InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snapshots of Life After the End ❯ A Not So Happy Reunion ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Originally posted to IB4Y2.0 on August 4, 2012 for I-Prompt #20, which was a picture of Kouga grasping Kagome's hands.

Title: A Not So Happy Reunion
Author: ananova
Rating: K+
Genre: General/Humor
Universe: Post-Canon
Word Count: 250
Summary: Kagome encounters Kouga for the first time since returning through the well for good.


Inuyasha growled, his hands clenching as Kouga grabbed Kagome's hands. 'I will remain calm, I will not tear him to pieces,' he repeated over and over in his mind, his promise to Kagome at the forefront.

“Hello Kouga-kun, it's nice to see you again,” Kagome smiled at the wolf youkai as she tried to extricate herself and return to Inuyasha's side.

“Kagome! You've finally returned! Now you can come back to the cave and be my woman!” The oblivious wolf pulled her into a strong hug.

Kagome wrinkled her nose at the smell as she began to push against his chest. “What?! No! I'm married to Inuyasha!” She managed to free herself as his grip loosened in surprise, instantly returning to a snarling Inuyasha's side.

Inuyasha calmed slightly as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her to rest against his side. “Keh!” He grinned smugly at the flabbergasted wolf. “Get over yourself ya wimpy wolf. She chose me. Besides, I thought you were with Ayame.”

Kouga spluttered as he stared at them. “But you're supposed to be my woman,” he whined at Kagome before giving Inuyasha a confused look. “What? Why can't I have both?”

A still angry Inuyasha calmed and glanced at his furious wife before deciding to sit back and enjoy the show as Kagome ripped into the stupid idiot. 'Keh, guess this trip wasn't a waste of time after all.' His grin widened as Ayame arrived to help her. 'Nope, not wasted at all.'