InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tears on the Wind ❯ Abstraction ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the sentance "I own Inuyasha". I own nothing!


She sat silently, adrift in her thoughts. Taking a draw absently on the cigarette clutched lightly between her fingers, she ignored the whispers of silent concern about her.

It was cold, but she didn't care. Right now she was free, no longer under his gaze. At least here she could breath...

"Hey, are you okay?" She blinked, unsure if she was hearing voices of not. "Kagura?" She flinched as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Dragging her eyes from her cigarette, she looked first at the hand, then it's owner. "How do you know my name?" The girl frowned.

She tried to place her, wondering were she'd been to give her name so freely. "We go to school together...I have a couple classes with you." Her eyes flicked to the uniform identicle to hers. "Oh.."

The girl sat down next to her, gazing worridly at her. "Why are you crying?" She blinked, numbly aware of a wetness on her face. Lifting her empty hand, she wiped at her cheek, her fingertips coming away wet. She hadn't even relized she'd been crying.

"If you tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help." She laughed sardonicly, her eyes going back to stare illy at the grass as she drew again from the cigarette.

Exhaling slowly, she watched the intricate patterns form as the smoke rose.
"No one can help me..."
She again looked over at the girl, who she still couldn't place.

"Why do you care anyway? You look like one of those chicks with everything. Love, happiness..." She trailed off at the look on the girl's face. "You really think so?" She cocked her head as she studied the sad, distant look on the girls face. She wasn't used to seeing that look on someone elses. It was bad enough seeing herself in the mirror.

"Hey, er..." She trailed off, relizing she still didn't know the other's name. "Kagome." She thought a moment, then it clicked. Hojo's girlfriend. "Want a drag?" she offered the cigarette, but Kagome shook her head.

"Those'l kill you you know." She shrugged. "So? we all die eventually. Sooner the better..." Kagome looked at her wide eyed. "But why would you want to die? What about your family-" She snorted.
"No one'd care, and my family wouldn't even bat an eyelash."
"I would."
She gazed silently at kagome, who was gazing unseeingly at the grass.

"Would you?" Chocolate eyes rose to her magenta ones. "I've seen too much death already. And no one deserves to die before they get to experience all life has to offer."

She gazed back down at her cigarette, glaring at the smoldering ash at the end. "I've seen enough of what life has to offer." She couldn't help but scowl.

"Filthy whore! Can you do nothing right?!" His words still rang in her ears, and she still hurt, her head and side throbbed. She knew there'd be nice bruises waiting for her when she bothered to look.

"Kagura?" She blinked.
"Are you alright?"
She wiped at her tears. "Yea." She didn't have to look at the girl to know she didn't belive her.

"Do you want me to walk you home?" She looked quizicly at her. "Why-?" Kagome shrugged. "I dunno." She scowled. "What, you feel bad for me? Want to do your good dead for the day? Earn some Brownie points, be a good citizen?" She eyed Kagome up warily. Kagome frowned.
"No, I just want to be nice."
Kagome shrugged then looked up at the sky. "I don't just sorta remind me something."

She sighed. "Well, I'm not going home." Kagome looked at her but decided not to say whatever was foremost in her thoughts.

"Well...Then do you want to come to dinner at my house? I doubt my mom'll mind." She stared at the girl, such kindness foreign to her. But it was cold...

Her thoughts lept to her 'father'. He might be mad...But then he was always mad. As long as she simply said 'out' or 'at the park' she'd avoid harsher punishment. Besides, she'd get bitched at anyway. She did leave after all.

"Alright, why not." Smiling Kagome stood, and she followed. "Come on then, it's cold out." Kagome started off. Shrugging, she followed.


"It's so nice to meet one of Kagome's new friends. I'm glad to see she's started to come out of her shell." She stared bewilderedly at Kagome's mom. "Uh...Yea."

She doubted the woman wanted to hear her daughter'd picked up a stranger in the park and brought her home for a dinner guest. Of course as she was still wearing her uniform, explaining would have been stupid.

"Well come on then, have a seat!" She smiled wanely.
"Thank you."
"Of course dear, you're most welcome."
Kagome's mom led her into the dinning room.

"This is Souta." Said little boy looked strangly up at her.
"And this is-"
She stared blankly at the ancient man brandishing a sutra at her.

"Grandpa! How many times do I have to tell you to stop accusing Kagome's friends of being demons? Honestly!" The old man grumbled. She smiled at him in a weird 'sorry' way. Too bad she wasn't a demon. That'd solve alot of her problems.

"Have a seat now you two, dinners getting cold." She nodded lightly and sat next to Souta, Kagome collapsing on the other side of her seconds later. Grandpa sat across from her, eyeing her up.

"So tell me girl, if you aren't a demon, then why are your eyes that color?" She shrugged. Souta leaned forward, trying to get a better look at her. She glanced over at him. His eyes widened.

"Hey yea! Your eyes are red!" She frowned. She thought they were more magenta. "Actually, they're more of a dark crimson. They look kinda magenta-y in the sunlight." They all looked at Kagome, who stopped as she felt their stares. "What? Can't I make an observation?"

After that conversation was more normal, centering around school, Kagome's boyfriend, Kagome's mom's day, Souta's day, etc. Of course they asked her about herself, but she didn't have much to give.

"I'm 17, live with my foster parents, go to Kagome's school, er, and that's about it I guess." She didn't think Kagome's family needed to know about her bad habits, problems, issues, stuff like that.

"Foster parents ey? So you don't know your real parents?" She shook her head nonchalantly at the old man. Like she cared.
"So you could be a demon and not even know it!"

She pondered this. "You know old man, you have a point. I could be a demon. But then again I could also be an alien..Or just a plain old human, can't forget that one." Souta giggled. "You know I could be right, you shouldn't take it so lightly!" She simply smirked and returned to her dinner, glad to be eating a real, home-cooked meal.


"Good bye Kagura! I'll see you tomorrow!" She made a waving motion over her shoulder as she left, having already said her thank you's and good-bye's.

It was dark but she didn't care. It soothed her nerves. She'd stayed longer than intended. Blocking out her dark thoughts on what that would mean later, she concentrated on the feel of her feet hitting the concrete.

Digging around in the pockets of the old leather jacket she wore, she pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter she'd nicked from some jock at school. Opening the crumpled pack she frowned, pulling out a lone cigarette. Her last one.

Making a mental note to go get another sometime soon, she lit it deftly and took a long draw on the thing.

Tilting her head back to gaze at the almost starless sky, she exhaled, watching the smoke disapear into the night. "Ah sweet death..."

Long after her cigarette she arrived at her doorstep, shivering slightly in the autumn air. Taking a deep breath, she listened momentarily, stealing herself. She could hear the t.v blaring loudly.

Praying her 'father' would be passed out in his chair in the den, she quietly opened the door. All was dark save for the t.v. 'Mom' was probably asleep, filled with the usual, tequila and sleeping pills.

Walking in, she shut the door quietly behind her. "Were've you been little girl?" Her heart stopped at the deadly voice to her right. Turning slowly, she looked to the shadows were he stood, watching her with a twisted grin on his face.

"Well you little bitch? Out whoring yourself?"
"I was at the park."
"Yea right. More like some back alley."
She said nothing, inwardly cursing him while at the same time preparing herslef.

"Tch tch tch, you've been a naughty little girl, and now, you need to be punished." Her heart lept into her throat, constricting it, making it hard to breath.

As he drew closer she registered the scent of booze on his breath. Lowering her eyes, she mentally walked away, leaving her body to take the beating while she dwelled in darkness, listening to the abstact of silence, and the voices on the wind.