InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ That Ghost.... ❯ Happily Ever After ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~Last Time~

I looked down at myself and my whole entire body was engulfed in shining pink, blue, and white light.


I stare down at my glowing body and then at Inuyasha gaping at me, at a lose for words. Then it hit me when my body was levitated into the air. Inuyasha had broken the curse.

A kiss. That was all I needed. A kiss from the one I loved so dearly. My body began to feel heavy. Gravity coming back to me. Then as quick as it happened I fell down into Inuyasha’s arms. He stared at me bewildered.

He said this slowly, “Did we just break the curse?”

He lifted his hand and placed it on my now warm and still lightly glowing cheek. Then he surprised me. A small tear rolled down the side of his face. A smile slowly formed, such a sweet smile. He buried his face in my neck and held me to him tightly.

“I’m so happy.” His voice cracked. Then a knock came from the door. We looked up and saw Miroku, Sango, Shippou perched on her shoulder, and Sesshomaru in the back. He actually, for the first time, looked surprised. I smiled at them and tried to scramble up, it’s a little hard when you haven’t gotten up off the floor with your arms for over 500 years. Inuyasha lifted himself up easily and grabbed onto the top part of my arms and pulled me up.

I stumbled a little, trying to remember how to stand on two legs. He moved his arms down to my waist and held me close to him looking at the people staring at us like we were standing naked. I looked down just in case… Still clothed, okay. I averted my eyes to Inuyasha’s glowing face smiling at everyone.

Sango was the first to sputter out, “Kagome is that really you? I mean like REALLY you? Human? Curse-Free? Un-transparent? Non-floaty?” I giggled. She must really be surprised because she never sounded so stupid. Then I felt something grabbing my lower back.

“Oh, yes, yes. Kagome is really human.” I looked behind me to find none other then Miroku. I stared at him, my eyes practically bugging out of my head. Inuyasha reached down and grabbed his wrist. I could hear the sickening crack and Miroku’s yelp.

Then Sango was there, almost breaking his other wrist dragging him away from me.

“Really, Miroku, now? Do you have to do it now?” Sango grounded out at him under her breath. I looked back at Inuyasha and then at my friends.

Then Inuyasha’s parents came up the stairs, “Okay kids, what’s going on?” InuTaisho, his father, called out from behind everyone in his deep voice. Inuyasha’s mother, Izayoi, was standing behind him trying to see over his shoulder. When she caught a glimpse of me in Inuyasha’s arms her face light up and a huge smile stretched across her heart shaped face.

InuTaisho pushed through everyone and took a good look at me. “There’s something different about you Kagome, like I can’t feel that aura you have engulfed around the house disappeared.” He thought about it for a second, analyzing me and then his eyes widened. “You broke the curse!” He grinned widely when I nodded at him, he looked proud that he figured it out and that made me smile like an idiot. Izayoi ran to me and held my face between her hands.

“Oh, my! You are alive! Now she can have children! Yess!!!” She celebrated by herself, jumping around in place. I turned red and Inuyasha caressed my check, blushing just as bright as me.

“How? What did you do!?” Shippou asked from Sango’s shoulder. He jumped off and ran to me, holding my leg.

“Well…” I blushed, “To break the curse I needed a kiss… from the one I loved,” My face burned hotter. Everyone softened up, all but Sesshomaru who was just leaning against the door way now, the surprise drained completely from his face. But something about his expression told me he wasn’t all that emotionless. He looked brighter like he was happy for his brother. Something there gave him away. I don’t know if it was the slight pull on the corner of his mouth or how his eyes were more open then usual.

He looked up at me and I smiled at him. The pull on the side of his lips tugged a little more to reveal a small, genuine smile. I looked up at Inuyasha and all the smiling faces. This was the moment I’d been waiting for for so long. To be around a loving family and friends, to be human, to live out the rest of my life normally like before.

Inuyasha bent his head down close to my ear, “I love you.” He whispered and I stretched up and kissed him softly, “I love you too.”

My bad, I meant:

To live out the rest of my life normally with Inuyasha.

A/N Hope everyone enjoyed the story!!! It wasn’t that great didn’t have such a great beginning but I think I improved in my writing very much towards the end. Thank you for all the reviews and for all the encouragement!! I’d like to especially thank:
Lil6ter for all her help with my writing.
Shell6 for all the crazy comments and saying how much you loved the story.

Well byyyee!!! See you all in another story I write! Lol love you all. Sorry if all of you wanted more but i really thought now was a good time to end it! Don't worry there'll be other stories from me or someone else you'll love(:.

Love, Lil Babe0206