InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snow ❯ Snow ( One-Shot )

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~Met my old lover in the grocery store,

The snow was falling Christmas Eve.~

InuYasha walked the lonely streets. Christmas Eve, and he was all alone...again. The falling snow was freezing and stung him. He thought back to the "old days". He really was overwhelmed with how much technology advanced. He had made terrible mistakes, driving Kagome away. He just wanted to hold on to the hope that Kikyou could change. His life was okay now. He had become a singer, completely changing his appearance.

He sported short black hair. He always filed his claws. He wore a hat all the time, but had amber eyes still. Only his eyes were dull, they held no fire.

InuYasha ran a hand through his hair, and then stuck his hands in his blue jeans. He looked into a grocery store window, and did a double take. There she was. There was HIS Kagome. His woman. His mate.

~I stole behind her in the frozen foods,

And I touched her on the sleeve.~

InuYasha pushed open the door to the store, and was mobbed by girls. InuYasha looked over their heads, losing sight of his Kagome, who had just been by the fruits and vegetables. He cursed, and then growled at the offending girls. "Get away!" he growled. They backed up and merely stared at him in awe. InuYasha walked around the store, feeling eyes follow him all the way. He strolled through aisle through aisle. Where did she go?

There! He had found her! She was looking at some ice-cream. He got a predatory smirk on his face and crept up behind her. InuYasha was suddenly nervous. He swallowed hard then raised a filed down hand and placed it on her shoulder. "Kagome?" he rasped out.

~She didn't recognize the face at first,

But then her eyes flew open wide.~

Kagome turned around slowly. She looked at me with confusion in her eyes. The words "Who are you?" were forming on her lips. They were ruby red, and her cheeks and nose were pink with cold. She stared at me for what seemed eternity, and then her eyes flew open. She raised a shaky hand to my hair, then to my mouth. I opened them to show her my fangs. She reached her hands under my hat, feeling my soft dog ears. The same precious dog ears that she treasured.

"InuYasha?" Her voice was still the same to me; still music to my ears. I nodded at her, then smiled slightly. She broke into a grin.

~She went to hug me and she spilled her purse,

And we laughed until we cried.~

Kagome leaped onto InuYasha, accidentally dropping her purse. They both bent down and gathered up the coins, credit cards, and bills that had fallen out. They looked at each other and grinned. They both started laughing, surprised to see each other, but so glad.

But Kagome didn't only cry for happiness, like InuYasha. She cried for the lost years, the heartache the sadness. InuYasha calmed down fist and gently wiped her cheeks with his thumb. He looked into her eyes, and could tell she was as overwhelmed as him. He helped her up, and then got her groceries.

~We took her groceries to the checkout stand,

The food was totaled up and bagged.~

InuYasha carried her groceries, like he knew he should. They got in line, not knowing what exactly to say. The clerk that rang up her items stared at InuYasha. "Aren't you...?" he started.

"Yes." was the answer he got. He continued to ring up the items, glancing often at InuYasha.

"It's been...a long time," Kagome said.

"Too long..." InuYasha replied. "I missed you."

Kagome looked up in surprise at the hanyou. Her InuYasha. He was different now though. He didn't have the beautiful long, silver hair she loved. His fascinating claws were gone.

And his eyes, once so full of life seemed...weary. Worn down by the countless years. "You total is $25.13," the clerk said. Kagome paid the man, then InuYasha grabbed her bags before she could object.

~We stood there lost in our embarrassment,

As the conversation dragged.~

They stood there for a moment, before they walked outside. They stood in the falling snow. "Sango and Miroku missed you too," he said. They both flushed. They didn't know what to say. All these years had gone by. They had just grown apart. "They had lots of kids," he started again. "Shippou found a mate. He's living with her and their kids near my house. He wouldn't stop bawling for days after you left. He says you were the best mother he ever had..."

InuYasha couldn't go on. "I missed you all too," Kagome said. "How was-I mean...I'm sorry that K-..." She couldn't finish.

"You were always better than Kikyou," he told her softly. He grabbed her hand in his. "You always came back."

~We went to have ourselves a drink or two,

But couldn't find an open bar.~

They stood there, just standing in the snow. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Let's put these in the car InuYasha," Kagome said. InuYasha tightened his one handed grip on the three bags on his shoulder, letting Kagome lead him to her car. Her car was a dark blue, the insides were soft though.

"Do you wanna...go get a drink or something?" InuYasha asked her.

"Hmm? Oh sure! There are some decent bars around here." Kagome got in the car and waited till InuYasha was in before driving away. They drove around to many bars, but they were all closed. "I guess we can just buy some beer or something," Kagome said.


~We bought a six-pack at the liquor store,

And we drank it in her car.

We drank a toast to innocence,

We drank a toast to now.

And tried to reach beyond the emptiness,

But neither one knew how.~

Kagome drove them to the nearest liquor store, and I ran out and grabbed some wine before she could protest. He jumped back into the car and Kagome smiled, and drove them to a nearby overlook of the city.

InuYasha popped open the bottle, and Kagome screamed and giggled as it frothed over and spilled on her. She slapped his arm playfully. InuYasha gave a cocky grin and took a sip from the wine. Kagome shook her head, smiling, and took out two glasses from her grocery bag. They were blue plastic cups with white whales on them.

She poured them each a cup and put the cork back on the wine. "To innocence," she whispered softly.

"To now," Inu whispered.

The toasted and drank from their cups. They tried to ignore the emptiness and ache in their hearts, but they just couldn't seem to do it. They both stared into their cups for a while, not knowing what to say.

Kagome could feel pent up tears at finally seeing him after all these lonely, years. She looked up at him and found amber eyes gazing back. `I love you!' her mind screamed.

`I love you, Kagome', his mind echoed. And a little fire rekindled in his eyes. Kagome smiled.

~She said she'd married her an architect,

Who kept her warm and safe and dry,

She would have liked to say she loved the man,

But she didn't like to lie. ~

Kagome sighed softly, and a slight frown tugged at her lips as she looked away. "I've married Houjo..." she said.

InuYasha felt himself freeze and as realization slowly sunk in, his heart started to break.

"He's an architect." Kagome looked at Yash and he could see the longing and sadness in her eyes. "What happened to Kikyou?"

"She left for Hell," he replied. Shock filled those beautiful eyes and then confusion. "I realized that I didn't love her, and never truly could. I liked her, but my love just sort of vanished and I let her go by herself." InuYasha paused, hesitating, not sure whether or not to ask her. There was nothing he could lose. "Do you love Houjo?" he asked, throat dry.

Kagome opened her mouth, and for an agonizingly long second, nothing came out. Then she slowly said, "No." She swallowed, and Yash could feel a little sunshine in his heart. "He gives me a house to live in, and he gives me shelter. I know he loves me, but...I" she choked, "I just don't love him like that."

~I said the years had been a friend to her,

And that her eyes were still as blue.

But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I saw,

Doubt or gratitude.~

There was an uncomfortable silence. I stared at that beautiful face that hadn't changed at all. "You still look as young as back then," Yash said. "Your eyes are still that loving shade of blue. And you have no wrinkles or anything. Are you sure you're not a youkai?"

Kagome and Yash laughed slightly, and when she opened up her eyes again, there was softness, hindered by something else he couldn't place.

~She said she saw me in the record stores,

And that I must be doing well.

I said the audience was heavenly,

But the traveling was hell.~

"I've seen you in stores. I didn't think it was really you, maybe a r-maybe someone who just looked like you, but..." Kagome stopped. "You're doing well. And I've heard your songs. They're great. I didn't know you could sing so well..."

Yash gave a grin that showed off his fangs. "Neither did I." They both chuckled. "Yeah. The fans are great, except the groupies. And i hate traveling. But, ya just gotta do what ya have to right?"

"Yeah," Kags whispered.

~We drank a toast to innocence,

We drank a toast to now.

And tried to reach beyond the emptiness,

But neither one knew how.

We drank a toast to innocence,

We drank a toast to time.

Reliving in our eloquence,

Another 'auld lang syne'......~

They both took another sip of their wine and sighed. Kagome leaned her head on Yash's shoulder. IT had been a long night, and they didn't know what else to say.

~The beer was empty and our tongues were tired,

And running out of things to say.

She gave a kiss to me as I got out,

And I watched her drive away.~

I held Kagome close. We both had nothing else to say, and were tired of talking. I just wanted to stay like that forever. I don't know how I could have given all this up and ignorantly loved Kikyou all that time.

All of those good times that we had. Miroku and Sango grinning and laughing at us; Shippou always asking the wrong things at the wrong time. Kagome's smiling happy face. Fighting alongside together, even the joy of fighting with that mangy wolf, Kouga.

So many good times that was lost forever, 'cause you couldn't turn back time. I reached into my shirt and took out the Shikon Jewel.

"Here," I said, pushing it into her hand. She shook her head no.

"InuYasha," she said. "If you could wish for one ting on that, what would it be?"

I held it tightly in my hand. My head raced with thoughts, all of them good, but one pushed past all the rest. "That we would have had a different ending; that we could have had kids and lived back in the Feudal Era with Sango and Miroku and their kids. For us be together for ever."

Kagome looked up at him, tears running down her face. "It's getting late," I said. "I better go."

As I turned the handle, Kagome stopped me. I turned to face her and felt her lips on mine. I kissed her back, reveling in the softness and sweetness of it all. She flung her arms around me and buried her head in my chest. "I love you," she sobbed out.

I squeezed her close, wishing that I could say that back. But she had a life now too. So instead, I scratched something down on a paper and kissed her forehead before getting out.

She watched me for a moment; her face tear streaked, and then drove away.

~Just for a moment I was back at school,

And felt that old familiar pain ........~

I felt a terrible splintering in my chest and felt some hot liquid roll down my face. A memory of old days flashed through my head.

Kagome stood by the well, tears leaving trails down her cheek. She looked at me for a moment before jumping down the well. My heart splintered and I didn't think I could ever heal it again.

That old familiar pain waxes back again to haunt me. And I was the only one to blame. I rubbed away the tears on my cheeks and stood there. I slowly turned around, hoping she would see the note, and started walking away from the only joy in my life. My love. My life. My soul. I wished her happiness and a long life.

And as I clutched the Shikon jewel and lock of hair I had cut off with my already rapidly growing claws to my chest, the snow turned into rain.

~And as I turned to make my way back home,

The snow turned into rain ..............~

Kagome stopped the car and sobbed. She sobbed her heart out, until she felt dry and empty and full of remorse. She reached for a tissue and felt her hand on something. She blinked her vision clear and read the note left there.

"I love you, Kagome, always."

Kagome felt an impossible howl of grief rip from her throat and nearly turned around and drove back. But she didn't. She couldn't. She had a life now, and InuYasha understood that. She waited till the fresh tears were gone, and then slowly drove.

Then, as if heaven felt her pain, the beautiful snow turned into a sad drizzle of bitter rain.

Disclaimer: That was pretty bad ne? Maybe I shouldn't do songfics. Thanks to Ana-Chan, who always betas my stories. Love ya girl!