InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Setting Them Straight ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Right, so I'm sitting in the basement, typing this up on Tomato (yeah, that's what I names the older computer), while my sister gets laugh her arse off at this thing called "Big Buttocks", which is a playoff of "Big Brother" that someone wrote using the cast of Inuyasha. It's quite amusing, really. Search on google if you really want to see it, or you can ask me for the link by e-mail.

Wait; there was a point to mentioning Tomato… oh yeah! Okay, so now that my brother got it up and running, I now have 2 computers at my disposal for typing up updates on. So maybe they'll come a bit faster now that even if my sister DOES boot me off the better comp, I still have Tomato ^_^

Well anyway, I'm thinking that Shio will either come in the next chapter, or the one after. It all depends. For now though, enjoy chapter 2!


No, carrying around two giant boxes of ramen in the middle of the night is not normal. And no, hunting down Kagome isn't exactly staying close. But what's a bored little kitty to do?

Yeah, I mean kitty as in cat.

A long time ago, before Kitty's parents had lost interest in raising her like it was just some temporary hobby, her father had shown her ways to conceal her youkai attributes to make her look completely human. There were different ways to do it, but Kitty preferred to use the potion method… one that eventually wears off late at night.

So now, Kitty was sniffing around the shrine with her nose in the air, two boxes of ramen stacked in her arms that she couldn't quite see over the top of, and all the while she as perfectly okay with the fact that she now had a black cat tail, black cat ears on top of her head, longer nails that came to sharp points, sharp fangs, and a few black stripes here and there on her face and body.

Her ears weren't really normal though… when youkai take on the shape of a human, they normally have human-looking ears, with the exception that they were pointed. Maybe her parents thought that since she couldn't even take on a human form properly, then she was weak…? Well, that could have been her mother's reason, at least.

But enough about that, Kitty just found Kagome's scent! 'But what's this smell of dog that's here, too? *gasp* It's a dog youkai! Well… more like dog hanyou. There's a relief.' Fortunately for Kitty, Inuyasha's demon blood wouldn't be significant enough to make him chase her around like a puppy ^^ 'But... wait… dog demon? And Kagome said that the ramen was for an 'Inu'-'Yasha'? *giggle* I thought that was just a nickname! Well if this is Inuyasha's scent, then at least I'll know who he is when I see him now.'

So kitty followed Kagome and Inuyasha's scent trails through the shrine and into the well house. Upon entering, Kitty gazed warily at the well, where she could smell Kagome and Inuyasha had gone into.

She approached the well and looked down, expecting to see the two of them possibly unconscious at the bottom from falling down there somehow. But what she saw was nothing more than the darkness that lingered where the plummeting drop ended. And strangely enough, that was where their scent trails ended as well.

'Maybe there's a tunnel in the side of the well at the bottom that leads to the sewers that travel below some night club that they went off to…?' Kitty had a very active imagination, as evidence from this pretty much completely illogical assumption.

However, she was determined to see if it was correct. So, not bothering to set down the ramen, she jumped right on into the well.


'Whoo, that was FUN! Pretty different though… I wonder how long that portal has been there? But oh man, that was a blast! I'm gonna have to try that again some time. But I can smell Kagome again now, so I'd better keep going,' Kitty reasoned.

After jumping, she had braced herself for landing at the bottom when instead, she was engulfed in blue light and transported to… heck, how should she know? All that she observed is that it was fun. Which means that she didn't notice much of anything else, IE, the fact that the jar of shikon shards in her pocket glowed when she went through the well.

She jumped out of the well and wasn't surprised to see that the area around it wasn't the shrine anymore, but she was only expecting it because what was happening seemed to be parallel to the story that Kagome's grandfather told her about the shikon jewel and the people who were after it 500 years ago.

Kitty walked down a dirt path that Kagome's scent went over, and soon saw a hut that was only slightly isolated from a village. She could smell Kagome inside the hut, but took some time to think about what to do next before she went to knock on the door.

'I am definitely going to have to ask Mrs. H. about this in the morning… but first I gotta explore!' Kitty thought as she set down the ramen behind a bush and took off towards the village. She decided that she shouldn't go near the hit, since Kagome would probably be asleep, and she could smell Inuyasha hanging around the hut outside somewhere.


'They dress in kimonos like people did centuries ago… this village seems centuries old… their technology seems centuries behind… hmm…,' Kitty thought to herself as she stepped away from a window she was looking through to see the inside of one of the houses in the village.

She glanced at her watch.

'Only 2:00 in the morning? Well I've seen everything here, so I guess I'll try to find my way home… and come back with the ramen in the morning… but compared to this, whatever I do to pass the rest of the time will be boring…'


After retrieving the ramen, Kitty decided that the only logical thing for her to do would be to see if jumping down the well again brought her back, since it was doing that which brought her there in the first place.

That theory proved to be successful, and once she was back at the shrine she put the ramen down outside of the motor home once again. Only after that did she realize that she had nothing else to do, so she meditated for the sake of keeping herself occupied and in hopes of another idea coming to her.

But anyone who happened to see her wouldn't be able to tell that she was meditating. Her current position was on top of the motor home and she was on her back with her feet resting on a tree branch that hung low over the top of the vehicle. Not altogether bizarre, but certainly not a normal way to meditate.

"Oooommmeee… ooommmeee…," Kitty chanted. Then her mind slipped out of reality and she began to recite what was playing over and over again in the dark corners of her mind that not even she dared to venture into.

"Who likes short shorts…? I like short shorts… only at Mattress Giant…"

Apparently, whoever is in charge of letting people achieve enlightenment doesn't like short shorts, mattresses, or the fact that Kitty does this every time she meditates and without fail, because otherwise an acorn wouldn't have fallen onto her right eye and knock her out of her trance the way it so knavishly did.

However, this had the desired effect of giving her an idea to entertain herself, so she jumped off of the motor home and entered it to retrieve some supplies.

When she emerged she was carrying a stack of various black fabrics, some white fabric, a bottle of pink dye, and in her mouth she had a few pins and needles with a spool of black thread balanced precariously on one of the pin heads.

'I'm probably going to go back through the portal, so why not dress like the people there? And if I don't go back, then I can always use my new kimono as pajamas ^_^'


"Good morning Hitomi," Kitty said cheerfully to her foster mother.

"Good morning," she replied with a smile. "Were you out all night?"

"Yeah, I was meditating and then I got the idea to make this kimono… and I've been working on it since then. See?" she said, standing up from where she was finishing the kimono and holding it out for Hitomi to take a look.

It was mostly black with the exception of random white demented circles here and there on it, and she sleeves were frayed largely at the edges and the frays were died pink. The same was done with the bottom of the kimono.

Also, draped over Kitty's shoulders, was a white sash for securing the kimono. It had the same demented circles, only in black, and the ends were dyed pink, though they were not frayed. On the ground next to Kitty was a plain white kimono to go underneath.

"You never cease to amaze me, Kitty," Hitomi admitted. "If I ever tried making something like that in one night, it wouldn't even come out half as good."

Kitty beamed with pride and began to fold her new kimono.

"Well I was just going to go get your things. Is there anything else you want me to pick up? I'm going to do groceries while I'm out."

Kitty thought about that for a moment. "Could you get some more… Lucky Charms?" she asked hopefully.

Hitomi laughed as she opened the door to the truck and nodded, saying, "Sure thing. Oh, before I leave, I should tell you: Saburo wants to buy some land over here along with the motor home and use it as a sort of summer home for later on."


"Yes, but besides that, he also needs it because last night his boss called his cell phone and said that Sony needs him to be over here while they work on a new project."

"So we're going to live here until then?" Kitty asked, not knowing if she thought that was a good or bad thing.

"Well we could do that and stay here with him, or if you want, I could go back to America with you. I'm going to let you decide, since it won't affect me either way."

Kitty looked pensive before saying, "I'll have to think about that. I'll tell you want I want when you get back. I don't think it will take me too long to decide."

"Okay sweety. I'll be back in about two hours," she said before climbing into the truck and driving off. Mothers and groceries… what is it that makes them take so long?


One hour later, Kitty was lying down in the bed area that hangs over the front seat of the motor home (you know, there's a ladder to get up there any everything?), thinking about what she wanted to do.

It wouldn't really do anything for her to go back to America, since being home-schooled got all of a year and a half while with Hitomi and Saburo didn't give her many chanced to make good friends.

But if she were to stay in Tokyo, she would have Kagome, if the land they were going to buy would be close enough.

'Plus, I like it better here. It's different from America and definitely more interesting.'

After a few more minutes of weighing her options, Kitty made her decision.

'I guess I'm staying here.'

She looked at her watch, and felt the urge to press the button to make up for lost times during the night when she couldn't (for fear that she'd wake somebody up).

"Ding! It's nine seventeen a.m." it chimed.

Kitty let out an amused giggle; besides the crowing rooster alarm it had, the voice that told her the time was her favorite feature ^_^.

So… what to do? Hitomi still had another hour of shopping to go, Saburo was still asleep, she hadn't seen Kagome anywhere around (and she was probably missing school, wherever she was in that portal), Souta was at school by now, and she was bored. Meditating was out of the question, since she had an ominous feeling that another acorn would decide to get fresh with her, and she wasn't feeling very crafty anymore, having spent all of her creativity on that kimono last night.

She would go visit Mrs. Higurashi and ask her about the portal, but she was hesitant because she still didn't have what she needed for her daily potion.

'But I really want to know about that portal! She probably knows about it... that isn't something I think Kagome could hide, especially if she's missing school because of it... and if she knows about the portal, then she might know Inuyasha... and so maybe she knows that he's a demon... but if she doesn't, then she doesn't know that demons exist... if she were to find out though, it wouldn't seem so strange compared to the portal in her well! So, if I go over there and she sees that I'm a demon, I'll be okay! Here I go!'

So Kitty, with her new-found confidence and determination from her little pep-talk, got up and marched herself over to Kagome's house.


"Would you like some more tea, Kitty?" Mrs. H. offered cheerfully.

"Yes, please," Kitty responded with a grateful smile.

When Mrs. H. first saw Kitty, the reaction wasn't exactly like she had expected.

Once Mrs. H. opened the door carrying her basket of laundry and saw Kitty, the laundry was promptly dropped onto the floor and forgotten. Any fear Kitty had that Mrs. H. might be afraid of her was suddenly non-existent when she reached out to rub her ears. After a squeal of delight, a few repetitions of 'they're even softer than Inuyasha's!', and an examination of Kitty's tail, Mrs. H. didn't hesitate to invite her in for some tea.

After she was seated, Kitty told Mrs. H. that she was there with questions about the well. Since Kitty had found out about the well and had even gone into the past through it, Mrs. H. concluded that it wouldn't do any harm to explain the entire ordeal to Kitty. She told her about the shikon jewel, how Kagome met Inuyasha, all the members of the shard-hunting party, and she even gave Kitty a full bio on some people who didn't regularly travel with Kagome, such as Kouga and Sesshoumaru.

And Kitty, with thanks to that imagination of hers, had no trouble believing the idea, which, compared to whatever she had cooked up in her mind to explain the well, was completely ordinary.

"So how long has Kagome been traveling to the past?"

"Well it's September… so I'd say just a little more than three years."

"Oh wow… has anyone else ever gone through the well with her besides Inuyasha?"

"No, they assumed that nobody else could… how did you get through it?"

"I'm not really sure… what do you think Kagome would do if I went back there? She asked, getting excited over the fact that she might be able to get through again.

Mrs. H. smiled at her with a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Only one way to find out."


So that's it for chapter 2.
I don't own Matress Giant, Lucky Charms, or Sony.
I don't own Inuyaha either, which I forgot to mention in the first chapter after all that ranting about what I DO own (Kitty).
Now I just want to say something about Kitty... let's just say she's... breezy. I don't even know why I went into detail with her meditation or her crowing watch like that... maybe I thought it was funny at the time. By the way, when I said that she chants weird stuff like that, I didn't mean that it was always short shorts and what not... I meant that it was always stuff from commercial advertisements... for example, she might one day decide to chant about the Toyota song or that Jumbone dog bone commercial.
I don't own Toyota or Jumbone.
But back to Kitty: I know that it seems to be centered around her for now, but that will change for the rest of the story. I just needed to do this for a few chapters so that people can see right off what kind of personality she has.
And about Mrs. H...
I tried, I really did, but I couldn't resist the urge to make her a ditsy lady who's eager to have puppy-eared grandchildren. She really isn't like that in the show, but when people write about her that way it's just so much more amusing...
Over and out.