InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowflakes and Coughdrops: When a Sword Can't Protect Her ❯ Snow White Walls ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*checks bank accout* nope. Still don't own him.

A/N: yay! Second chappie of the night! Only 2 more to go! See how much I love you people?

Chapter 4~

Inside the door they found a broken hanyou cradling their beloved Kagome. They watched him as he slowly rocked back and forth on the ground. The woman was the first to speak. "What? What happened?" there was so much pain in her voice the hanyou could barely reply.

"I don't know. I came to make sure she was ok and I found her like this…"

His voice trailed off as he looked down on her motionless body in his arm. There was no time for questions. Keeping their winter coats on they bustled to gather supplies. The oldest one grabbed blankets and the woman heated water in the microwave. The little boy ran to his room returning with a cap with he placed over the head of the man holding his sister. Once they had all completed their tasks they ran out of the house and Inuyasha had so option but to follow them. They headed straight for the metal creature he had seen them exiting earlier and opened the sides jumping inside. He knew this was no time for questions and he followed them in taking a seat in the back next to the boy who put the hat on his head. Pulling a blanket around the sleeping girl in his arms he sighed and tried to relax though the creature they were sitting in made him really nervous.

`I could run faster than this!' Inuyasha thought to himself.

After what seemed like forever of sitting in awkward silence they finally reached their destination. Signaling for Inuyasha to follow them they ran into a building where there were many people sitting in chairs. Passing them all by they came to a desk where the person immediately signaled them to go through another door. People ran at them from nowhere pushing this bed on wheels with them. One started to pull the girl from his arms and Inuyasha growled at them. The little boy motioned for Inuyasha to give her to them. Reluctantly he set her down on the rolling cot and watched as they wheeled her away. A lady in white spoke to them but Inuyasha didn't hear her. He was watching the vanishing figure of the girl who was in his arms just a minute before. The little boy was pulling at his sleeve.

"We have to go to the waiting room." Letting the little boy drag him back out the door they had just entered through they boy found them seats and they sat down in silence.

"Souta?" Was that it? Was that the boy's name? In response the little boy looked up at him and smiled.

"Did they say if she would be all right?"

His smile wavered but only for a second and he shook his head. Why did his smile seem so familiar? Suddenly he realized that it reminded him of Souta's older sister's smile. Lost in thought he jumped when he felt weight on his shoulder. The little boy had drifted off to sleep letting his head slip onto Inuyasha's shoulder. Sliding down slightly in his chair Inuyasha pulled his hat down a bit and closed his own eyes trying to forget where he was and why he was there.

Startled by someone gently shaking his shoulder Inuyasha jumped up accidentally letting Souta's head fall, jerking him awake as well. It was the lady in white who had awakened him and she motioned for them to follow her. Leading them down a series of corridors she finally stopped in front of a room where they were allowed to enter and see a girl sleeping on a bed. Her mother and grandfather slept in two chairs on the far side of her bed. The little boy ran to his sister's side crying and the lady in white assured him that she was fine and everything was going to be ok. Inuyasha walked quietly to stand by her side. Lifting a hand he reached out to touch her, but drew his hand back at the last second.

"It's ok."

The voice was so quite he could barely hear it. Turning to his right he looked down at a puffy-eyed Souta. Smiling Souta walked to the far side of the bed leaving Inuyasha alone on the right side of her bed. Seating himself in the lap of his sleeping mother he too fell asleep. The only awake person in the room stood over the girl's sleeping form, still not letting himself touch her. After what felt like eternity of him standing next to her fighting with himself about whether or not he dared stroke her hair the lady in white walked back in. She woke up three of the sleeping people in the room telling them that visiting hours were over and only one person could stay with the girl in the bed. Quietly arguing on whether it would be better for her mother or grandfather to stay they didn't notice the one in red walk up and join their conversation.

"What if? Can? Well, ca-can I stay? I mean, I know you guys are her family, but you've been traveling and you need your rest, and…"

Not being able to think of another excuse he maintained eye contact with the floor and rubbed the back of his head. Feeling a blush when no one answered he quietly murmured, "I'm sorry, never mind." Inuyasha started to turn around when a light hand on his shoulder stopped him. Turning to look into the eyes of its owner the woman smiled at him.

"I think that's a good idea…Inuyasha was it?" He nodded and smiled back. Taking some money from her purse and pressing it into his hand she told him that if he got hungry to get something from a `vending machine' and he nodded though he had no idea what she was talking about. Meeting the gaze of the two other family members of the girl he smiled at each of them, not quite sure why he was so happy. Nodding to each other they walked to her bedside and took turns whispering endearments in her ear and kissing her on the forehead before leaving. Standing alone in the room with only the sleeping girl he pulled a chair next to her bed. He rested his chin on one of the mini fences lining her bed and stared at her. She is quite beautiful, as was Kikyo. Her face held so much more joy in it though than Kikyo's ever did. They were so alike and yet so different. He shifted back to reality when he realized that he hadn't eaten since the ramen at breakfast. Standing up Inuyasha looked at the sleeping girl once again and walked out of the room to find this `vending machine.' He wandered the halls until a different lady in white finally stopped him and asked him if she could help him. Scowling at first at the idea of help he gave in and asked where the vending machine was. She gave him directions making him realize he had passed it a few moments ago. He thanked her and quietly walked back the way he came feeling rather defeated. He found what must be the vending machine and not knowing how much of this foreign money he should put in decided on putting it all in. Inuyasha selected the most appetizing looking thing in it and pushed the corresponding buttons. It fell to the bottom of the machine while half of the money he put in fell back out at him. Redeeming his food and money and unable to remember the way back to her room he followed her scent back.

Kagome rolled over in her sleep and was almost instantly awakened by a shrill alarm. A couple doctors and nurses ran into her room and she opened her eyes to realize the machine keeping track of her heartbeat was attached to her thumb and when she rolled over she had cut off the signal by lying on the cord. Blushing she weakly apologized to the hospital staff that had come running and they smiled understandingly while one reset the heart-monitoring machine. Kagome leaned back into the bed after they left trying to figure out what must have happened to get her here. Of course he wouldn't have known to bring her here, so her family must have come back. How long had she been asleep? A feeling of sorrow washed over her and her heart squeezed. Her heart was longing and she didn't know what for. The light from outside her room was blocked as she turned to see what at first appeared to be a human silhouette standing in the doorway. Recognizing the clothes a second later she quietly whispered, "Inuyasha…"

Suddenly she realized it was the first time she had let herself say his name in days. She had answered her own question. Even though a hat was covering his ears he still picked up the sound of his name and turned his head to see she was awake. Seeing the look of sadness and worry on his face she felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt take over her. He walked to her bedside and she noticed he was holding a snack from the vending machine. Feeling her own stomach grumble she realized she hadn't eaten all day. Hearing her stomach grumble without a second thought he handed her the snack he had gotten for himself a minute earlier. He was just happy to see she was awake. Opening it and taking a bite she ate about half before handing it back to him. She almost started laughing at his puzzled face. Kagome finally broke the silence.

"Go ahead. I'm full now. You can have the rest."

She knew she was lying, but she didn't want to eat all his food. He finished the other half in a few and threw away the wrapper. He still hadn't said anything since she had woken up. He silently started walking back to the chairs to her left and she watched with a little sadness. He looked so tired. Before he could sit down she got up a little courage and cleared her throat.


She had almost forgotten how nice his name felt on her tongue. He turned to meet her gaze and watched in bewilderment as she moved over to one side of her bed. She patted the empty side of the bed and looked at him. Was she inviting him to do what he thought she was inviting him to do? Repeating the same motion she smiled at him. He curiously walked over to the empty side of the bed and, to her great amusement, just stood there.

"C'mon. Snuggle in, Inuyasha."

Kagome blushed at her own words. He paused a second and then climbed into the spacious hospital bed next to her.

Inuyasha's head was spinning as he realized that she had invited him to sleep next to her. He smiled at her blush and stepped over the metal rail by her bed and lay down next to her with him above the sheet and her below. He began to feel a bit self-conscious, but he felt her arm come across his chest in a loose embrace. Pulling her head to rest against him she sighed with contentment. Inuyasha blushed a bit and put his arm around her shoulders earning a small smile from her. Laying his head back his whispered to her, "Goodnight, Kagome."

A/N: so whatdja think? I haven't spent too much time in a hospital, so I'm not positive on all the details of how they operate, but I do know much of the pulse thumb thingy from personal experience. Oh well! My fanfic. My Plot. My hospital. THEY ARE ALL MY MINIONS! Ok, so it's really late for me…