InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Swords of Fate ❯ Childhood Awkwardness ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Four: Childhood Awkwardness
A deep rumbling brought everyone out of their slumber. Immediately Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were on their feet in the blink of an eye, completely forgetting their present states. They reached to their sides to clutch the hilts of their swords, but instead their hands met air. Blinking they looked and their swords were gone.
“Ahh!” Inuyasha cried. “This is not a good time to be stuck like this!”
The ground shook, and sent everyone flying off their feet into a crumpled heap. Rin and Shippo clashed heads, and both started to whimper, rubbing their bruised skulls. Inuyasha flew against Kagome and Sango who flew into a tree, which succeeded in stopping their flight, although painfully.
Jaken flew into Sesshoumaru, who was knocked into the air, both flying into a surprised Miroku who grunted as his body took the full brunt of the impact into the earth. They all untangled themselves and stood up only to come face to face with a rather large youkai.
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru flinched. This was not good. As the youkai took a step, the earth shook under the pressure, and sent everyone almost crashing to their knees. “Anyone have any ideas?” Inuyasha growled.
Sesshoumaru shot his brother a look, but before he could respond the youkai shot his arm out taking out a dozen trees sending them through the air with broken branches, dirt, rocks, and…Sesshoumaru looked at his shoulder as he ducked…bugs. “Eh.” He grunted, swiping the long, slimy, many legged insect off his shoulder.
Wrinkling his nose, he turned his head back towards the youkai, and gasped as he saw a large hand descend towards him, intending to crush him. Suddenly he was barreled over, and planted firmly in the ground with a thud. Opening his eyes slowly, he peered at the monk and swallowed.
“Kagome.” Miroku shouted, practically picking Sesshoumaru up with little effort and thrusting him towards the human girl. “Take the children and run!”
Inuyasha growled flexing his hands. “Who you calling a child!” He shouted.
“Get out of here!” Miroku shouted enraged. “NOW!” Before Inuyasha could object, he was picked up and tossed effortlessly, like a rag to Kagome.
Sango ran forward, blocking Kagome's flight path with the children. Gripping her hand tightly on her weapon, she shouted. “Miroku, be careful.” Another rumble almost drew them to their knees.
“You think he's trying to give us a message?” Miroku grunted.
Out of no where a small figure flew past in a flash of blue, red, and a tail? “Shippo!” Miroku cried.
Fox Fire!” Shippo yelled at the same time, and a small blue flame shot out, only to be brushed aside like an irritating fly. Panicked, Shippo dropped to the ground quickly and raced off. “He's all yours!”
Kagome, Rin, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru and quickly followed by a frantically racing Shippo, raced towards the darker parts of the woods. Periodically Inuyasha would stop to turn and fight, but he kept getting shoved forwards by his brother. “Keep running, you jackass. What are you going to do? Bite it to death?” Sesshoumaru snarled.
Shoved forward yet again, Inuyasha stumbled and quickly jumped to regain his footing. “Stop pushing me!” Inuyasha howled.
Just as Inuyasha said that, Sesshoumaru's foot caught a tree root and he plummeted to the forest floor, eating and breathing dirt. Pushing himself to his feet he scowled at his brother.
“I didn't do it!” Inuyasha protested as he spun around to continue running, trying to now outrun his brother who looked like he was ready to kill him.
Kagome looked behind her, making sure that Rin was still with them, and she looked about as out of breath as she was. Shippo flew past them, “It's coming!” He cried.
Inuyasha turned to looked over his shoulder, and he felt his heart stop as Miroku and Sango were running with them now. Sesshoumaru also looked over his shoulder, which proved to be a mistake, because he barreled into Inuyasha who had frozen, and both were sent to the forest floor.
Frantically, they untangled their limbs, got to their feet, growled at one another and took off. Jaken was no where to be found. `Where the Hell did he get to?' Sesshoumaru thought angrily. Just as the thought entered his mind, Jaken landed behind them on Ah `Uh, both in attack formation.
Ducking under a low hanging branch, Sesshoumaru smiled as his retainer and two headed dragon began their fight with the youkai. As he turned his head forward, he felt his mouth drop open as his eyes connected with the ground and he fell face first into the earth once more. Lifting himself to his knees he looked at the source, and gasped at his brother's still form. The branch he had just ducked under had been missed by Inuyasha, succeeding in knocking him flat onto his back now out of breath.
Sesshoumaru felt his eyes widen, but refrained from any comment, and pulled his brother to his feet. “Get up, idiot! Come on!” Pushing Inuyasha forward, he earned himself a well deserved glare. `Yup, I'll definitely have to deal with that later.' He mused silently, breaking into a run once more.
Seeing Kagome further a head, Sesshoumaru pointed. “There they are, come on! Faster!”
“You try having the wind knocked out of you and then running for your life. Feels great, you should try it sometime.” Inuyasha scoffed mockingly.
Sesshoumaru snorted, and rolled his eyes.
Kagome quickly stopped running and pointed to a large rock formation to her left. “Here, we can hide in here.” She waved them all forward. Shippo was the first inside the cave, followed by Rin, and then the two bickering brothers. Kagome stood and waited for Miroku and Sango who shook their heads, turning away to make sure the youkai wouldn't show up.
Ducking inside the cave, she rolled her eyes at Rin who looked at her returning her rolled eyes, as they both took in the brothers standing face to face, nose to nose, glaring at one another. They were the same height, same build, and same irritating stubbornness.
“I can't believe you pushed me!” Inuyasha started, snarling in anger.
“Be thankful I didn't do more.” Sesshoumaru retaliated.
“Do I have to separate you two?” Kagome scolded.
They turned to look at her, and they dropped their attack stance quickly.
Sesshoumaru leaned over slightly whispering to Inuyasha. “Is she always this intimidating?”
“Uh huh.” Inuyasha confirmed. “Sometimes more so.”
Sesshoumaru looked at his brother his eyes widening. “Really? More? Is that possible?”
“Sends shivers down your back doesn't it?” Inuyasha whispered.
Sesshoumaru nodded, turning his gaze back to the impending figure of Kagome who seemed to fill the cave with angry energy. “I don't want to be a pup anymore. I feel so useless.”
“Helpless.” Inuyasha added.
Weak.” They whispered together, which sent them eye to eye curiously. Staring at each other for a moment, they seemed to loose whatever senses they had left and both fell to the ground in a heap, giggling uncontrollably.
Rin and Kagome were speechless. They just stood there silently, but amused as they saw the two people in the world who would rather be caught dead then be seen with one another, rolling on the ground in a giggling heap.
Sesshoumaru was the first to push himself up off the ground and shook his head. “I think I'm loosing my mind.” He sighed, lifting his hand to his topknot, tightening the tie.
“Keh!” Inuyasha scoffed, but then snickered. “Why the pony tail?” He asked his brother, using one of Kagome's words from the modern world.
“What's a pony tail?” His brother faced him blinking curiously.
“That thing.” Inuyasha pointed to his brother's topknot.
“This is a topknot, idiot. All pup's have it at this age.”
“I didn't.”
“Yah well you're strange that way.”
Inuyasha frowned, but remained silent. He watched as Kagome came forward and brushed Sesshoumaru's hands aside, and taking the tie out of his hair. “Here let me help you.”
Sesshourmaru's long silver hair fell about his shoulders, sending strands into his face, and he blew them away with a puff of air. The strands lifted briefly before floating slowly back into his face. Grunting, Sesshoumaru's eyes lifted upward and he pursed his lips in irritation.
Kagome smiled brightly at Inuyasha who sat there glaring at her. “Would you like a pony tail, Inuyasha?” She smirked.
“Keh!” Inuyasha turned his back on her and stared at the caves wall.
Pulling the long silver hair back into the tie, she stood up. “There all done.”
Sesshoumaru hand his hand on the top of his head, rubbing it, moaning slightly. “That hurt!”
“You big baby.” Kagome smirked again. Miroku, Sango, and Jaken all entered the cave then and looked exhausted. They slumped to the floor leaning against the cave walls, and sighed in relief.
Sesshoumaru lifted his nose to the slight wind drifting into the caves mouth, and smelled Ah `Uh. Nodding in satisfaction he looked at Jaken. “Dead?”
Jaken muttered under his breath, and then nodded. Poking his finger at the two humans' beside him, he grumbled. “That woman took down the beast after my two headed staff burnt it, and that monk sucked it up in that hole in his hand.” Without another word he fell over and promptly went to sleep.
Nodding, Sesshoumaru stood up and walked over to Rin, still not comprehending the fact he was the same height as she was. Looking at her right in the eyes, he peered closely into the dark brown orbs searching for pain or discomfort. “You're not hurt?” He mumbled.
Rin grinned. “No, milord.”
Nodding, even more satisfied now, he went back to where he had been and promptly sat down, and placed his hands down, crouched perfectly. Before he could lift his head, he was knocked flat onto his stomach, with a grinning Inuyasha on his back. “Oh for crying out loud!” Sesshoumaru snarled. “Get off me you, big oaf!”
“Keh!” Inuyasha chuckled. “You need to pay more attention, big brother!”
That did it. They were at it again.