InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or its characters. I make no money from this story.

Warning: May contain scenes of violence and rape.

Kagome pulled her knees up to her chest, buried her face in her hands, and cried. How could she do it? How could she just let him touch her like that? Had she no shame?

She knew Inuyasha and the others were out looking for her. Yet, for one brief moment, one horrible moment, she had allowed herself to believe that they didn’t care. What the hell was wrong with her? Inuyasha always, always came through for her. No matter what. How she could doubt him, for even a moment, was uncalled for and made her feel sick.

Her mind wandered over to her friends and she wondered what they were doing right now. Where were they? Did they really believe that Naraku had her? Was it as Bankotsu had told her? Were they looking for Naraku instead of the Band of Seven?

It only made sense. No one in the group would suspect that the Band of Seven had anything to do with her disappearance. If anything, that idea would probably be the furthest from their minds. Unless…

She shook her head. No. Even if they found Naraku, she couldn’t rely on that murderous wretch to give them any clues. He would have too much fun tormenting Inuyasha with the idea that Kagome was hidden and the hanyou couldn’t find her.

She lifted her head and stared blankly at the wall across from her. Bankotsu had gone out to hunt and warned her about leaving. Now would be the perfect time for her to make her escape, though she didn’t know where Renkotsu or Jakotsu were. They could be watching her and just waiting for an excuse to off her. She could hear the conversation.

“Sorry, Big Brother. The girl just tried to get away. We had to do something…”

Again, she shook her head. She didn’t have many options and each one seemed less reasonable than the last. It would be best to just stay where she was and continue to put her trust in Inuyasha. He will find me, she thought to herself.


Bankotsu ran a hand through his hair. Killing wild beast was easy for him. His boar lay quite dead at his feet. He knew staying away from the palace could be dangerous, but he needed time to think.

He knew better than to believe that one bout of hot sex was enough to turn the miko over. He had to step up his game if he wanted to win her. It would be the perfect revenge against that mutt.

“Women are weak, fragile creatures who thrive on attention and care. They like… pretty and cute things.”

Renkotsu’s words echoed in his mind. Bankotsu had gone through the girl’s bag several times, looking for ideas. Knowledge was power. And if Bankotsu had any ideas of what she’d like, he could use that to his advantage. But he was clueless about what half the shit in her bag had even meant. She certainly wasn’t lying about being from the future that much he knew.

He stared at a pink rose bush and was tempted to kick it into submission. What the hell was he going to do? He didn’t know the first thing about wooing a girl. Even worse, how the hell was he supposed to woo a girl that was from the future?

He had found an extra toothbrush in her bag and surprised her by using it and the toothpaste. She seemed to enjoy the minty smell of his breath, so he had continued to use the stuff. He also took more baths, which seemed to please her as well. Getting her to suck his cock wasn’t as difficult when his cock was clean. Though, she still fought him when he ordered her to swallow his cum.

He glared at the rose bush, silently blaming it for his problems. He suddenly blinked, surprised that the answer had been staring at him the entire time. He refused to think that he was an idiot for not thinking of it before as he began picking some of the roses off of the bush. Once he had a total of twelve perfect roses, he hefted his Banryu onto his shoulder and, holding the flowers and a piece of rope tied around the dead boar, began his trek back to the palace.


Kagome stood on the balcony and stared at the twinkling stars. She sent one silent prayer after another to Inuyasha. Please, find me.

She knew he couldn’t hear her, but she still prayed for him to come to her. Hope gleamed in her eyes as she imagined him actually hearing her prayers. In her mind’s eye, she could see him perched in a tree somewhere, staring at the same stars.

Please be safe, Kagome. She imagined him thinking to himself. His golden eyes would be clouded in concern and worry. He wouldn’t be able to sleep. Maybe he would be fighting back tears that threatened to spill over…

No. Not her Inuyasha. He was too strong for tears. He would be worried, but he wouldn’t cry over it.

A small smile played on her lips.

“Still thinking about that half breed, I see,” a male voice said, startling her out of her daydream.

Kagome whipped around to see Bankotsu standing in the doorway of the room. He leaned against the doorframe and looked smug. For a moment, she imagined crossing the room and slugging the smugness out of his face. But the thought passed and died before it came to fruition. He would beat her if she actually tried it.

She folded her arms. “So what if I was thinking about him, huh?” she bit. “He’s my best friend and I love him.”

She wasn’t afraid to deny her feelings to this pervert. She was, however, fearful of the look he gave her. She snapped her mouth shut and waited for the storm to come.

It never came. Instead, he stalked over to her and shoved a bunch of roses into her chest. “I got something for you,” he said, the softness of his voice belying the anger he felt.

She was still denying him. Whatever had happened between them earlier that day had meant nothing to her. Or, at least, she was trying to make it mean nothing. He could see it in her eyes and hear it in the catch of her breath. It was painfully slow, but the desire for him was growing.

She stared down at the roses in shock. Roses? She just threw him a blow to his ego and he gives her roses? She glanced up at him in suspicion, but he had already turned away from her.

“I’m roasting a boar,” he said. “I’ll come get you when the food is ready.”

Her eyes followed him as he closed the door and his shadow walked away from the room. What game was he playing now? She glanced down at the roses. Where was she going to put them? He gave her roses, but… she had no vase.