InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ STF: Special Task Force : Japan ❯ The Grid :: PART5 :: Lights in the Night ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The three SUV's followed by six very large (Looking like the GTA Enforcer), just as much as armored, vans heading down the darkened road looked a little out of place. A tank following at a pace behind us.

I sat in the front driver's seat of the very first SUV. The steady red-blue flash lit the road with the mix of Orange-yellowish lights warning hazards on the bar lights as well and the haze-blue of the headlights outlined the road.

No sirens. The soft bumping of the vehicles on the road mixed with the bland murmur of the band radio and the occasional sigh of the people in my car was sound enough for me.

I pulled off to the side of the country side-like road. The convoy followed my movements. Everyone got out of their cars. Leaving the lights on.

"Alright, shut it all down and get out your NV-binoculars." I said, turning all my lights off. When they were done I continued.

"Warehouse 183 is across the way. You can see it, it is the last standing on in this area. The fallen ones around it can provide great cover, and a great ambush area for them, so stay alert. We still have another hour before we will be there."

"Wait." Shippo said. I turned around to see him sitting on top of one of the SWAT vans. "Something isn't right. This area seems to not have anyone around here in a long time. But they could of covered their trail."

I nodded. Hoping to dear god that he was wrong. The convoy resumed it's drive. The lights painting their picture once again…


I couldn't remember my last raid. I had to trust myself. My abilities, my strengths, my weaknesses. I never was a man to like automatic weapons. Accuracy sucks when you're shooting out 30 rounds a second. Handguns are more my style. Easy to handle. Easy to conceal.

That's what I held in my hand now. A custom made heavy-duty style 9mm handgun. Though classified as a handgun, it has the power of a rifle thanks to a gas injection chamber.

I nodded to Kagome as she took a deep breath. Her Military Precision rifle in her hands.

Just count down to three and stay in radio contact. I thought.

Kagome nodded back. She's ready.

I lifted my foot up and crashed it into the area directly above the handle. The door crashed in as me, Kagome, and two others went through the door, tossing in a flash bang. SWAT agents filed in with us.

I looked around. A lone table in the middle of the room as the tank crashed through the wall, making a large hole. I eyed the object on the table. A small LCD clock reading 00:60. The clock had two wires leading back to a black case.

Two guesses as to what was it in.

"Clear out, bomb!" I yelled, running out the door. Agents scrambling out after me.

I ducked behind my car as the warehouse went up in flames.

I stood up. "Everyone ok?"

"Everyone is accounted for and fine, Commander."

I nodded. "Good. Let's clear out before the locals show up."


I put the blanket over the couch in my office. My current quarters since my house is currently a crime scene. Kagome's office had become her's. I looked over at the map in the corner of the room. I had posted it upon my findings.

"I don't get it. They always leave clues. Copy cats maybe? Doubt it. I looked at the symbol next to it. The three eyes forming a triangle. A dot in the middle.

I threw my paperweight at it. Knocking both to the ground.

I sighed sitting back until I decided to pick it up.

Looking at it I suddenly shouted. "I got it!"