InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Take time to smell the roses ❯ This isn't what I wished for! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Take time to smell the roses…
BY: Mio
A/N: Flames are welcome!
WARNING: Contains Kikyo bashing in this character.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, never have never will! I can still go and write fanfics about them though, so I can use them in my sick twisted fantasies... Mwhuaha! >=D
Kagome storms off from Inuyasha her hands balled into fist at her side.
“ Oi Wench get back here!” Inuyasha commands.
“ NO!” She yells not looking back at him.
“ Why can’t you ever do what I tell you, like Kikyo?” Demands Inuyasha.
“ Oh You stupid baka" Screeches Kagome stopping to turn and glare at the hanyou. "Because I’m not Kikyo! Further more I would never want to be her! She is a vile, wretched, clay pot!"
“ What did you just say wench?!” Inuyasha yells the question.
Kagome ignores him and continues to storm away. Inuyasha runs up placing his hand on her shoulders and spinning her around to face him.
“ I asked you a question, bitch!” He snarls spitting out the last word.
Kagome glares daggers at him.
“ SIT BOY!” She screams at the top of her lungs.
THUD! Inuyasha makes a large crater in the ground
“ Why you stupid little wench! I thought Kikyo was better, but now I know it for sure, how could I ever love you!” Yells Inuyasha from the ground telling her the most hurtful thing he can think of.
Kagome feels tears come to her eyes.
“ I loved you Inuyasha, this is how you repay me, by telling me I am no better then a dead clay miko. Well I hate you too then. I will make you understand what it’s like to never have your love returned. I will show you what you have missed in life because you will not take time to enjoy the simple things in life.You have lost me Inuyasha, remember each night as you go to bed next to the cold imitation of a women. Know what my pain feels like when you wake each morning..” Murmmurs Kagome.
“You can’t leave Kagome, I own you.” Inuyasha tells her.
“ You have never owned me, I only stuck around because I loved you." Whisper Kagome with a sad look.
"Oh and Inuyasha one more thing?” Kagome says a sneer replacing the sad look.
“ What!?”
“ SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT…” She screams.
Inuyasha falls to the ground with a sickening thud. Each time he tries to get up he falls back down from the next sit. Kagome doesn’t see any of this because she is now running. Running and she doesn’t even no where to.
Kagome continues to runs as Inuyasha tries to chase her. But fails because she keeps uttering the dreaded word sit.
When she finally can no longer see him trying to chase her she pulls out the Shikon no Tama out of her bag. It is now completed. She sits down.
She sits there holding it to her chest like a woman holds a child so lovingly. The jewel starts to glow. Almost becoming too hot to touch. Kagome holds on with her eyes closed, her mind cleared of everything that has to do with Inuyasha. She sits there and cries. Knowing what she’ll wish for but not knowing how to say it. Finally finding the words Kagome speaks.
“I wish for a way to forget Inuyasha, to have my life be good again in a way that doesn't mean being with him. I wish to be strong, so I can show him I am not the weak human who needs him. Help me find something to take way this love.
The Shikon no Tama now becoming even more increasingly hot. Kagome was having a hard time holding on to it. A harsh almost winter like breeze blows. Her hair flying back in the wind. A light surrounds Kagome, she feels nothing anymore only the warmth of the Jewel. As she clutches tighter. The light becomes almost too bright to see in. Then suddenly, it stops and Kagome opens her eyes.
There stands the Midoriko standing before Kagome. A beautiful woman bathed in a warm strange light. She is dressed in odd clothing, Kagome recognizes her at once.
“ M-m-Midoriko?” Kagome stuttered.
The woman nods. Kagome sits almost in awe of her.
“ Thank you kind woman for setting me free, I shall grant you wish in return. Are you sure it's what you want though?.”
Kagome nods silently. Midoriko gives a sad sigh and nods also lifting her hands a balls of silvery fire forming between them. With an explosion of sound and light Kagoma is blinded and her body lifted up. Then her world goes completely dark and Kagome has fainted.
It is night and Kagome awakes dizzy. She stares up and sees the cresant moon above her, even though it doesn't give much light Kagome can seem to see perfectly. Kagome brushes a hand through her hair sighing. A gasp escape her as her finger brush across sharp tip where the rounded end of her ears should be.
Kagome stumbles to a river near by and looks in. What she sees startles her, The black hair is now dark, dark midnight blue with silve rna dblack hintings. Her face has a jagged line across each cheek of silver blue, Fang show when she opens her mouth. She no longer has regular ears but pointed elvish looking ears. Brushing back her bangs Kagome see's a black circle with a silver arrow that's red tipped going through.
Realization hits Kagome... She's a demon...
After washing in the river and thinking for hours Kagome set out on journey. She is going to make it to Lord Sesshomaru and talk to him wether he likes it or not.
-Kagome's POV-
I reach a large castle a guard stand at the tall wooden gates. Striding towards the guard I smile in greeting. The guard does not return the smile instead shows fangs glaring.
“ Get back intruder." The guard snarls at me.
“ That’s not a very nice way to talk.” I tell the guard
“ Don’t make me get lord Sesshomaru out here stranger.” The guard snaps at me.
The guard is about 6’0”; he is around 180 lbs. and is a full blooded dog demon.
I weigh out my chances of beating him. The chances look slim. So I say to him.
“ I came to talk to lord Sesshomaru, so get him if you like..”
“ No one talks to Lord Sesshomaru with out an appointment.” He tells me.
“ Tell him Inuyasha’s wench wants to talk to him about something.” I say getting impatient.
The guard starts to speak, but just then a tall figure comes up beside me.
I look to see who it is it is lord Sesshomaru.
“ What would Inuyashas wench like to speak to me about because I do not see his wench here.” He says in an emotionless tone.
I study him. Weighing in my chances of beating him. 'No! No way in hell could I beat him.'
“ I am Inuyashas wench.” I finally tell him.
He raises an eyebrow.
The guard mutters something about the wench being a human, and I’m a filthy demon hussy.
“ What did you say?” I snarl at the guard though I already know.
“ I am no whore and if I was at least I don’t have to mutter under my breath about people. I can say it to their face. Which makes yout he filthy, ignorant one, does it not? “ I Demand to know.
Sesshomaru glares at me so does the guard.
“ Watch you tongue wench.” Sesshomaru commands.
“ You need not worry what this fool say, I know who you are. I can tell by scent. If he is to stupid to see and to smell that you are the same wench that Inuyasha took everywhere he went. Then that is his problem.” Sesshomaru says in that same emotionless tone he used before.
I start to say something but think better of it.
“ Now what did you need to say to me?” He asks.
Now I’m in for it I came and said I had to talk to him and I really don’t have a reason. I guess I’ll have to make up something.
I stand there for a couple seconds thinking.
“ Well?” Sesshomaru asks.
I am sure he can smell the fear on me.
“ I-I Uh… “
“ What that you and Inuyasha mated?” He asks raising a perfect eyebrow.
“ Because I could care less.” He tells me.
“ No! That is not what. I came to tell you the Shikon no Tama has been wished on.” I tell him.
He looks at me.
“ I care why?” He asks.
“ Ok.” I say.
“ I didn’t really come to tell you that. It’s just I needed someone to talk to seeing as I am a demon now.” I say almost on the verge of tears.
He looks at me like I’m crazy.
“ This Sesshomaru, will not talk to you. Go find your stupid puppy and go talk to him!”
I get down on my knees. Pleading with him.
“ Can I please stay here away from Inuyasha? I promise I won’t bug you, I need answers.” I tell him.
He looks at me as if thinking. Then he says.
“ Fine, but this doesn’t mean I like you or anyone else for that matter. This Sesshomaru is still a cold heartless powerful demon. This is on one condition though, you have to tell me what happened.” He says.
I nod and leap up throwing my arms around him. "Thanks you, Thanks you!" I hug him tightly.
Sesshomaru snarls and pushes me away looking flustered. "She shouldn't be here though, you lord." Protests the guard.
Sesshomaru turns to stare at the guard. "Do you question you lord?"
The guard shakes his head frantically. The lord dog demon turns away and looks to me.
"Follow me" Oders Sesshomaru.
Then he turns and walks in to the castle. His hair swishing behind him. I follow.
The guard looks like he’s ready to explode.
-Sesshomaru’s POV-
We walk in to my home. The young female miko now hanyou stares around in awe. I look at her waiting for her to catch up with me.
“ Come with me.” I order.
She nods following me. We go up a long staircase to reach my study. When we finally get up the step the hanyou is huffing and puffing so hard I think she is going to collapse. I am not even fazed by going up the steps I do it so much. We come to my study, I opens the door holding it open for her. Even though I despise hanyous and humans it is common courtesy to hold open the door for a lady. She walks in and mumbles a thank you in between huffs and puffs. I sit down at me desk. Sitting down at me desk. The hanyou continues to stand.
I look at her.
“ Sit down.” I tell her.
She takes a seat in front of the desk.
“ So…?” She asks.
“ So what?” I ask her.
“ So what do you want to know?” She demands.
I look at her funny. She is getting angry way to easily. She might be fun to push buttons with.
“Why you aren’t with your little puppy?” I ask her.
“ Because he said Kikyo was better then me, called me a bitch a number of times.” She tells me not liking the question.
I smile at me.
“ I though you would be used to my half brother by now, I guess I was wrong.” I say chuckling.
“ It’s not funny.” She tells me.
“ On the contrary, It is quite funny.” I say.
“ For you see, I can still tell you love my brother. Even after all he did to you. That to me is funny.” I say
“ Well isn’t to me.” She says glaring at the floor.
I stop smiling.
“What exactly did you ask for when you wished on the jewel?” I ask.
She starts to say how do I know it was her who wished, but I stop her.
“How else would you become a demon unless you mated Inuyasha?” I ask seriously.
She nods.
“ I wished to be stronger, helkp forgetting Inuyasha, something to replace my love for him." She tells me.
I nod.
“ Why did you wish for these things?” I ask her.
“ It doesn't matter, my wish didn't work, all I am is a demon and I still feel the hurt of Inuyasha nothing worked. I guess the Midoriko had a strange sense of humor."
Pondering this I look at the female demon, 'Well even all powerful preistess's deserve a good joke. I wonder if this situation is really as it appears though.'
A/N: If anyone likes it I will add another chapter.
Don’t be a prude please review!