when he turned around. "How much are the pictures?"

"You're lucky," he smiled. "I'm having a special. You get two 8x7's, four 5x10's and twenty four wallets for $86."

"Ok then," Kagome nodded. "Sound good to you Shippou?"

"Sounds ok," Shippou nodded.

"Great. Where would you like us?" Kagome asked. The photographer led them toward a white piece of cloth that he set up against the wall. He moved Shippou to stand in front of Kagome, placed her hands on his shoulders, stepped back and frowned.

"No," he said with a shake of his head. "I don't like that. Let's try this." He grabbed a chair from nearby and placed it in front of the camera. "Sit here," he told Kagome. He moved Shippou to stand beside her and grinned. "I like it," he said as he stepped behind the camera. "Alright you two, smile." Kagome grasped Shippou's hand seconds before the picture was taken and Shippou blushed the instant the photographer's bulb flashed. "Perfect," the photographer said as Kagome blinked the spots from her eyes. "You must really look like your father young man."

"Why'd you say that?" Shippou demanded angrily.

"You just look nothing like your mother here," the photographer explained. "So I just figured-"

"She's not my mother," Shippou growled. "Can we go now Miss Kagome?"

"Sure," Kagome replied. She quickly paid the man for the photos and arranged for them to be delivered to her house before retrieving their take out and walking out into the front lobby. She helped Shippou into his coat before shrugging into her own, then pulled out her keys and proceeded to walk to the car.

"Shippou," Kagome began once they were in the car. "I'm really sorry about what the photographer said. I hope he didn't upset you."

"Feh," Shippou grumbled as he put on his seatbelt. "Don't worry about it."

"Ok," Kagome drawled. They rode in silence for a while and it was only when the car stopped for a red light that Kagome broke the silence. "You can drop your sealant," she told him. "You know, if you want."

"What about other people watching?" he whispered.

"Don't even worry about it," Kagome said with a flip of her hand. "The windows are tinted. No one else will be able to-"

"Ahhhhhhhhh," Shippou purred as his tail unfurrowed from its magical confinements and his ears slowly grew into their natural points. "That's a lot better."

"You're so cute in your youkai form," Kagome cooed and laughed when he pouted. "It's a good thing to be cute."

"Yeah well, if you say so," he retorted and turned to stare out the window. He smiled though when she laughed, and from then on they drove in a silence more comfortable than the last.

"We're here," Kagome said as she pulled into Shippou's grandmother's driveway. "You're grandmother should be-Ah! There she is," Kagome said, then stuck her hand out the window and waved at the shape of a woman sitting on the porch. The shape waved back and Shippou opened the door.

"Thanks Miss Kagome," he said as she handed him his box of cookies. "I had a really cool time."

"I'm glad," Kagome responded, then winked and said "We'll go go-carting another day, ok?"

"Yeah!" he chirped excitedly. He scrambled back in the car long enough to throw his arms around her neck, then ran up the walkway to his grandmother's arms. They waved when Kagome waved back and drove away, then made their way back inside.

"Did you have fun?" Mrs. Takisai asked. Shippou nodded. "Yeah, it was great. We took pictures and everything."

"Well I'm glad dear," she said before leaning over to kiss his forehead. "Your smile is so rare. It's good to see it free once in a while."

"Yeah," Shippou mumbled absently before grabbing a cookie. "If you say so."

'Poor kid,' Mrs. Takisai said to herself as Shippou suddenly turned in on himself. 'I know he's unhappy, but why? What is it? What am I missing?' Her heart shuddered at his brokenhearted sigh, but she decided pour him a glass of milk and leave him be. Shippou barely noticed, his tail barely swaying along the back of the stool.

'For once,' Mrs. Takisai thought with one final glance at the redheaded child still in the kitchen. 'I would love to see him happy, completely, truly happy. For once, I would love to see him free...'


Sango sat on the bench outside the department, her hands deep within her sleeves as she waited for Kagome to arrive. 'It's not like her to be this late,' Sango said to herself after glancing at her watch. 'I wonder what's keeping-'

She glanced up as Kagome's Beetle pulled into the parking lot, the muffled sound of whatever song was playing inside humming in the frigid early morning air. The car parked a little ahead of Sango and the cute little lights that always reminded Sango of a smile dimmed before Kagome stepped outside.

"Jumpin' rabbits!" she exclaimed when the cold wind smacked her in the face. "It can't be legal for it to be so cold!"

"Hey Kagome!" Sango called and waved when Kagome spotted her. "Come on! I'll buy you a cup of coffee!"


Kagome quickly jogged to Sango's side, inwardly grateful for once that she kept her sneakers on instead of changing into her heels like she normally did. Together they walked into the lobby, their bodies relaxing the moment the warm air caressed their cheeks. "Now this is much better," Sango purred as Kagome shed her coat and hung it over her shoulder. "What took you so long?"

"Believe it or not, Chance," Kagome grumbled as Sango shook the snow from her coat. "He's been acting funny all weekend."


"You got me," Kagome said and shrugged. "But I've had to shoo him away from my laundry basket all weekend. He even tried to run off with the shrug you gave me for my birthday last year."

"Well that's not so bad," Sango comforted. "Maybe he just likes your scent. I heard that dogs' noses are more sensitive. Maybe he likes the way you smell when your dirty."

"Whatever," Kagome laughed and wacked Sango's arm before walking toward the lobby elevator.

"Miss Higurashi?"

Kagome turned with a smile, she and Sango glancing at the secretary expectantly. "Yes?"

"You have a phone call. It's from a Detective Sandival."

"Oh no," Kagome mumbled under her breath. "Alright then. Would you please patch it to our office?"

"Of course."

"Who's that?" Sango asked as she and Kagome boarded the elevator.

"You remember Kouga? The guy I went out with that completely embarrassed me?"

"Oh, right. Him." Sango let out a little laugh and winced when Kagome punched her arm again. "Ow. What?"

"It's not funny," Kagome insisted. "I wonder what he wants." They stepped off on their floor and walked down the busy hallway into their office. "I guess I should answer it," Kagome mumbled as she reached to her desk for her phone and the blinking light.

"Yeah, I guess you should," Sango teased and laughed when Kagome stuck her tongue out at her. Kagome picked up the phone and pressed the flashing red button...

Completely unaware that the person on the other end would make or break her in the next 24 hours.

(End Chapter)

Summary of chapter Sixteen:

One of Kagome's kids is missing, leaving Kouga and a new partner to search the city. When the results of cruelty push a child over the edge, will it lift the shadow over Kagome's heart and somehow urge her to live?

Chapter Sixteen: When Doves Cry