InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Symbiosis ❯ Ch.2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Please don't let them find me. Please don't let them find me.
I could hear their footsteps. They were so close.
Then I heard voices.
“She's not here.” One of them said. “Let's go.”
“Oh she's here alright.” The leader confirmed, ignoring him.
Another underling said in a teasing voice. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
Like hell I would.
They continued looking around when a quick ruffle near me caught their attention.
Shit. Stupid rabbit.
Instantly, their eyes reverted to the area around me. Their sense of smell might be weak, but their hearing was definitely sharp.
I could feel my heart beat loudly. Please don't let them find me. Please don't let them find me. I continued praying.
They were so close.
The leader walked towards me. He looked like he'd seen me.
Shit. I was so dead.
I closed my eyes, expecting him to pull me out of the bushes, or just directly attack me but instead I heard a cry.
“Ow!!!” A little girl screamed
Alarmed, I open my eyes to see the leader clutching a little girl by the hair. The girl looked strangely like Rin, a character from an anime I saw. But it couldn't be her.
The leader said, “We found her.”
Does that mean they were searching for her all along?
The demons were alarmed when a large dragon with two heads flew from the sky towards them and landed. A green toad-like creature holding a strange staff got off the dragon and rushed to the girl's side. Beside him, a tall figure with silver hair appeared. A second later he was facing the demon that was chasing the girl. They trembled in fear. Within seconds they were all dead.
I recognized the characters instantly, Jaken and Sesshoumaru, from Inuyasha. Does that mean I'm stuck in an anime world?
It would explain the demons.
“Rin, you idiot!” The green creature said “Lord Sesshoumaru was so worried about you!”
As they talked, I wandered what I should do and how I should act. From what I had seen in the anime, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru was not known to be merciful or kind. If he spotted me, he would not hesitate to kill me. On the other hand, without a protector, I would forever be hiding, running, and totally defenseless in the wilderness just waiting to be killed by demons. But then, I would have to give him a reason to protect me, but I had nothing to offer except maybe the damn dagger that was not known for any value. I thought about my situation carefully. Then it occurred to me, knowledge, I could offer him knowledge in exchange for protection from demons and such. If I'm really stuck in the world of Inuyahsa, then theoretically speaking, everything that happened in the anime would happen here! Then I could offer him knowledge on Naraku's whereabouts, his motives, and probably Inuyasha's weaknesses.
Of course, I wasn't certain that he wouldn't kill me. But if I went on like this, I would be gambling my life anyways.
Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Jaken walked further and further away, They were about to fly away on the dragon when I finally made my decision.
“Hey you!” I shouted, trying to get their attention, “Sesshoumaru!”
When they turned their attention towards me, I realized how peculiar I must've been in my strange foreign clothes and holding a dagger, shouting rudely to the lord of the Western lands. I took a deep breath trying to muster up all my courage. This was it, the moment that would decide my fate.