InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sesshomaru Gone Gangster! Inuyasha A God Loving Racist! ❯ Between Gangster Lines ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Well well little brother I see where this is going but your little klan wont last long." He said to himself stuffing another bite of cereal into his mouth before heading out as well.


Between Gangster Lines

~One month later~

"So what do we do now Sess?" Miroku asked.

"We ride. We have to follow him it's been a month and still no sign of where he really goes." He motioned to Miroku to get in his car.

"Whateva you say boss." Before he got in he told the others to follow as well. Honest

See ever since this little change Inuyasha has been ignoring him. And Sess was determined to break his little trust bond he had with this so called KKK. Despise the fact that Sess hated white people He couldn't watch his brother be apart of it any longer. But Sess has been actin pretty strange himself. Going out every time his cell rang and it wasn't even his buddies.


Sess cranked up the radio on his new Charger as he set on the hydraulics and rode out.

"Here we are." He stepped out of the car and walked up to a building where Inuyasha had last been spotted. It only took I few minutes before his nas got them there. Which would have been a 30 minute drive.

Sess and his gang the Blood's knocked down the building door and inside he saw a lot of strange people dressed in robes with pointy hats.

"We're hear to break up this little love fest so if anyone that doesn't want to die today bow down!" Sess called out to the many frightened people who were doing some sort of ritual with a dead chicken.

"Chicken rappers!" Miroku yelled spotting one of the guys doing something

with the tied up chicken. "Huh?" He looked at Miroku.

"I knew you guys were sick but not that sick, and since you won't bow you all will have to die!" Sess pulled out two oozies and began to pop caps in everyone. He watched as their bodies fell limp to the ground.

"Ah the smell of fresh blood. Die!" He just kept shooting until one of the guys called out.

"Stop brother, don't shoot." Inuyasha pulled off his hood.

"You!" Sess's voice changed to a peppy one.

"Yes it's me. Stop this violence at once I can't stand to see any more peace being trampled on." He demanded.

"No, you stop. All I can see over here is a bunch of clowns rapping chickens and you call that peaceful." He laughed at Inuyasha not just from the way he looked but the way he talked too.

"it's not what you think. Show mercy for your loving brother."

"Brotha, it's brotha foo! Any way unless you want to live beg for your life!" He was the one demanding now.

"Please! I'll go easy on you if you let me go!" Inuyasha begged.

"Hey boss go for the white meat!"


"I told you to get on your knees!" He put an oozie away and took out a 8mm and shot Inuyasha in the knee.

"Ughh" He fell to one knee. Sess wasn't satisfied enough So he popped his other out.

"That's better. Damn I got blood on my new shirt." He turned to the others who were chasing after the white robed people. "Hey!" They all stopped and looked at him.

"Yes?" A guy answered holding a white robed in his hands strangling him.

"Does any of ya'lls have some oxi clean?"

"No boss." They all said.

Miroku stepped forward. "No but we can stop at the Dolla Store after to pick up some Clorox." He suggested.

"That will do." He turned his attention to Inuyasha who was climbing on his pants.

"Brother please help me God shall be angry with you." He stated.

"Nigga please." He kicked him away. "Damn that's gonna leave a stain. He looked down at his new kicks that were now covered in a red substance.

"Bastard give your brother some sympathy, come on!" He crawled toward Sesshomaru.

"Don't be hatin. I'm only a brotha bringing peace to the world." Pulling out a bazooka from his back pocket he blew Inuyasha's head off. "Now will any of you help me clear these people out?"

No one answered they kept beating the crap out of the others.

"Hey, what do I have to do to get a little respect around here?" He walked over to them.

"Shorty who was the one who told your mama that the apple juice you gave her was bad when when you pissed in it that night you were drunk or who was the one who thought about a snack table at the Kill Whitey meetings."

"You did."

"Damn right I did. And who was the one who got you Biggs out of that crack house that you thought was your trailer and I had to save you from that fat ass crack whore that was all over you?"

"You did boss."

"I know I did. So the least ya'll can do is help."

"Wait can I ask one thing first?"

"What is it Miroku?"

"Well the boys and me were just wondering who's been calling you all those times you went out?"

"Ya, ya." They all nodded.

"Oh those they were nothing." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Damn they're catching on to me."

"Your hesitating so there is something your hiding."

"Are you guys hungry cause I am how bout we go to Churches Chicken I hear they have a good deal of some coleslaw, mashed potatoes and a 8 piece chicken for only $3.99." He was about to turn away before his cell rang.

"Shit." He cursed and looking at his friends then turning back he answered. "Ya?"

"911, I'm being robbed can you hurry and get down here the address is 679 Baker Street, please hurry!" The person on the other line cried.

No, sorry wrong number, bye."


He whispered than hung up.

"Who was that?" Shorty questioned.

"No one I don't know what your talking about." He laughed, but everyone knew that it was fake.

"Come on just tell us." They begged.

"Ok, ok. That was some person being robbed."

"Why would they call you?"

"See I hacked into the police station and changed my number to 911, so when white people call for help I can go over there but instead of helping them I pop a cap or two. See."

"Dude you rule!" Miroku shouted.

"That has to be the best joke in the book." Biggs pointed out.

"So what do you do with all of them, I mean you can't just leave them in their houses." Shorty asked.

"I'll uhh tell you later but right now lets get these bodies out of here."

Sess took his dead brother but only dragging him by his shirt leaving his head for the others to take care of since he didn't want his clothes ruined.

"Where do he put them?"

"Follow me." Sess motioned for the others.

"He led then to a large gate with a sign reading, "White Dumping Only". On the other side was were Sess piled the people up that he killed.

"Damn it stanks over here." Biggs complained.

"Well what do you expect when you have about 100 white dead people who don't bath. There's bound to be an awful smell." Shorty stated to him.

"You got that right." Miroku said trying to cover his nose while dumping the body too.

"Ok boys now how about that chicken. Oh and on the way we need to get the Clorox don't let me forget."

"Right." They nodded as they walked away cool from a hard days work only to rid the world from racists everywhere.

Before leaving though Sess stuck Inuyasha to a post by the dumping area.

"What's that for boss?"

"It's to scare away the buzzards anything else that tries to ruin are art of course." He slapped Miroku on the back before walking away.

"Whoa, that would scare anything off." He winced at the sight then walked away to catch the others.

"Hey guys wait for me!" He ran to them which they were already leaving without him.

Inuyasha was stuck to a post that day. His knees gone. Part of his butt and an arm along with no head. It might have been from the many people who used him as target practice or he just rotted away and very quickly.

Sess and his gang look back to that day. It was their greatest accomplishment yet.


~Three months later~

"Sess! We've got another drive by and this time they want the hostage."

"Everybody you know what that means. Biggs watch the white one no telling what he might pull next."

"I'm on it." He looked at the scared guy who had already pissed in his pants and grinned. "Me and you are gonna have some fun."

"Ok guys you heard the man lets move out! And Biggs don't get any perverted ideas or I'll have to shoot you, because that's just wrong." Miroku said with disgust.

They all grabbed many of the weapons from the coffee table they headed out for yet another day of pure gangster fun and down right cruel action.

"Ok time to take out the enemy!" Sess yelled jumping out of the house shooting his friends close behind.

The End!

Now go home! You sick sick people who disgust the hell out of me!

Nah just messin any way I had fun how bout you?