InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surviving in Disney World ❯ The Journey Pt. 2/Arriving ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The group managed to get away from the old ladies (we're still trying to work out how) and neared the viewing area (whatever you want to call it). A guy in a Mickey suit was at the entrance signing books and such.

Now, this man's real name was Neville Brown. He was a loser who lived in his uncle Bobo's basement. The thing that was special about him, was the fact that he took his job FAR too seriously. He preferred to be called Mickey or Da Mickster, just to give you an idea.

Anywho, he noticed that Kagura was glaring at everything, and decided to make her a happier person.

"HI! I'm Mickey Mouse! What's your name?" Kagura glared at the oversized rodent in front of her, and wished that she could cut him up into tiny little pieces. Or maybe just mutilation would do...

"Aw, come on! I know! I'll give you a BIG hug! That'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside!" With that, Neville practically crushed poor Kagura in a giant hug, drawing many snickers from the rest of the group.

"Get...!" she managed to say with her face smothered in a sea of polyester.

"Don't cha feel better?"

"GHA!" Before Kagura could hurt Neville in more ways than one (she had picked up many useful ways of torture from Naraku), when Asa interveined.

"Ok, Kagura. I know that you're having so much fun with your new friend, but we need to go." Her comments made Kagura breathe fire,and the rest of them snicker unmercifully.

Eventually Asa mangaged to get them all inside the theatre and sitting down. Getting them to put on the 3-D glasses was another challenge.

"You have to! Other wise you won't enjoy it as much!"

"I DON'T WANT TO ENJOY IT! I WANT TO (the rest of this sentence not going to be written, for the safety of the minds of our younger readers. the over all idea is that he doesn't want to.)" Inuyasha responded.

"If you won't wear them, then I'll stick them to your face."

Kagura, who had been twitching since her encounter with "Mickey", looked up. "You wouldn't da-" Before she could get out the word "dare", Asa waved her hand and stuck the glasses on everyone there.

"Let the show begin!"

Here is what happened: The movie was about happy little characters. The conflict was........THE SACRED SPOON HAD GONE MISSING! (gasp!) Inuyasha jumped up and tried to attack the giant 3-D bunny with his Tetsusaiga, only to find that he was attacking with an imaginary sword. Asa's comment was: "Yay! You're really getting into this Disney stuff Inuyasha!" After many glares, and Kagome's and Asa's combined explaination of 3-D movies (it wasn't a very accurate one, but it kept them from jumping at the screen), it went pretty smoothly. Yes, Sesshoumaru, Naraku, Inuyasha, Sango, Jaken, Miroku, Kagura, and even Kanna were extremely disturbed by the entire film. Kagome was just bored out of her mind. Rin and Shippo enjoyed it, and were smiling and laughing the entire time (they ARE little kids ya know). Rin even memorized a song from it, which she sang over and over until Sesshoumaru forbid her to ever sing the song again.

All in all, every adult there had developed a loathing for bunnies, especially pink ones. (shudder)


That's all for now! Plz Reviw. (puppy dog eyes)


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and/or any related items. (Though I wish it were not so!) I also do not own Disney World and/or anything related to Disney. Also, i would like to give credit to an anomous person for the idea of Mickey. If any one has ideas, i will be more than happy to use them. :)