InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sui Generis ❯ The Last Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fate moves in cycles,
nothing can undo it.
Wheels of time whirl round,
catching us in their snare.
At the point where life
begins and dreams end,
Where dreams begin and life ends,
We meet for a moment
stolen from eternity.
We shall never come together again,
but for this moment,
when our lives clash.
You are a part of the living,
and I am part of the undead
These infinitesimal moments of time
unite us again,
When my soul finds it's calling,
back to the netherworld.
The stars shine in the dark wine sky,
And I see the light,
Come to purify my borrowed soul
I hold your hand
One last time,
As the coldness seeps in.
I have been dead, and reborn,
I don't fear it anymore.
But I fear that the light will
Consume me too soon,
For I want to haold you again.
I shall not wait for you in heaven,
And I have come again,
I see you now as I saw you then.
The cycles of seasons never change,
But cycles of fate do.
And we hold each other,
As time in my world stills,
Your life begins afresh.
We shall not touch again,
But we carry each other in our hearts,
Because in this empty life,
I once cared for you.