InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ T or D Inu style ❯ things get good ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey, welcome back to another chapter for my wonderful story!!! Ha just kidding, I know it is not wonderful but o well what can I say. I don't own Inuyasha or the Inuyasha people but I own Ashley, Aiden, and Alex. Ha the 3 A`s anyway....
T or D Inu Style
Ch. 2 things get good

everyone went inside and sat down in the living room. Inuyasha was the only one that didn't have a face filled with confusion. They all sat and Kagome said, “So now that you are all here, I suppose I should tell you about some of the things that are in this world you may nor understand.” They all nodded very happy that they were going to be able to find out what the strange things were in the house.

Kagome walked over to the T.V. and said, “This is the television, and pictures can come up on it and show many different things. Don't mistake it for a demon and attack it like Inuyasha did.” Miroku laughed at that, Inuyasha was so foolish sometimes. He always just went straight into battle and didn't think of what was going to happen.

“Ok follow me and I will show you the rest of the house,” Kagome said and everyone but Sesshomaru got up and followed her through the house to find out what all the creepy things were.

Sesshomaru stood in the living room by himself until a little boy ran through the door. He smelled like he could be related to Kagome but he wasn't sure. The little boy went straight up to Sesshomaru and looked at him, “HI I'm Sota, Kagome's little brother. You look like Inuyasha are you his brother?” Sesshomaru looked at the little kid, curious on how he could just come up to him and not show any fear. “Yes, Sota, I am Inuyasha HALF brother. Do not think that he is worthy enough to be a full brother of mine.” Sota was a little confused on what he was talking about but decided to go and look for his sister and not think about it.

Kagome had just finished showing the others how to use the toilet...not literally SHOW them but just enough so they know what to do. She led the others down into the kitchen and got them something to drink. “I am going to make a quick phone call ok I will be right back,” Kagome said as she grabbed the phone and went outside. She dialed in one of her friend's numbers. A few rings later it was answered by... the wrong person.
“Aiden what are you doing at Ashley's house?” Aiden was silent for a second and started to say, “Umm...well you see the thing is Kagome.... we were just...” “Ok never mind I don't want to know but I do want you to bring Ashley and the rest of the goof troop over here for some fun. I got a game planned and I need your help to get it going.” Aiden grinned into the phone, “Ok we will all be there shortly.” Kagome hung up and went into the kitchen again.

When she got in there she saw that her mother had started to make some food orders. Pizza was what they were going to have tonight because there were so many people coming. “So we are going to have 3 sausage, 2 pepperoni, and 2 cheese,” Ms. Higurashi said. “You better make that 4 sausage the goof troop is coming over...we are going to have some fun,” Kagome added, her mom just laughed and nodded, knowing pretty well what Kagome had planned for her un suspecting friends.

About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Kagome ran to open it. The goof troop had arrived. Ashley was in front with Aiden behind her. Behind Aiden were Alex, Yuka and Eri. “Hey guys, where is Ayumi?” Ashley told her about how she got into a big fight at school with Kristin, the school slut, and went home with a black eye.

Kagome led them into the kitchen and both groups stopped talking instantly. All of them just sat there and started at each other. Sesshomaru could tell that one of the guys was already excited but he wasn't sure which one. Kagome decided to break the silence and introduce everyone. She pointed to each person as she said his or her name. “This is Aiden, Ashley, Alex, Eri, Yuka, Sesshomaru, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo.” They all nodded slightly to each other. All of a sudden Ashley started to smile and ran out of the room. “What is her problem?” Eri asked. Everyone shrugged their shoulders but a second later they could hear Ashley yelling, “Kagome get in here the pizzas are here!” Alex laughed, “she could smell the pizza that's what got her all happy.” Kagome laughed and went to the door to get the pizza so people could start eating it.
Kagome brought the pizza in the kitchen and let the others start to eat it. Ashley, being the crazy person she is, went over and helped herself to any of the other food that was in the fridge. “Does anyone else want a drink?” Ashley asked while she was looking through the contents. They all nodded and Ashley started to pass out some of the cans of pop that were in there.
Once everyone got a pop Alex was starting to get antsy, “SO Kagome when are we going to start the game?” The goof troop all got big smiles on their faces but the others were clearly confused.
Kagome decided that she would explain to her other friends that had no clue what was going on. “We are going to play truth or dare, it is a game where if you pick truth someone asks you a question. If you pick dare, then someone dares you to do something and u have to do it or you get a swirley. I will explain what that is later the only problem now is...” Kagome moved her eyes over to Shippo who was currently sitting on the table eating a piece of sausage pizza. “Shippo, why don't you go upstairs and play with Sota, I'm sure he would love to play some videogames with you.” Shippo didn't want to miss what the others were doing but he didn't want to argue either so he just went upstairs to find Sota. “Well that was easy.”
“Ok now we need to make a promise that when someone is asked or dared something they will do it. We don't want to have swirleys and it is no fun when everyone does not play right,” Yuka said. Everyone nodded in agreement except Sesshomaru who just sat and watched. “So who wants to go first?” Eri was the first to jump up so she asked first.
“Ok Yuka, truth or dare?”
“Ok I dare you to...,” she thought for a second looking out the window, noticing that it was getting dark outside so anything could be done. “I dare you to go run down the street... with no shirt on. Bra is ok but no shirt.” The people had two different reactions. The friends from this time all grinned knowing Yuka was not the kind of person to back down, and the others had a look of shock on their face. Yes even Sesshy had a look of complete shock... he might learn to like this game.
Yuka stood up with a smile and walked outside. All of the others got up and followed her outside really quick, none of them wanted to miss it. Yuka went down the stairs of the shrine until she was on the street. There were very few people around because of the time but it didn't make a difference to her.
When she got down to the bottom of the stairs she looked up to make sure everyone was watching, especially Alex. Once she made sure everyone was watching she pulled her shirt over her head and ran down the street. While she was gone Eri ran down the stairs and grabbed her shirt, she ran back up to the shrine and hid it in the bushes so Yuka wouldn't be able to find it.
A minute later Yuka came back in view and she stopped looking at the ground. “Ok where the hell is my shirt.” Kagome, Eri, and Ashley all started giggling. Yuka was mad but she didn't want to come up there with all the guys with no shirt on. “Come on give me back my shirt,” she yelled with the anger flying off of her body. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru both could smell the anger and warned the others, “she is really angry maybe you should give back her shirt,” Inuyasha said to Eri. “Fine I will give he shirt back to her,” Eri said while walking away and getting it out of the bushes. Once Yuka had her shirt back on it was her turn to do a dare.
“Ok, I pick you,” she said pointing to Sesshomaru. “Truth or Dare?”
Sesshomaru looked curious and said, “Dare.”
Yuka got a scary look on her face and said, “Kagome do you still have that little pink tutu?”

Hope you all liked that chappie. Please review and I shall update again soon!!