InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Stealing Four Souls and a Few Hearts ❯ Soul Stealing ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Hiya guys, I'm kyuuka-kitsune!! This is my first fic, so I hope it's good! Any and all suggestions are welcome as well. I just had a burst of inspiration and had to write. Please, review, it will help me make this fic and future ones better. Ok? Ok!

Disclaimer: This is the part where I bore you by telling you that I do not own any inuyasha characters. but of course, you already knew that, being the Inuyasha fans that you are. Because you already know they belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

Stealing Four Souls and a Few Hearts

Chapter 1: Soul Stealing

>-<->-<-Kagome's POV->-<->-<

Kagome walked into the mall feeling a bit nervous. She didn't know why; her and Sango had done this a million times before and it hadn't once failed...but for some reason, this time was different. She sighed and lowered head trying to figure it out.

Sango heard her friend sigh next to her. `Uh-oh, she must be having second thoughts. But wait, that's not like Kagome. And nothing has ever gone wrong in the something big must be going on.'

"Kagome, what's wrong?"

Kagome lifted her head quickly, realizing that her best friend could always tell when something was wrong. She turned to face her and gave her a big smile, "Oh, it's nothing; I just have a weird feeling, that's all Sango."

Sango looked at her life-long friend in shock. "But Kagome, you know we've done this a million times and nothing EVER goes wrong, why would something bad happen today?"

Kagome shrugged, "I don't know, I guess I'm just being paranoid. I mean, eventually we're bound to get caught, right?"

"Don't say that, as long as we lie low and keep it to a minimum, we're fine. Remember, we're not doing this as a favor to ourselves...more like a favor to our parents."

"Our parents?" Kagome raised an eyebrow in question.

"Yeah, because they always have to support us. Well, now they don't," Sango gave her a victorious grin, like she'd just exterminated a youkai or something.

"I suppose you're right, let's do this!" Kagome proclaimed with new enthusiasm. Sango was right, after all. Their parents weren't very well off, so they were doing a good thing...right? Right!

>-<->-<-Inuyasha's POV->-<->-<

He stood behind the counter, tapping his fingers against the countertop. He sighed for the umpteenth time that day. `Soooooo boooooored...' were his thoughts as he shifted his amber eyes about the room, studying everyone that came in and left. He didn't know why he kept the job, probably because he needed money...bad. He looked at the store across from where he was currently standing and looked longingly in the window display. The sword was still there. `Good,' he thought, `I can still get it. Isn't today pay day?' He glanced back at the calendar behind him and saw multiple black `X's on the days gone by and a big red circle around one day which signified pay day. He inspected it closer and saw that today was indeed pay day.


Inuyasha jumped slightly. `Damn hat, damn Miroku,' he cursed as he absently adjusted the hat that covered his ears. He refused to turn around. "I told you, Miroku, Don't. Do. That!! With this hat covering my ears, I can't hear as well as when it's off."

"I apologize, Inuyasha, but you need to pay attention to the customers."

"You're not my boss, so quit telling me what to do!"

"You're forgetting who got you this job, aren't you?"


"Inuyasha, you know how the manager feels about...well...youkai and hanyou. If he ever found out, you'd be fired in an instant, so you have to keep the hat. He's already suspicious enough with those claws and fangs of yours."

Inuyasha finally turned around to face his best friend. "Feh!" was his only reply.

Miroku sighed. `Inuyasha will never change.' "I have to go finish stocking the shelves. Just make sure you behave yourself." He turned and began walking when he heard Inuyasha emit a low growl and start mumbling about "stupid humans...weaklings...think they're strong..." Miroku smirked to himself, `No, Inuyasha would never change.' He then disappeared into the store room.

Inuyasha saw Miroku enter the store room out of the corner of his eye. As soon as he was out of sight, the silver-haired hanyou gazed longingly at the sword, Tetsusaiga...again. That is, until his gaze was crossed by 2 girls coming into the shop. He only glanced at them briefly before looking back to the sword shop.

>-<->-<-Kagome & Sango's POV->-<->-<

They finally reached the shop they were looking for. They liked this shop because it had tons of stuff, from jewelry to room decorating items. They especially liked the big dragons used for decorations that hung from the ceiling. They came to an area that wasn't too crowded and pretended to look at jewelry, when really, they were observing everyone and everything around them.

Kagome noticed the guy behind the counter. He looked to be about a year older than her. He had silver hair and amber eyes and wasn't paying attention to anything happening in the store. She looked around for customers but was surprised when she didn't see any. This would make things a little harder, but she knew they could pull it off...they always did.

Sango shifted her eyes about the store. She had already noticed the guy behind the counter as they came in. She even got a peek of his name badge, although she could only read the first part of it. She had read "Inu-" before she focused on something else. His name wasn't important. In fact, he was probably the least of their worries. He wasn't paying attention to them, so that was an advantage. All of a sudden, she heard a door open and looked over to see what it was.

The store room door opened and out came a man with short, black hair tied back in a ponytail and violet eyes carrying a couple of boxes. When she saw him look at her, she looked away immediately, her cheeks slightly flushed. But what horrified her more was that he had put the boxes down and was walking in their direction. She nudged Kagome and they both turned to stare at the man advancing towards them.

"Hello, ladies!" he greeted them with a wave of his hand as he reached them.

"Uh...hi," Kagome responded.

Neither was prepared for what was to happen next. The man kneeled down on one knee and grabbed Sango's hands in his and took in a deep breath and asked in his most innocent-sounding voice, "Will you bear my child?"

Sango's face turned bright red as she retracted her right hand, pulled it back and slapped him across the face...hard, leaving a bright red handprint. "HENTAI!!" she screamed.

Kagome saw out of the corner of her eye as the man behind the counter walked over to see what the commotion was.

"Miroku, I thought I told you that `the question' is bad for your health? Don't you ever listen!?" shouted the man at this `Miroku' lying unconscious on the floor. "Answer me, lecher!" he shouted again as picked up `Miroku' by his shirt and shook him. Finally realizing that he wasn't going to gain consciousness anytime soon, he dropped him unceremoniously back to the ground. He then turned to Sango and Kagome.

"Sorry about him, he's kinda stupid," explained the man. At hearing the `kinda stupid' comment, Miroku made a gurgling sound signifying he was slowly gaining consciousness. The girls looked at him and took 2 giant steps backwards, not wanting to be near this perverted excuse for a guy. They then turned back to the silver-haired man, but to their surprise, he wasn't there. They glanced around, realizing he had gone back to his former spot at the counter.

Kagome glanced at Sango giving her a `it's now or never' look and Sango nodded understandingly. The two split up and started looking around. Kagome had been right when she thought this time was different. It was. This time, they were looking for something special...the Shikon no Tama, the jewel of four souls. Kagome had been looking at a jewelry rack when she caught a glimpse of pink light in a bucket labeled `10% DISCOUNT'. She searched through it and scoffed. There it was, the Shikon no Tama, in a discount bin. The baka that put it there must not have realized its value. Heck, even she didn't know what it truly was, but she knew it was worth a lot if they sold it.

She clutched it into her hand, noticing how pure it seemed surrounded by all the pink light. She walked over to Sango and tapped her on the shoulder. Sango turned around and Kagome threw her a smirk that said `let's go'. Sango's eyes widened. She hadn't expected to find it so easily, but hey, who cares. Sango smiled back as she prepared herself for what she about to do. But as she was drawing in deep breaths, she noticed a certain hentai stand up and walk towards the counter, initiating a conversation with the other man.

`Oh no,' she groaned, `now I have to distract both of them!' She shot a `help me' glance at Kagome who shot her back a pitying look but then lowered her head. Sango knew she had to do it alone. They had always done it that way. It was practiced to perfection. They couldn't just change it! She sighed as she grabbed a random piece of jewelry and walked up to the counter.

Kagome watched her friend walk to the counter with a bold look of determination set on her face. Kagome waited for the signal before she acted. She watched as she set the piece of jewelry on the counter. But instead of the silver-haired man helping her, the pervert from before rung up her total. The silver-haired man just leaned against the counter looking out of the shop. She turned her attention back to Sango and `Miroku'. Kagome went through the motions in her head as Sango acted them out perfectly. She searched through all her pockets, not finding any money, as planned. She faked a look of disappointment and this was Kagome's signal.

She shoved the Shikon no Tama in her pocket, making sure no one noticed. She then watched as Sango just waved the jewelry away as she said a goodbye. And then it happened. `Miroku' had somehow managed to creep his arm around the counter and grab Sango's rear end while the silver-haired man quickly focused his attention on Kagome, looking at her as if she had done something wrong. Then Sango smacked this `Miroku' over the head with Hiraikotsu that she always had on her back, even if she did look out of place and screamed "HENTAI!!!" again while Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at Kagome. `Something's not right,' Kagome thought, `that guy knows what we're doing! Why else would he be staring at me like a piece of meat?' Kagome walked up to Sango and grabbed her arm, intent on pulling her out of the shop, but `silver-hair' had a different agenda. He stepped over the unconscious body of `Miroku' and grabbed Kagome's wrist.

"You wench, what's your name?" he ordered gruffly.

Kagome tried pulling her hand away, but realized he was too strong and opted to answer his question. "Well, it certainly isn't `wench'! If you must know, my name is Kagome! Ka-Go-Me!!" she practically screamed in his sensitive ears. Luckily, he had his hat on.

"Feh, whatever, wench."

Kagome felt the blood inside her boil as she finally managed to free her poor wrist. "Well, what's your name, Mr. High and Mighty?" she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

He grumbled a bit before answering her question softly. "Inuyasha," was his simple answer.

"Well, my friend and me are going to be late for something, so we're going now," she said hurriedly as she softly pushed him aside and left, dragging her friend behind, who was so intent on killing this `Miroku' fellow that she hadn't even realized that Inuyasha had almost stopped them.

Kagome continued dragging her friend a good distance before they reached the food court. She then sat at a table and Sango sat across from her, still mumbling about "perverted men...kill them all..." Kagome shook her head in amusement and cleared her throat, breaking Sango's thoughts, which included a certain hentai and a rather large chainsaw.

Sango looked up at Kagome who had a big smile across her face. This annoyed Sango. She had just been groped by a stupid hentai, and her best friend was smiling!?

"What are you smiling about?" she asked grumpily.

Kagome just dug around in her pocket and pulled out a bright pink ball connected to a chain. Sango's face softened in awe as she admired its beauty.

" it? We finally got it?!"

Kagome just nodded her head, smile still in place. Then they both jumped up and hugged each other, let go, and started to do their victory dance, ignoring the stares from passersby.

They finally finished and sat down. Kagome scrutinized the jewel she held in her hand.

"Hey Sango, maybe we should do some more research on this thing. I mean, it doesn't look normal."

Sango nodded her head in agreement. And for the first time that day, they both relaxed, thinking about their little victory.

AN: Well, how'd you like it? Remember, this is kyuuka-kitsune's first fic, so play nice. Ok, never mind, flame if ya like too, and give me some suggestions to make it better, kay? Okey day! I'm not sure how long I'm gonna take to update. I gotta think of something else to happen first. I already know one part that's definitely goin in there, next chapter, probably. If you figure out the meaning behind the title of my story, I'll give you...a cookie!! They're good!! But ya better hurry; otherwise I'll eat them all!! Mmmmm, cookies!! Hit the button in the bottom left that says review! WHY? COZ I SAID SO!!!! Please? Tank ya!