InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shape of Love ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
It was a cold, snowy day in Tokyo, Japan. Kagome sat in her room while Hojo was at work freezing, shivering cold. She went outside to the old shrine where the Bone Eaters Well was, which they now use as a storage. She grabbed a couple of blankets. She left the door open and the wind blew her into the well. Leaving her shoes behind, she went back to the Feudal Era.

Climbing out of the well, seeing the same old Feudal Era made Kagome think back to he old days with the others. At the top of the well she saw Inu Yasha sitting in front of it. Next to him was Sango, Shippo, Miroku, and Kirara. She was so happy to see them!

"Kagome!?!? KAGOME!" They all said crowding around her, hugging her tight. All of them except Inu Yasha. He sat in front of the well eating his fish. No expression on his face besides how happy he was to eat something.

"Well, hello to you to Inu Yasha! It's been five stinkin' years and your STILL stubborn!" Kagome said to Inu Yasha while folding her arms. "I finally come back and I don't even get a proper greeting..pfft.."
Inu Yasha put his fish down and stood up looking angry. "Oh, it's always MY fault. You're the one who left with the Shikon Jewel to the 'future' and didn't come back to say hi or anything...Why should I have to say hi or anything to you? You're not a princess..."He said angrily to Kagome.

"Inu Yasha your so rude!" Sango said.
"Yeah! A Hello would have been nice you big meany!" Shippo said while jumping on Kagome's back happy to see her.
"Oh, come on! I'm always the bad one, eh?" Inu Yasha snapped back. "I'm leaving if everyone's going to bow down to Kagome.." Inu Yasha left into the forest without a trace.

While Inu Yasha fled in the forest, the Kagome and the others made a camp fire and caught up on old times. They laughed and argued all night long.
"So Kagome, why did you come back after all these years, huh? I mean..your 'married' to this Hojo dude...why didn't you stay with him...Why..?" Inu Yasha snapped at Kagome from out of the bushes.
"WELL EXCUSE ME FOR WANTING TO COME BACK TO SEE SOME OLD FRIENDS!" Kagome snapped back. "I saw the Shikon Jewel and remembered you guys. I unlocked the well and came back!" She lied so they wouldn't feel bad.
"Aww! Thanks Kagome!" Shippo said while stuffing his face with 'ninja food' as they called it. "Inu Yasha is probably just being jelouse over there 'cause your with the man of your dreams...which isn't-" Inu Yasha whacked Shippo before he could continue.
"Shut up! I'm not jealous...jealous of what? Some old hag tied the not with Kagome..pfft..please." Inu Yasha folded his arms while standing next to the well.

They washed out the fire and went into Lady Kikyo's old shrine to sleep. Kagome noticed Inu Yasha was on the roof and climbed up to see him.
"Hey! Staring at the stars again, are ya? Typical Inu Yasha.." She laughed. Inu Yasha just stood there staring at the stars not saying a word. "Are you mad at me for not coming back earlier?" She asked.
"Of course not, Kagome! But I really did miss you...I REALLY missed you..The others too..But I missed you more." Inu Yasha said while turning to her and looking in her eyes. They both blushed.
Kagome leaned on his chest. "I missed you, too. And I'm sorry for taking so long to return." She said to him.
Inu Yasha looked into her eyes, leaned in, and kissed Kagome. Kagome kissed him back. Inu Yasha got on top of her and they kept on making out under the stars.

Kagome thought of Hojo and pushed Inu Yasha off. "I'm married! I'm sorry, I love you...but..I'm married to Hojo! I'm really sorry Inu Yasha!!" She cried. Inu Yasha looked into her eyes, he was hurt but kissed her again. She kissed him back, again. She loved him, and he loved her back. Still on the roof, they slept together that night under the stars and the Full Moon.

The next morning, Kagome woke up with nothing but Inu Yasha's kimono as their blanket. Kagome quickly got dressed and went down to get breakfast.
"Oh, hello Kagome! I thought you left. You bed was empty last night, what happened?" Sango greeted her.
"I-I slept on the roof with Inu Yasha." She said while stuffing her face with Sango's excellent cooking. Sango looked at Kagome with a question mark on her forehead. "You what?" She replied. Kagome sat there in silence finishing up her breakfast.

After breakfast, Sango, Kagome, and Shippo relxed in the Hot Springs. Of course, Miroku and Inu Yasha spied on them in the bushes. "So, what happened last night between you and Inu Yasha on the roof?" Sango quickly asked.
"Sango..I feel so bad! I'm married and I slept with Inu Yasha! I feel terrible!" Kagome cried.
"Did you guys just go to sleep together or did you, you know?" Sango asked. Kagome looked at Sango teary eyed and without saying anything, Sango knew what they did last night. "Kagome! How could you.." she snapped.
"I know, I know..but I still love Inu Yasha. But I also love Hojo, too!" Kagome said while Sango hugging her.

Inu Yasha and Miroku continue spying on them in the bushes. Miroku looked at Inu Yasha. "I've taught you well. But still, a married woman? How'd you do it!? Shar your secrets!!" Miroku whispered. "Will you shut up!! I'm trying to listen to them you idiot!!" Inu Yasha whispered back and whacked Miroku. They both silenced and continued to listen to Sango and Kagome's conversation.

"I don't know what I was thinking, Sango! I haven't seen Inu Yasha in so long...It just...happened!" Kagome explained.
"Love trouble!" Sango replied. "I felt that way with Miroku when I first met him! Look at me now, pregnant! Just, choose from the heart! Hojo or Inu Yasha!" Sango said while stepping out of the Hot Springs. Mitroku and Inu Yasha quickly ran back into the shrine before Sango caught them. Kagome stepped out, and so did Shippo.

The very next day, Kagome walked up to Inu Yasha. "I have to tell you something, NOW! Really important." She said dragging him far away from the shrine.
"What is it Kagome? And why did you drag me out here for?" Inu Yasha asked.
"I must tell you something, VERY important! It might shock you, so sit down!" Kagome said. She took a deep breathe and sat down with him. She looked up at the clouds and closed her eyes hoping she could have the guts to tell Inu Yasha something.

What Is This Shocking Secret Kagome Wishes To Tell?
Is It That She Loves Him? or Is It A Shocking Secret That Could Change Both of Their Lives?