InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shippou's Question ❯ Shippou's Question ( Chapter 1 )

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Shippou's Question
By Morbia Acarella
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They just talk to me sometimes.
Thanks to Kira-chan for beta reading this.


“InuYasha?” ; voiced the tiny kitsune.

“Yeah what is it?”

“You never answered my question from earlier.”

“What question?”

“Why don't you and Kagome ever bathe together?”

InuYasha's face turned beet red, “Huh!?” he voiced, with a raised eyebrow.

Miroku, their new traveling companion began to snicker.

“Shut up, monk, it isn't funny!” snorted the hanyou.

The monk did not reply; he merely continued to laugh at InuYasha's expense.

Shippou looked confused. “Why won't anyone answer my question?”

“Like I said before, I'll tell you in about fifty years when you're old enough.” answered the hanyou.

“Why won't you tell me now?” the kitsune questioned.

“You're too young, Shippou.” replied the hanyou.

There was a moment of silence among the friends, but the little kitsune could not contain his curiosity. He had to know. His parents bathed together. He didn't see any reason why InuYasha and Kagome didn't.

“InuYasha,” he piped up.

“What now?” snorted InuYasha.

“She's bathing now, why don't you join her?”

InuYasha's cheeks turned red again.

“Would you stop asking me that!” he barked.

“Don't you love her, InuYasha?”

The corner of the hanyou's mouth turned up in irritation and embarrassment. “Huh!?” he shrieked. “Why did you ask me that?”

The monk chuckled.

“Come on, InuYasha, it'll be fun,” said the kitsune as he tugged on InuYasha's pant leg.

“Yes, InuYasha, why don't you join the lady,” chimed the monk. “Or maybe I should…” he added as an after thought.

“No you won't. You'll leave her alone.”

“So you'll join her, then.”

The hanyou started growling before the monk was finished his sentence. He was getting irritated because he felt cornered, and he hated it.

“Would you people leave me alone!” he barked at them, before hopping off, to sit in a tree.

Miroku began to laugh as Shippou just cocked his head to one side confused.

“I just don't get adults.” he sighed, and headed off in the direction of the hot spring in hopes that maybe Kagome would answer his simple question.

A/N: I looked this up before I wrote this. In the anime InuYasha tells Shippou that he would tell him in fifty years, however in the manga he doesn't say anything about time. I read or heard somewhere that Rumiko Takahshi doesn't like to deal with the complications of time. Personally I don't blame her. It's hard to keep up with it for readers like me who like to see if the writer did their homework and kept everything within a reasonable time line.