InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ souless ❯ poems ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
okay so i forgot the disclaimer so um.............oh must i say it??? satare:YES OR I WILL TRULY HAUNT YOUR DREAMS!!
sana:oh come now you don't have to be so brash.
sakare:um actually i think she dose
me:well now you've meet my creepy gothic*sticks toung out* sub-concience satare, my muse sakare,and my human character sana, thier weird and well them.
satare: your one of us
me&sana; *shoves in imaginary closet that i can poof out of knowhere*
me:ahem uh well...
everyone(satares muffeled voice 2): on with tha' show!!!
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< br> poems and the end-chapter 2

Kikyo woke around 10 o'clock. She stood and brushed herself off. Kikyo walked further into the forest and then out into the cold morning sunshine.* 2 more hours till i'll know my poem* I thought. Kikyo stretched out her arms calling out to her soul collecters. They flew to her with the souls of young dead maidens.They droped the blue-white orbs on her and they where absorbed into her dead clay body. Now she felt energized.My battle senses perked a small low level demon aproached me. ' Give me your jewel shard wench!' It said. The demon was a small weasel demon with oddly colored hair,silver. *no matter* I thought as I drew my bow from my back and my arrows from my quiver.I notched an arrow and aimed. 'insolent wench!' the demon cried.The demon charged at her, she released her arrow which turned black and struck down the pitful demon.The demon dissolved and dissapeared into thin air. Kikyo studied the sun surprised to find the time to be 11:50. She sent her soul stealers to collect the poem sending one of them with the small amount of money she had collected.Off they flew into the sky to the nameless village soon after they returned with the poem on a roll of parchment.they droped it to her and flew off. She undid the binding s and opened it it read:

"empty and cold like the night,
young yet old like it I am too.
I see not what I need nor what
I want,
my future holds no promise
though one day thier might be,
some small glimps of hope
one day I might just be free
of the chains that bind me."

Kikyo looked to the sky and smiled 'Yes one day there might just be.
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ok that was kinda cheesy but hey its my first fic, and i made it up RIGHT off the spot i'm all like hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wanna write one so i opened word pad...... well review give me some ideas for anew one and then i'll read eragon and stare at my muse sakare for hours then find paper and write it (no com gotta wait u guys) REVIEW plz!!!!!! i will hold everything hostege !!!! thistel come here(my cat) mwhahahahaha JA NE
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