InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sometimes He Sees ❯ Sometimes He Sees ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]
Sometimes when he sleeps, he dreams of colours. A brilliant spectrum of rainbow flashes beneath his lids. Faint at first, then brighter as the fog lifts from his brain.

Sometimes he sees violet. The colour of the family crest, worn proudly on his father’s armour. One day he will have that honour.

Sometimes he sees indigo. The colour of his sister’s eyes. Warm and caring as she teases him and laughs.

Sometimes he sees blue. The colour of the stream that ran through the village. Cool and soothing; it was where he caught his first fish.

Sometimes he sees green. The colour of the training fields where the smell of sweat and companionship permeated the air.

Sometimes he sees yellow. The colour of the sun; warm and inviting on his skin as he sits on the hill overlooking the peace and tranquility of the days of his youth.

Sometimes he sees orange. The flash of fire as the village burned with youkai and he was thrown into darkness. There was no fire to light his way out.

But most times he sees red; the colour of their blood - the colour of his sins. Spraying his soul with despair and horror.

Then he awakens and the fog returns, turning his dreams into a living nightmare and the day starts anew.