InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shippo the Victim ❯ Shippo the Victim ( Chapter 1 )

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Shippo the Victim By Firedemon86  

I don’t own Inu-yasha or any of its characters so please don’t sue me.

This is not fair, ok so maybe he’s been a little bad, but, it really hadn’t been his fault. All he’d wanted to do was try that new drink Kagome had brought from her time, she called it something dew. That’s right if this was anyone’s fault it was Kagome’s. He hadn’t known how addictive that drink would be or how it would react with the roughly two pounds of candy he’d eaten earlier. But none of this seemed to stop everyone from being mad at him.

Come to think of it he hadn’t been that bad. The only people he’d been really bad to had been Inu-yasha, Kouga and Miroku. Looking back maybe he had gone to far replacing Tetsusaiga, so that it would look the same until Inu-yasha pulled in out then change into one of his laughing mushrooms. He didn’t know that demon would attack, but, Inu-yasha manage to beat him so he’d walk with a limp for a few days not a big deal to a half-demon. Kouga had just been to easy no fox in his right mind would pass up a chance to play with that stupid pile of fur. He’d come sniffing around for Kagome again, and being the good kind boy he was Shippo had given him what he came for. He’d disguised himself as Kagome had lured the dumb wolf close then handed him one of his statues which had of course trapped the wolf. Perfectly innocent fun, if the wolf fell for the trick it was his own fault.

Miroku had proven to be a bit of a challenge which is why he’d enlisted help from a village girl. The girl had a crush on Miroku, but, Miroku wouldn’t go near her because of her…well, her appearance was not exactly what Miroku went for. But, with one of his leaves to make her look sexy, Miroku was asking her to bear his children, before she could even say hello. She accepted very excitedly but as soon as they were in her hut the leaf fell and Miroku was left to try and talk his way out again. What happened next had been totally unexpected but it worked out to be a plus. Sango had noticed him looking through the huts window, to watch as Miroku tried to escape. Sango had come over asked him was he was doing and when he’d jumped back from surprise Sango had seen in the window and saw Miroku. Well they say hell hath no fury like a women scorned; and Sango could very well define that saying. However, once again not this was his fault. Miroku shouldn’t hold him responsible for that, just because he won’t be able to use one of his hands for a while and even two days later his head is still swollen; and, Sango really shouldn’t be mad at him just because that village girl got invaded. After all who knew that girl would start throwing things at Sango, besides she had lousy aim, most of the knives and pots missed Sango.

Well by now it was the third day after Kagome had given him that drink and he had to spend a lot of time dogging everyone, they seemed mad and he just couldn’t figure out why. So now he was trying to find some more of the wonderful drink the only place to look was in Kagome’s bag. Why does she put so much stuff in her bag? Just looking he had to throw all her stuff out. Which that made Kagome mad, but, it wasn’t his fault she had put her bag near the fire and some of her clothes landed in there. It also wasn’t his fault that her diary, book thing, fell into a mud puddle.

But, like he said none of this was his fault, all of it was that drinks fault. So why he had to ask, why was he tied upside down in this tree with ten lumps on his head? Stupid Miroku had put so many wards on this rope that not even Sesshomaru would be able to break it.

“Hey runt I’ve been looking for you!”

“Oh no…. Hi there Kouga.”

“Ain’t this nice you’re all tied up like a gift for me and everything. You know how long it took me to get that statue off.”

“Hehehehe….No….Hehehehe. Inu-yasha! Kagome! Someone Help!”

“Well let me tell you.”

With that Kouga smirks, cracks his knuckles and starts toward Shippo with is wolves growling behind him. You see victim, victim…. Victim in need of help! Help now!